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CM: Shock Force 2 Wish List

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Never know, BF might come up with some kind of model for that, but I suspect the terrain, flavor items, buildings etc will all change so much it may not be feasible. Even looking at CMBN vs CMFI you have a significant amount of variation in the building types. CMFI has more 3 and 4 story buildings than CMBN currently and it capable of creating higher population density urban maps.

I have gone back to CMSF and tried to recreate some ideas I have been tinkering around with in CMBN/CMFI and I just can't do them in CMSF. Really looking forward to CMSF2 as I think the map creation capabilities will be a lot better.

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Never know, BF might come up with some kind of model for that, ....I have gone back to CMSF and tried to recreate some ideas I have been tinkering around with in CMBN/CMFI and I just can't do them in CMSF. Really looking forward to CMSF2 as I think the map creation capabilities will be a lot better.

I hope BF can do it. Even if it gets kinda close it could save a great number of great maps already done for CMSF-1. Looking at the editor changes for CMBN/FI I too think CMSF-2 will be a lot better.

I heard on BBC that the Brits admitted they are droning Afghanistan so we have to have drones in CMSF-2 now:)

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I'd like to see this kind of groggy stuff in the game. The Russian firing trials of the same weapons and cartridges on their helmet and body armor vs ours is a real shocker. Their body armor will stop a Dragunov at practically spitting distance. That same Dragunov punches a hole right through ours. Their TT (Tokarev) won't pierce their helmet, but will pierce ours, and their helmet's around a pound lighter. And if you can believe it, the Russian MOD is planning on buying body armor from the French, armor inferior to the Russians' and fraught with other issues!



John Kettler

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Not sure if this fits in the wish list, but I'd really like to see BF abandon DRM. I find it a nuisance when it interferes with OS security features, but more practically, I find that games that I can drop onto different machines so much better. The last couple of indie games I bought have all been cross-platform without DRM -- a much better experience. (Indeed, it's reached the point where I'm sticking with only the base CMSF. I'm too irritated to buy the modules.)

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phil180, afaik you can install a single copy on several different machines (never tried it though). In the CMSF manual it says:

"eLicense allows you to license, un-license and re-license the game

as often as you wish. This allows you to use CM:SF on several

computers if you like (up to two at the same time) without

reinstallation, and gives you the right to re-sell the game after

you’ve had your fun with it (as long as you un-license your


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BF & cross-platform without DRM .... I have not had any of these issues... other than boot camp ... a time consuming pain in the booty when I need to work but have a few minutes of play time.

I know BF now supports MAC (my OS of choice / work) and I can easily install on a desktop & a laptop. The Help Desk was quick to fix any issues I had so

".... a complete random map generator (just like CMX1) for quick battles.."

Definition of Hermit Breeding ;)

Hey, I agree & already have a man cave, La Pavoni machine... so I should be good :)

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phil180, afaik you can install a single copy on several different machines (never tried it though). In the CMSF manual it says:

"eLicense allows you to license, un-license and re-license the game

as often as you wish. This allows you to use CM:SF on several

computers if you like (up to two at the same time) without

reinstallation, and gives you the right to re-sell the game after

you’ve had your fun with it (as long as you un-license your


And requires an active Internet connection to do so (I'm often away with work and surprisingly don't have the luxury of a reliable connection frequently). Besides, it's an additional hassle. I play games for fun, not for more book-keeping.

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This is not true. I just tested it and the game launches without an internet connection after beeing licensed. You only need an internet connection during the process of licensing or unlicensing but once that has been done, you dont. This means you can run CMSF on 2 different machines simultaniously with a single license.

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This is not true. I just tested it and the game launches without an internet connection after beeing licensed. You only need an internet connection during the process of licensing or unlicensing but once that has been done, you dont. This means you can run CMSF on 2 different machines simultaniously with a single license.

What's not true? I'm well aware of it not needing to access a licence server once it's activated. My point is that it's a bloody nuisance when you have multiple machines. And there's still the poor interaction with security software.

From my viewpoint, unless the game is utterly fantastic I'm no longer spending money on DRM-encumbered software. I recognise the right of publishers and authors to make their own decisions, but I don't have to buy it. (CMSF, while good fun, has enough issues such as the QB misfeatures and some UI problems, so isn't good enough.)

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Some type of dynamic AI, even to a basic degree, would be a MAJOR improvement. In addition to making the gameplay more interesting it would take some of the load off scenario and quick battle map designers who would no longer have to do as much tweaking to AI paths trying to predict what the player will do. I imagine this would indirectly increase map quality as well as quantity, as they could be made faster.

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I mostly play CMSF vs AI now because I don't have the regular time to dedicate to an email game and I dislike the make a move skip a few days or more and get a move back or be away for a week and where was I feeling. I am just an average player (usually at Veteran or Elite) but if I want to make the current CMSF more challenging, I play Real Time. With increasing numbers of units and using few if any pauses. the A.I. in the current CMSF can give me a good challenge.

AI in CMSF-2 will be much better than CMSF ... I am sure of that. That said, AI will never equal an experienced human player on the other side.

Another CMSF-2 Wish List item = *Toggle Weather*

This might help in frame rate challenged scenarios. Kind of like reducing model quality or lowering texture quality I would think.

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I'd to see a properly modeled Shmel-M, but only as long as my guys aren't on the receiving end! I thought plain old Shmel (RPO-A) was bad, but this thing's terrifying. Note what it does to pretty much whatever it hits. Destroys bunkers, urban structures, Hummer type vehicles (eradicates structure clear down to axle) and cracks the armor on a BTR-60 PK.

RPG-7 with extensive trial imagery showing damage, how the dual stage HEAT munition works, thermobaric warhead tests, effects vs ERA and more. Should help effectiveness modeling.

SVDK Sniper Rifle (9.3 x 64mm, midway between the 7.62 x 54mm SVD and the 12.7x 110mm OSV/Cord/?) This is a matter of real concern to my military contacts, seeing as how it can shoot right through our body armor and isn't really much bigger than the SVD.


VKS This could be a game changer. A suppressed, lightweight 12.7mm sniper rifle firing subsonic ammo. Spetsnaz weapon!

Cord 12.7mm sniper rifle. For mere mortals. Similar tech, but full power cartridge and, obviously, no suppressor. Bullpup design as above. Ditto bolt action. One shown seems to have a rough action.


From more of a game design standpoint, I think it's going to be very important to properly model broadband obscurants, an area in which the Soviets/Russians had, but we didn't, not only through the last several decades of the Cold War but up until quite recently. Before that, all we had was red phosphorus, which screened visually and that was it.


John Kettler

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I hate when I switch thoughts, but forget to change the wording. The sentence should've said:

From more of a game design standpoint, I think it's going to be very important to properly model broadband obscurants, which the Soviets/Russians had, but we didn't, not only through the last several decades of the Cold War but up until quite recently. Before that, all we had was red phosphorus, which screened visually and that was it.


This is for CM: Shock Force 2, which is modern. Methinks thou art in the wrong thread!


John Kettler

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I know that the Stryker vehicles in CMSF have IR blocking smoke, but I don't remember what else does.

All OPFOR tanks and bmps do IIRC. The Warrior IFV and that british ATGM vehicle of wich i cant remeber the name too, IIRC.

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Those are really good news!! On the other hand BF should spend more time in AI patches for previous releases. In this way "old" games like CMSF or Afganistan could be more interesting to new and old customers.

Hmm. Well, if we ever had time to do this, I think we'd love to, but in terms of priorities this is probably not right at the top of the list.

Some type of dynamic AI, even to a basic degree, would be a MAJOR improvement.

Agreed. It would require a similarly major amount of time to do, though.

AI is that rarest of development projects - patently useful AND fun to work on / design - but it also takes an enormous amount of time to get it right. CM is a pretty complex game. Even a basic dynamic AI for it would require a lot of work and time to make it good enough to be worth the effort of doing it in the first place. Kind of a Catch-22.

That doesn't mean it won't happen, just that there are things that'll be a higher priority because they're more economical time-wise and still provide a lot of value. We've only got two programmers, and frankly we're busy as heck as it is. :)

Don´t know if it could be possible, but I´d love to see the introduction of warships for coastal bombardments and amphibious landing operations support.

As artillery selections, you mean?

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