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CM: Shock Force 2 Wish List

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Moon "The Road Ahead" 06-22-2012

3. CM: Shock Force 2. Our return to modern warfare is long overdue! Given how close Shock Force 1 was at predicting a conventional conflict in Syria, we're a little nervous about choosing a topic this time around. Especially because we've chosen to simulate a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine. This gives players a rich tactical environment to explore with the most advanced militaries the world has ever seen. Having said that, we hope the politicians aren't insane enough to try it for real...

So what would you like to see in CM: Shock Force 2?

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Thanks for the link. SlowMotion.

I agree. Drones in many forms are used by modern warfare entities like NATO and Russia. I suspect insurgents will be using these devices in meaningful ways soon as well. Recon role at the minimum. Small fighting units use manually launched UAVs.

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For CMSF2 (and all other CMs):

1) Get rid of QB restrictions (only hold objectives and weird point changeing of objectives).

I want to make a map with every available kind of objective with my own point allocations, fire up a QB, and go.

2) Install a QB system analogous to CMBN in CMSF2 even if the buying points don´t make any real sense. The only thing worse than cherry picking isn´t being able to do so.

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For CMSF2 (and all other CMs):

1) Get rid of QB restrictions (only hold objectives and weird point changeing of objectives).

I want to make a map with every available kind of objective with my own point allocations, fire up a QB, and go.



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;1426944']For CMSF2 (and all other CMs):

1) Get rid of QB restrictions (only hold objectives and weird point changeing of objectives).

I want to make a map with every available kind of objective with my own point allocations, fire up a QB, and go.

2) Install a QB system analogous to CMBN in CMSF2 even if the buying points don´t make any real sense. The only thing worse than cherry picking isn´t being able to do so.

+2 QB cherry picking is fun.

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I wonder if a frames per second meter could be a game feature addition?

Another wish list item for folks who like to mod their games a lot would be the ability to set select different Z folders to load. A UI selection option that allowed picking Z folder "a" or "b" or whatever mod theme rather than physically moving the files in the folder.

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I would sort of assume that rather than reinvent the wheel they would just port the new CMBN QB unit system over to SF2, as well as all the improvements with terrain like different symbols for types of fences etc in the editor.

So for some think new I'd like "flypast"

This would be the ability to watch replays of airstrikes form a realistic angle and height close to what the pilot would see.

For Helicopters that might be the equivalent of view "4" at quick and aircraft view "5" at fast. Nothing fancy involving animation just a variation on looking the view on a moving unit


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How about that picture overlay for the scenario editor? Havent tried it yet but it sounds incredibly useful for mapmakers. I found printing out satelite images and using them for making maps making both inaccurate and cumbersome in CMSF.

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Assault building option which, when activated, would make the squad adopt realistic room clearing techniques, without micro-managing all the waypoints and targeting instructions.

Better damage modelling to vehicles, even damage decals?

Waypoint granularity and more action spots, too often the RPG team, moved previously, in ambush is spotted because it jigs around before firing.

Grenades and WP to be on aquisition list, vital in BUA

Area fire using similar template to artillery (point linear and area) the template would have realative movement to the firer

Convoy ability to allow lead vehicle to be followed with correct spacing

Just a few, from playing the demo.

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Thanks guys. Some good suggestions for sure. "flypast" would be very cool. A "flypast" from the drone would be really nice! I suspect the minimum we will see is port the new CMBN QB unit system over to SF2. Not that doing this is snap the fingers easy because it requires someone(s) to do all that work. Picture overlay would be great for map making. Lots of interesting suggestions just from playing the demo Vark!

Another I thought of while working out this AM was the ability to select a playlist of music for background. Just like when you have your iTunes playlist of select songs if you could cue up your "Generation Kill" playlist in place of stock background .wavs and the ability to mute and/or increase decrease the volume of the playlist. Plenty of times I will play without any background sounds so I can hear the actual battle action but sometimes rocking out to an M1 Abrams doing business is "relaxing" ;)

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Something else concerning the scenario editor: give us the option to acquire equipment from vehicles in the editor! Currently you cant hand out the Javelins from the US Army vehicles in the editor wich largely reduces the infantry anti-armor capabilities of a Blue AI. The only way i think that currently might work (havent tested it yet) would be to bake the scenario and issue orders to the AI troops so they acquire the Javelins and then move into positions during the first turn.

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+1 to the above good ideas.

Also, in the early version of CMSF we were all excited by the shock wave/bubble effect of large explosions as they ripped across the desert.

The effect was dropped as it was too resource hungry. But, with today's machines, I wonder if that shockwave could be brought back. It was a great visual and you almost "felt" the force of the explosion. (Actually if one had a "feedback" chair, one would!)

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The shockwave was definitely in the early screenshots at least, but it got cut. +1 re adjustable fonts.

Oh, and as someone mentioned re CMBN a way to organize formations at set-up instead of having to spend time getting the right units with the right HQ etc.

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Quick listing of "CM: Shock Force 2" Wish List replies.

Drones: aerial reconnaissance and attack systems

QB Remove restrictions and expand objectives

Port a CMBN like QB system to CMSF2 but allow cherry picking

Frames per second display option

UI option that allows select different Z folders to load at start up different mod themes rather than physically moving files in the Z folder to change mods.

"Flypast" ability to watch replays of airstrikes form a realistic angle and height close to what the pilot would see.

Picture overlay for the scenario editor for mapmaking.

Assault building option to make the squad adopt realistic room clearing techniques, without micro-managing all the waypoints and targeting instructions.

Damage modeling to vehicles with damage decals.

Greater waypoint granularity with more action spots

Grenades and WP to be on acquisition list

Area fire using similar template to artillery (point linear and area) with relative movement to the firer

Convoy ability to allow lead vehicle to be followed with correct spacing

Ability to select a playlist of music for game background with a hotkey ability to mute and/or increase decrease the volume of the playlist.

Option to acquire equipment from vehicles in the scenario editor.

Shock wave/bubble effect of large explosions.

Organize formations hotkey at set-up to get the right units with the right HQ etc.

Greater throw grenades specificity - throw smoke or frags.

Some more items I thought about today.

A listing of the .wavs / .bmps and their corresponding units / weapons to aid in modding.

Air defense systems: fixed, short-range, self-propelled,hand-held anti-aircraft systems.

Friendly fire, anti-air missile mishaps.

Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C³I): simulate jamming, systems failing replaced by mobile phones, etc.

GPS unavailable due to the war zone being blacked out.

Cyber Attack with corresponding infrastructure impacts.

Naval simulation: ports, shipping of patrol boats, logistical targeting and impact.

Local ethnic minorities units "extremists" with little discipline and/or respect for the laws of war.

Thanks again guys for the user input.

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My favorites re the above:

UI option that allows select different Z folders to load at start up different mod themes rather than physically moving files in the Z folder to change mods.

Assault building option to make the squad adopt realistic room clearing techniques, without micro-managing all the waypoints and targeting instructions.

Convoy ability to allow lead vehicle to be followed with correct spacing. I would add formation commands for vehicles and inf. But maybe that's more applicable to WW2 era?

Option to acquire equipment from vehicles in the scenario editor. I would add "option to acquire/swap ammo when ADJACENT to a vehicle or other unit".

Organize formations hotkey at set-up to get the right units with the right HQ etc.

The above are all re making play easier and faster and more fun. More important than ear & eye candy imo.

Ear & eye candy I like:

Shock wave/bubble effect of large explosions.

Ability to select a playlist of music for game background with a hotkey ability to mute and/or increase decrease the volume of the playlist.

I was also intrigued by interesting ideas that am not sure how they'd play out. Would they make the game "better" or simply more complex:

Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C³I): simulate jamming, systems failing replaced by mobile phones, etc.

GPS unavailable due to the war zone being blacked out. Cyber Attack with corresponding infrastructure impacts.

Local ethnic minorities units "extremists" with little discipline and/or respect for the laws of war. (How would that feature manifest itself? What laws of war? Does this require civilians in the game?)

Re air issues: Unless we have planes in the game, am unclear how making AAA more detailed as opposed to the current absraction would help the game. It would be loverly to have chopper transports for loading/unloading men and materiel. But, given the programming issues just to improve the basic game, it's hard to see aircraft issues as a priority.

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Precision guided artillery and mortar munitions like Krasnopol, Excalibur, GMLRS, PGMM (120mm mortar), etc.

Larger map size.

Half-meter increments in elevation.

A campaign scripting system for user-made content, so we can avoid the dedicated mission just to choose campaign branches.

Battle scripting system for more dynamic battles against the AI, especially attacks.

Obstacles, roadblocks, booby-traps, fougasse, etc.

More realistic handling of night vision; degrades around light sources like flares, fires, or insufficient ambient light.

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I think a lot of the above doesn't need a new Game so much as a module with some of the new features in CMBN and now Italy added to the original.

The module I would like would be an update on the current game still set in Syria but featuring a wider conflict.

CMS:Borders would feature;

Turkish, Egyptian (not strickly a neighbour I know but 1,000+ export M-1's), Lebanese, Israeli and even Iraq forces, with the venerable M60 in it's different guises making a welcome appearance as a western tank that better matches soviet era tanks.

Turkey has a range of it's own equipment, including a new APC and Stryker type APC. It goes without saying that Israel has a good selection of new equipment.

Another addition would be "Militia" a semi regular force better than combatants or fighters on a par with reserves but with a possible mix of red and blue weapons.

As well as representing the likes of the free Syrian army and Libyan rebels it could also simulate the many tribal and ruling party paramilitaries we see in the region.

Adding Red and Blue weapons to combatants and fighters would also help given that irregulars have since the Arab spring started to receive a wider range of weapons, all be it at a lower level.


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Apocal, some early Soviet NOD's actually burned out if subject to too much white light, don't know about more modern varieties.

Whilst playing yesterday I had to faff around, with waypoints and facings, to make a MGS fire one round into a target structure. Why not have ROF like artillery, maximum, medium, slow etc, which could be overidden if a threat target appeared?

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More good suggestions for the "Wish List." Thanks guys.

Russia's heavy opposition to Ukraine becoming members of NATO (with NATO missiles on Russia's border), the "disagreements" in the Russian-Ukrainian energy relations (plenty of volatile substance for potential for mischief-maker mayhem) I can see the full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine but unconventional actors / actions could be very significant in igniting the flames. Since CMSF has combatants and fighters, irregulars ...""Militia" a semi regular force better than combatants or fighters on a par with reserves but with a possible mix of red and blue weapons...." would seem to fit the CMSF2 setting very well.

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I keep forgetting this but I doubt this will make any CMSF 2 wish list: Multi processor support... and the unlimited ability to use as much memory for CMSF2.

I think the men at the Battle Front Workshop already have over half these wish list items in beta ;)

It is fun to think and wish for an even better future while having a blast with the current CMSF MAC:D

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