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Found a bug

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I found a bug (and yes, it is already reported) that might occur for all of CMBN (and CMFI as well) or at least in MG where I found it. I had a mortar team with a knocked out mortar. Every time I had them enter a carrier to acquire a new 2" mortar the game would then freeze when calculating the real time action. It has been repeated several times with the same result.

Not that this situation happens a lot, but just a heads up if your in the middle of a lot of planning in a round and isn't too keen on a crash.

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One thing I've been wondering while playing version 2.1:

how many bullet hits (some penetrations) should a jeep or similar small vehicle be able to survive before it immobilizes?

The situation I just saw was a MG42 firing this multipurpose vehicle from 250m distance, exactly the direction where they were driving . Several bursts hit from front and the vehicle just kept driving.

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i have a question,may or may not be a bug

in a recent QB H2H

i have some light mortars that come attached to my fallschrimjaeger platoons

which dont appear to want to share ammo?

3 teams within a tile of each other,or even on the same tile

one team has lost its mortar somewhere,but isnt knocked out,just cant deploy

2nd team has only one crewmen left

3rd team has 2 crewmen

not pinned or otherwise terrified

team with the lost mortar has 20 odd rounds listed left

team 3 has 12 rounds

ammo bearers are roughly in the same area

no sharing going on whatsoever?

feature or bug,guys?

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What about this small issue - bug or not?

a Panther has been hit so that the main gun is damaged. MGs should be functional.

I can give the tank Target command but NOT Target Light command.

Why not allow Target Light if MGs are ok?

Target light means "fire the lessor weapons not the big gun", but your Panther now only has MGs so there is no big gun or lessor weapon. Target will do what you want.

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Heavy weapons are assigned to the soldiers, not vehicles. When the crew disembarks they take it with them automatically. Ammo, on the other hand, can be assigned to both vehicles and soldiers. When the crew disembarks they only take what is assigned to them and leave the rest in the vehicle. If the crew has already expended some ammo they do restock when they are in the vehicle. You can also have a vehicle near a heavy weapons crew and the crew will take ammo from the vehicle. None of this uses the Acquire Command.


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Heavy weapons are assigned to the soldiers, not vehicles. When the crew disembarks they take it with them automatically. Ammo, on the other hand, can be assigned to both vehicles and soldiers. When the crew disembarks they only take what is assigned to them and leave the rest in the vehicle. If the crew has already expended some ammo they do restock when they are in the vehicle. You can also have a vehicle near a heavy weapons crew and the crew will take ammo from the vehicle. None of this uses the Acquire Command.


Does it make a difference that (in the case I am thinking of) they are Brit 51mm mortars - and therefore not "heavy" weapons?

The circumstance is that, in a user (not me)-created scenario, it starts with the recon teams outside their (purposely) immobilised carriers. The teams' main armament is PIATs, for the scenario purposes, but the teams can be put back into the carriers and "acquire" the 51mm mortars and the ammo, both of which are still in the carrier.

Perhaps this "contrived" set up position is outside normal operating procedure?

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Since BFC is so good at minding the small details, I’ll add these observations. I just purchased the Market Garden Module last weekend, so bear with me if these things have already been pointed out.

The long tarp/canvas “shared gear” model that is randomly assigned to Commonwealth AFV’s floats above the rear engine deck when paired with the Daimler Dingo Scout Car.

The commander's arm protrudes through the turret wall on the PSW 223 model. I don’t recall seeing this prior to the Market Garden Module. This is also noticeable with the new M18 turret/crew.

I’m curious, is the PSW 231 model included with Market Garden the version intended for final distribution? I ask because there seems to be a bit more reliance on textures to give the illusion of 3D objects rather than actual parts of the model itself being “built up.” I noticed this particularly on the small ports on the turret (compare with artist's rendering below). Also, the MG34 is a blankly colored cylinder. This reminds me of the scaled down German AFV models accidentally packaged with the Commonwealth Module that were later replaced with much better versions. Perhaps this is all just the result of an intentional economy of effort, but I thought I would ask.


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again i ask, can the kzGrW 42 8 cm mortar crews share mortar rounds with other nearby teams of the same type?

are there any limitations or exceptions for sharing ammo?

also,can the above scavenge ammo from a knocked out or dead team?

Although I haven't done this with the medium mortars (only 60mm), yes the crews can share ammo. If you have the MG module there have been some changes to sharing rules with regards to ammo bearers, look in the MG manual for details. Pre-Market Garden the 60mm team could only share ammo with units within the same platoon. I'm not sure if the new MG rules change this since they only mention ammo bearers.

BTW, Pre-Market Garden the sharing happened automatically but only once the mortar team ran out of ammo. Once it ran out, then it would take ammo from a nearby unit if there were any to share and it still had a target command active.

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thanks,i did have a quick read of the manual but didnt see it.

this was actually an CMFI QB now that i double checked,which i guess makes sense anyway

the teams were from 3 individual platoons,so i wasnt aware of that limitation

appreciate the reply

i'll do some testing now i guess

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Does it make a difference that (in the case I am thinking of) they are Brit 51mm mortars - and therefore not "heavy" weapons?

Yes. The 2" mortar is treated like a Panzerschreck or Bazooka. And now that I reread the original post I see it was clearly about a 2" mortar, not a 3" mortar. Doh! The 2" mortar is the exception to the rule because it basically is a glorified grenade launcher in practice.

Sorry about the confusion!

Testers may have isolated a particular situation that the game isn't happy with. They're putting theories to the test now.


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BTW, Pre-Market Garden the sharing happened automatically but only once the mortar team ran out of ammo. Once it ran out, then it would take ammo from a nearby unit if there were any to share and it still had a target command active.

I will normally group all my company mortars together as an indirect fire support unit, and they obviously pool their resources if close enough together. I.e., they not each show a total of 96 instead of 32 rounds. Then, if I use one mortar in a fire mission, the total for all three goes down evenly. I.e., if checked individually, they each show the same number of rounds available. One thing I haven't checked on is whether that condition would continue if I separated the three mortars so that they were beyond sharing range. Would only the mortar which had been fired show its available total as depleted? I don't know.


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