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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

The Official Announcement!

Guest Big Time Software

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Wow, cool... That's great. But I have something to ask of the people on this board. PLEASE don't post anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, about the new scenario to the board without a spoiler warning. I would like to be able to play the first time, in blissful ignorance, against a human opponent who also knows nothing about what's going on in the scenario.

Thanks a lot,

-John Hough

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Guest John Maragoudakis

The reason the original 'classic' scenarios are being played so often is that CM is just so replayable. A different setup or play style just changes the scenario experience.

Even my *one* PBEM game against BDW is a learning experience to an interesting style of defence, (ie showing bits and pieces of defence at the most opportune moments through unhiding troops sequentially). Not nesscessarialy the best style but interesting.

PS, can anyone spoon feed me a link to the proper software to open the zip file?

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HOT DAMN! not only is it a good scenario but in my opinion a hard one too! Really does show that you guys are the makers of the game, that you'd take the time to add a new scenario just to give some candy to your followers. I'll be pre-ordering this one for sure.

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Guest PeterNZ

you guys just damn well rock.

not much more to be said but..

Bryan, damn you! You may have me whooped in the AAR, but i'll have you yet smile.gifsmile.gif


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me too...i really should have ordered by now anyway but sending out another scenario to the begging masses was above and beyond the call of duty. thank you.

yakstock...i would love to take you up on the game thing but i just planned my entire saturday night around playing the new scenario, a six pack and a pack of smokes..i get the feeling i'll be chain smoking through this one. this will be very different than the 1st 2 because i already am comfortable with the interface

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I just finished the game as the US and got spanked!! Big time spanking! ;( smile.gif

I expected a few AT guns but no, there were none, managed to charge in and take out the STugs, but then got cocky and lost all my SHermans to a sneaky Shreck team (a bold one at that!)

Underestimated the German strength in the Left side woods, and moved 2 Platoons there, and most got wiped out frown.gif while the rest routed back to the Left side buildings.

On the right side, and low on ammo, a platoon held on in the woods and in a stone building. I was expecting some more Shermans to arrive - " I don't care how you do it, just give me some those damn'ed Shermans now! ". But they never did smile.gif And so I had to call a truce.

I think I'll be much better at campaigns than single games, which frankly seem pointless to me smile.gif



aka BLITZ_Force

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Guest PeterNZ


Ya just giving out some spoiler where people above asked you not to!!!

I'm in a blind PBEM game, and managed to not read most of your post so i'm still in the dark as to the composition of the US forces, but please, in future, think on a bit more ;p

ta smile.gif


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Way cool scenario.

Where do we order medals for our troops?

I had a Hvy SMG squad in a building along with an MG42. The Hvy SMG's alone counted for 32 kills, while the MG42 added another 17.

A rush by the US with 3 squads accounted for a bloodbath. After 1 turn, the US squads limped away with 1/2/1 men respectively. The Hvy SMG took 1 casualty. The AI must have really wanted that building...

Can't say the same for my Stg's though.

One lost to my bad planning. frown.gif

One lost to some really goofy driving. "Hey, I didn't tell you to do THAT!"

One lost to a desperate gamble.

Live and learn.

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