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Bug with At Mines?

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It is possible for armour to roll through AT mines - just depends on the 'roll of the dice' if they set off a mine so sounds like you were unlucky or they were personnel mines placed by mistake?

I'd be wary of just placing mines though without anything keeping an eye on them i.e. some unit in overwatch like an AT gun. Sit it tight with a cover arc/hidden, wait till a tank hits a mine the KO it with your AT weapon. Likewise have a MG or two to keep infantry from crossing.

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Oh, oh this is a scary conversation. I thought someone did some testing a while back and showed that mines were not working as expected in the 2.01 patch. At the time I thought a tester reported sending the problem on to BFC. I really hope this is not another example of the problem not getting through to the right people.

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Oh, oh this is a scary conversation. I thought someone did some testing a while back and showed that mines were not working as expected in the 2.01 patch. At the time I thought a tester reported sending the problem on to BFC. I really hope this is not another example of the problem not getting through to the right people.

The issue was reported and fixed for CMFI. It probably just needs to be 'ported' over to the CMBN series if applicable.

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There have been CM AT mine issues since CMBO. I know, because I got tired of watching the exact same tank romp back then. I found, though, that stacking two minefields atop one another virtually guaranteed running over a mine.

Wonder if the magical "slow tanks hitting mines take less damage than do fast moving ones" has been sorted out? If so, I must've missed the memo. Fundamentally, mine warfare comes down to density, clever placement and covering the minefield with fire. Of course, luck never hurts!


John Kettler

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Looks like you missed the memo. After having not been able to play since late May of this year, I've started a new game. The exciting (to me) story's here.


For the record, I'm running CMBN/CW 2.01, which, I believe, is the latest and greatest version of the game. Now, do Paras sport Hawkins mines, and do we have daisy chain mines? Must go look. But first, sack time!


John Kettler

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Mark Ezra,

Where you find Paras/Airborne, you find the Hawkins Grenade, thus daisy chain mines. It would appear from the Wiki, though, that the Hawkins Grenade was in far more general use.


Operational history[edit source | editbeta]

Introduced in 1942, the grenade saw service with the British Army until 1955. The United States Army also used the grenade, as well as developing their own variant known as the M7 light anti-tank mine.[2] When used in an anti-tank role, a number of the grenades could be strung together in a 'daisy chain' at intervals of around two feet, and then placed across a road to damage an armoured vehicle.[11] It was particularly effective at damaging the tracks of a tank.[12] When sufficient grenades were grouped together, they were capable of disabling a medium tank.[13] The Hawkins was also used in other roles, such as breaching walls,[1] and its small size also meant that it could easily be placed into the 'web' of a railway line and, when detonated, destroy a section of track.[9]

Ref 11 Rottman, World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics, pp. 61-62

The site Canadian Soldier calls it the most common antitank grenade by Canadian soldiery. (Moon, please don't smite me.)


While not a daisy chain use, there's the fabulous "Smokey" Smith account here, in which the Hawkins Grenade is explicitly cited. See August 03/05. Contrary to one reply in by old CM thread, the Hawkins works fine in the mud, too. That's because the fuze is crush triggered and is chemical, not mechanical.


This non Para scenario is supported by a most interesting illo here, showing three minemen and multiple daisy chain mine strings. From the text, it's clear the Hawkins wasn't confined to the Paras in British use.


Here's what I had to say on the matter back when BFC was BTS. It's my made up Para example (#7), but note later that real/former soldiers report they were taught the same procedure.


Page 27 here shows a German daisy chain mine pic (note cable), and Page 43 describes how to make and use a daisy chain. URL's not pretty, but the doc is.


WARNING! RESEARCH MODE ENGAGED! AKA You may wish to take a breather before continuing.

FM 7-35 Infantry Regiment and Antitank Platoon, Battalion has considerable information in it on U.s. antitank mine warfare practices and procedures, to include some approaches I've never seen before.


This is how the Germans taught their troops expedient antitank warfare in 1942. My post has the still good vid link to the nine part set.


Since I, too, have a PTO gene, here's a once Restricted Military Intelligence Division pub Japanese Tank And Antitank Warfare. Everything you want to know about all sorts of interesting Japanese antitank toys and tactics. Turns out the Japanese even had a kind of Panzerwurfmine. The how-to of close range tank killing is described in incredible detail.



John Kettler

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