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Tanker tanker pants on fire


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If you mean the movement behind the tank, it appears to be a piece of plastic bag or something waving in the wind. There's a lot of other trash in the vicinity. It kinda looks like a human arm at first glance but it seems a little unarticulated for a limb.

I'm not completely sure if the man comes out of the turret or not because it's all covered in smoke at that point, but the hatch does swing open and some movement seems to be going on behind the screen of smoke coming from inside - and then the guy appears rolling behind the tank, just as the ammo starts burning. The man's attire also looks like what I'd expect from a man who just bailed out of a burning tank. Seems plausible at least.

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If you mean the movement behind the tank, it appears to be a piece of plastic bag or something waving in the wind. There's a lot of other trash in the vicinity. It kinda looks like a human arm at first glance but it seems a little unarticulated for a limb.

I'm not completely sure if the man comes out of the turret or not because it's all covered in smoke at that point, but the hatch does swing open and some movement seems to be going on behind the screen of smoke coming from inside - and then the guy appears rolling behind the tank, just as the ammo starts burning. The man's attire also looks like what I'd expect from a man who just bailed out of a burning tank. Seems plausible at least.

I think Sergei may be correct.

Assuming this is not a faked video and the tanker is the person scampering to the building after the massive fire in the tank, I suggest, absent rapid medical care, the tanker did not survive.

Assuming the tanker has no serious additional trauma status from the tank exploding ??? the tanker is still in a world of burn hurt. Looking at the rule of nines (18% per leg, 1% groin, 9% per arm, 18% toss, 9% head) the tanker appears to have a 82% total body surface area burn! Serious enough to be admitted to any hospital even with superficial burns. I suspect some of these are partial thickness or worse.

Based on the history of being burned in an enclosed space I suspect he also has inhalation injury. Aggressive airway management is required with very low threshold to intubate. Assume carbon monoxide exposure in patients burned in an enclosed space.

Circulatory issues include hypovolemia due to fluid loss and fluid movement from vasodilation and increased capillary permeability. Four large-bore IV catheters should be started. A Foley urinary catheter to monitor urine output for adequacy. Narcotics, analgesics, and sedatives should be administered in small frequent doses by the IV routes only, etc., etc. .

If this is a "Free Syria" fighter, I doubt he has access to this level of critical trauma care. If significant burn injuries alone in the video are not addressed in as an emergency I would not be surprised if he became a tanker martyr.

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If you mean the movement behind the tank, it appears to be a piece of plastic bag or something waving in the wind. There's a lot of other trash in the vicinity. It kinda looks like a human arm at first glance but it seems a little unarticulated for a limb.

I'm not completely sure if the man comes out of the turret or not because it's all covered in smoke at that point, but the hatch does swing open and some movement seems to be going on behind the screen of smoke coming from inside - and then the guy appears rolling behind the tank, just as the ammo starts burning. The man's attire also looks like what I'd expect from a man who just bailed out of a burning tank. Seems plausible at least.

Playing fullscreen, I see you are right. I thought it was an arm waving/gesturing toward someone off camera.

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It took full screen HD for me to ID the situation but it sure looks ominous for the "survivor". It is truly amazing what adrenaline and our survival instinct allows us to accomplish after almost being blown out of a fiery cauldron. I think if you look close enough his boots / shoes were blown or burned off yet he was able to run to "safety."

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He can´t be a survivor out of the turret. As you see from left behind, at 5 o clock position an APFSDS Projectile hit the tank in the lower hull of the turret or the glacis plate, right there where this vehicle store its ammunition. I think it is an APFSDS because it is much more thinner than the 125mm cannon of the tanks, have no highlights like the dropshape of an rpg or something and is very long for its shape. Its to thin for a shaped charge.

The APFSDS penetrates and it seems the first cartridge in the tank explode immediately through this kinetic impact. The projectile itself don´t explode, its not a HE-Grenade.

The explosion of this cartridge is not only seen around the turret, its also seen through the barrel of the gun. If there comes an explosion like this out of the gun, it means this explosion comes from the inside of this tank. Exactly where the crewmans sits. They are toast... burned toast, no doubt.

The guy with the poor arm who is running away don´t comes out of this vehicle, because he could not survive it, he must stay next to it on the left side of the tank. He also can´t be the driver, because the driver sits in the front. The driver could not fall in the position left behind this vehicle, nor couldn´t he get out of the tank without seen in this video. The armor of the tank workes like a shield for him, keeped the explosion inside and leads its up in the air and to the front out of the barrel. But inside the tank, there is hell. After a few seconds the rest of the ammonition is heated up and burns out in a massive jet of flame. The three man crew was already dead in the moment of impact.

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I'd have to dig up and install shockforce if you want to wait a day or two. I have CMBN 2.0. Do you have FI then? Or CM:A? I could get that again too..

I wonder because I was born in Germany. I'm American, I was born on a base. We lived near Wiesbaden, though I was born in Landstuhl, by Rammstein.

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I'd have to dig up and install shockforce if you want to wait a day or two. I have CMBN 2.0. Do you have FI then? Or CM:A? I could get that again too..

I wonder because I was born in Germany. I'm American, I was born on a base. We lived near Wiesbaden, though I was born in Landstuhl, by Rammstein.

Sad, i don´t own CM:A or FI. I own all three shock force addons, version 1.32

but CMBN would be more awesome. USA against Germany, sounds like fun. :D

Wasn´t there a way to install more than one version on one computer?

The landscape around Wiesbaden is beautiful, exspecially the valley of the Rhein in the north-west (Rheintal). And I have a friend who lives near Landstuhl, in Otterberg.

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He can´t be a survivor out of the turret. As you see from left behind, at 5 o clock position an APFSDS Projectile hit the tank in the lower hull of the turret or the glacis plate, right there where this vehicle store its ammunition. I think it is an APFSDS because it is much more thinner than the 125mm cannon of the tanks, have no highlights like the dropshape of an rpg or something and is very long for its shape. Its to thin for a shaped charge.

The APFSDS penetrates and it seems the first cartridge in the tank explode immediately through this kinetic impact. The projectile itself don´t explode, its not a HE-Grenade.

The explosion of this cartridge is not only seen around the turret, its also seen through the barrel of the gun. If there comes an explosion like this out of the gun, it means this explosion comes from the inside of this tank. Exactly where the crewmans sits. They are toast... burned toast, no doubt.

The guy with the poor arm who is running away don´t comes out of this vehicle, because he could not survive it, he must stay next to it on the left side of the tank. He also can´t be the driver, because the driver sits in the front. The driver could not fall in the position left behind this vehicle, nor couldn´t he get out of the tank without seen in this video. The armor of the tank workes like a shield for him, keeped the explosion inside and leads its up in the air and to the front out of the barrel. But inside the tank, there is hell. After a few seconds the rest of the ammonition is heated up and burns out in a massive jet of flame. The three man crew was already dead in the moment of impact.

The possibility of it being APFSDS would be interesting - this would imply tank on tank combat. That doesn't seem very likely though, but it certainly would be a major turn if true. These are Syrian army tanks seen here, and while there are records of the rebels operating captured AFVs (mostly T-62 and T-55), going tank on tanks in an urban environment takes a lot of nerve and experience (or... luck).


Judging by the video, there is first a large ball of fire in the rear of the tank. Would any sort of kinetic penetrator do that? Well, maybe if ERA block was hit but these tanks don't seem to have ERA, not in the back anyway. Also, the projectile doesn't display the large fins that you'd expect from a APFSDS dart. They should be hard to miss.




To me the projectile looks like it could be an RPG-29 rocket. If this is the case then it would certainly explain the first ball of fire. The projectile's shape also roughly matches it - a thin nose followed by a thicker body, rather than tapering toward the end like the APFSDS dart.

I tried to compare its length to the T-72 roadwheel diameter as the difference in length between the two current suspects is notable, but my measurements put it precisely between the APFSDS and RPG-29! Back to the drawing board...

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The possibility of it being APFSDS would be interesting - this would imply tank on tank combat.


Judging by the video, there is first a large ball of fire in the rear of the tank. Would any sort of kinetic penetrator do that? Well, maybe if ERA block was hit but these tanks don't seem to have ERA, not in the back anyway.

Seems legit, this large fireball also confuses me a bit, because a APFSDS don´t explode. I thought this could be the exploding cartridge through a hole in the hull due the penetration.

But its a bit to large for this kind of hole. And I also can´t see ERA.

To me the projectile looks like it could be an RPG-29 rocket.

I think you are right, it looks like this rocket. Even if there are rebel tanks with the possibility of tank on tank fights, an ATMG is more probabilistic.

But doesn't matter if it is a APFSDS or an RPG-29, we can say this running guy is not a tanker. The crew must died in the second of penetration. This man survived because he is outsinde, an armor workes in both directions.

It can protect the crew from explosions coming from the outside, but on the other hand it can also protect someone outside from the explosion inside.

Maybe battlefront should edit this in the game? Exspecially the shermans in CMBN? Are explosions inside a tank so lethal to people around the vehicle?

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Pretty sure that guy was ejected from the turret by the secondary blast.

But how could the survive this? The Tank does not fire during the same second it got hit, we can see the power of the explosion through the barrel of the gun coming from the inside. There is no other way. All crewmembers inside the turret must be ketchup after this explosion.

How can he be ketchup at 0:06 but be catapulted out in one piece at 0:13?

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I think the gun does fire when first hit. I'm pretty sure you can see the barrel recoil.

...text changed every 30 seconds :D

Sounds possible, exspecially the recoil. On my theory there should be no recoil if the chamber is open to reload the gun. Its not easy to spot the recoil, and I am not really sure if there is recoil or the gun is only moving due the hidden hydraulic.

I´m also not sure why the tank should shoot in exact this moment as it is hit.

In my opinion to fast for human reflexes, so I don´t think the gunner shoot the gun unintentional. More a technical issue.

(it is the same moment as we can see on the black cloud came out of the barrel during the hit, seen on Sergei´s picture)


I´m not convinced, but If it is true and the tank trigger a regular shoot during closed chamber you could be right. In this case we can´t say much about the power of the first explosion and it could be possible for a crewmember to escape trought the hatch of the turret during the ammunintion burns up. Possible.

If this is the case, we already have two incredible facts: frist, the Tank itself (not a crewmember) shoot accidentally by hit and second crewmember survived by trown out of the turret by a fire fontain.

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If you look closely, i think you can even see him beeing throwen out of the turret during second 0:13. He hits the ground at 0:14. Go to 0:12 and watch the sequence between 0:12 and 0:14 several times in 1080 HD. He is doing a salto.


After reviewing the video several times, i am pretty sure its the crewman who is ejected at 0:13.

I also think that it is possibly not injury that makes him hold his arms the way he does. I think the explosion ripped his pullover or what ever he wore partially over his head and arms. Also look at his feet. Shoes and pants are burned off. That perfetcly fits the scenario in wich he is about to leave the tank and has his upper body already out of the hatch while his lower body is still inside. We cant really see him opening the hatch due to the smoke around 0:11, though.


It is absolutely unbelieveable he was still able to leave the scene on his own feet.

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Watch the columns the guy runs between at :30. They almost take him out a second time.

Oh yes, saw that now.

If he survives through all of this, the video's going to be something to brag about to his grandchildren.

I mean, if the bits necessary to that were not scorched along with his pants... but then he'd probably run a bit differently!

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