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[RELEASED] Juju's floating icons


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Okay, a small one for the road.

This is just my own take on the game's floating icons to suit my own taste (inspired by Wolfe's geometric floating icons and stikky pixie's subdued fortification icons).

Nothing really new or revolutionary here, except that several more British icons are now Commonwealth-ified (i.e. I substituted typical US icons for their British counterpart where appropriate and possible). So, A Bedford instead of a US truck, Piat instead of bazooka, Cromwell instead of Sherman, Achilles instead of Priest. That sort of thing.

I've also included some very cheesy optional contact icons. The Axis ones work surprisingly well, but most Allied ones are very in-your-face and will NOT be to everyone's taste!

Lookie here:


Available at GaJ's right now. The usual delay for the Repository.



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Thanks, guys!

@ xian: They did, only not all of them. Six of them are still shared with the US (HQ, FO, sniper and 3 fortification icons).

@ duckEfuzz: Played my first few small games yesterday! Man, British infantry is a little tough you use efficiently for now.

@ Phil: The smaller vehicle, infantry AT and gun icons really are smaller. Mortars, too. I tried to make most icons only as large as absolutely necessary, depending on size/shape of the 'model' depicted on it. Except for the larger more expensive tanks. I felt they deserved larger icons so one can distinguish them from any other vehicles a little easier.

The colors aren't subdued, though. That's the effect of the inner shadow effect I applied.

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BTW, I noticed a small error when using the optional Allied contact icons when the optional CW icons are also installed.

Due to the naming of those optional Allied icon .brz's they're loaded before the CW icon option, and not after, as they should have. If you want these to show up you'll have to rename them!

Edit: the version at GaJ's has by now been updated to fix this little issue!

When the repository version is up I'll update it ASAP, so it's best not to download it from there for now.

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I like the addition of triangle for the mortar Juju, and added it to the custom red/blue set of Wolfe’s geometric that I use. Another thing I have done to my set is keep the original green/gray color for contact icons. This make the blue/red enemy icons pop out much better when there is a sea of ? icons.

One thing that a geometric icon system could offer that the current circle/square system cannot is variety in the contact icon. I could see this being especially useful to the RTS player who may miss enemy icon sightings that the WEGO player would get to see. Of course the information would not be as detailed as seeing what the enemy icon was, but it would not be as vague is as currently in that the player would be able to discern whether a tank, or infantry was sighted. In gathering recon that is a big difference in knowing how to approach the problem, over not knowing what type of unit was spotted at all. There is a type error on my graphic. It should read vertical rectangle for infantry.


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