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CMSF Mojo Returned - Op TELIC Campaign/Missions

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok ... progress!!

This map is of Sennen Bridge and is on the extreme southern outskirts of the Basra urban sprawl. To find it on Google Earth put in the following Geo Coords:

30 26 30 00N 48 00 58 60E

Map size is 976m x 464m and although I had to rotate it a bit to make map making easier, I didn’t need to rotate it too much.

Google Earth screenshot:


CMSF overhead screenshot:


CMSF Oblique screenshot:


The oblique view is taken from the road exit at the western (enemy) end of the map looking across the bridge and blue setup zones on the extreme east of the map.

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Final map is done (and it was an epic). This is part of Abu al-Khasib which is 1km south of the Shatt al-Arab waterway (and the Iranian border) and 15km east of Basra city centre. To find it on Google Earth, put the following geo coords in:

30 27 04 28N 47 58 20 90E

I had to rotate the map a small amount to simplify the map making process and it measures 1040 x 994m so it is a fair sized map.

Google Earth screenshot:


CMSF overhead screenshot:


Oblique screenshot of the main road in the middle of the map south to north:


Oblique screenshot of the same looking from north to south:



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Looks very interesting. Will this be a map (only), or a scenario?

Erwin - it is the final mission of the campaign and will represent part of Op JAMES which was 3 Commando Brigade's operation to secure the southern perimeter of Basra on 29-30 March 2003. Blue forces for this mission will comprise A Company, 40 Commando with a troop of C Squadron Scots Dragoon Guards, a troop from 59 Indpendent Commando Squadron Royal Engineers supported by a Battery of 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery. Iraqi forces will have some dug-in T-55 tanks from 51 Mechanised Division, some dismounts and some uncons.

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Have "rediscovered" CMSF and have been playing that a lot more than WW2. (Curently playing the Libyan campaign which I highly recommend.)

Looking forward to your campaign. Sounds like interesting units and situation.

Yes I played a few missions of that one too. After such a long lay off I figured I needed to get a few games under my belt just to get my hand in before play testing my own campaign.

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  • 11 months later...

Good to see you back at this. I despaired it ever being finished given the amount of time gone by. Any timeline of when you estimate the campaign to be polished enough for the slavering masses (Ok. Maybe just me but I think there is a fair number of people waiting for this to come to fruitation)?

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The problem that I hit was that I didn't create a core units file to start with which was a huge mistake because when I built the various scenarios I used different elements of the British Light Infantry Battalion to create the BRF. When I realised this I had a real sinking feeling and I just struggled to motivate myself to unpick it all.

However I was determined to finish it given the amount of work I'd put in on the research and the maps. I picked this back up a couple of days ago and first off created a Core Units File. Battle one has now had the units swapped out from the originals to those in the Core Units File.

The other advantage of my schoolboy error is that I am effectively looking at this with new eyes and with more scenarios under my belt and better understanding of balancing VPs means that this will be a lot better than it would have been had I rushed it out which I was seriously considering at one point.

It will be a while still before this hits the repository but I am hoping to put this to bed in the next couple of months.

Thanks for keeping the faith!!!

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While I won't post all of the mission briefings because that will spoil part of the fun of the campaign, I will post the first mission briefs of the core units. So here is the first draft mission brief for the Al Faw MMS as a taster:

Situation: Enemy Forces

SEAL Team 3 elements have been on the objective for a number of hours now and have reported that the enemy is between battalion minus to company plus strength. The enemy appears to be hunkered down in the various building complexes in the objective area. Higher reporting has not identified which formation is located in this area but it is assessed to comprise elements of a low-grade infantry division. It is assessed that the enemy will probably conduct a passive defence from identified fixed positions and once put under pressure will withdraw to the North or East.

Situation: Friendly Forces

D-Day for Operation TELIC is finally here and Coalition air has already struck regime and C2 targets across Iraq. SEAL Team 3 has been on target for a number of hours with 3 Commando Brigade elements linking up with them to start the assault proper. On the ground at present are elements of SEAL Team 3, 3 Commando Brigade’s Brigade Reconnaissance Force (BRF) and C Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines (RM) minus 8 Troop and Fire Support elements which are due to arrive in a subsequent helo lift in approximately 10 minutes. 3 Troop, 59 Independent Commando Squadron Royal Engineers (RE) have just landed at their LZ and will join up with C Company Group in approximately 5 minutes. C Company has organic mortars and 105mm Light Guns from 29 (Kirkee) Battery, 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery (RA) on call and a pair of Harriers (C/S STONE 10) from Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 223 overhead. A second pair of Harriers from VMA 223 (C/S STONE 12) will be available in approximately 1 hour.

Situation: Terrain and Weather

The objective itself is the Al Faw Monitoring and Metering Station (MMS) which is a vital component of the Iraqi oil infrastructure. The terrain is generally flat and open with the most distinctive feature of the ground being a series of bunded rectangular berms. These provide cover and concealment and the tops of the berms provide good overwatch and fields of fire over the whole objective. Overall the going is good with the exception of a large marsh area to the NE of the objective which is impassable to both mounted and dismounted elements. There are a number of small building complexes throughout the objective area. These provide cover and concealment to elements occupying them. It is 0300 on 21 March 2003 and it is therefore dark which will limit visibility to all elements but, given the enemy’s assessed night fighting capability, this will favour friendly forces. The prevailing weather is overcast but this will not affect visibility or air operations. Ground conditions are damp and therefore vehicles should avoid difficult ground where possible. The air is cool and therefore temperatures are extremely suitable for all types of operation.

Mission: Overall Description

Mission: ATTACK: C Company Group is to secure the Al Faw Monitoring and Metering Station (MMS) in order to prevent the regime from destroying vital oil infrastructure necessary for post-war reconstruction.


1. Secure the North Control Complex (Occupy 20 Victory Points).

2. Secure the Central Control Complex (Occupy 20 Victory Points).

3. Secure the Southern Control Complex (Occupy 20 Victory Points).

4. Secure the Administrative Complex (Occupy 20 Victory Points).

Execution: Commander’s Intent

My intent is to use identify enemy positions with ISTAR assets and once identified to employ standoff weapon systems to attrit and suppress these groupings prior to launching close dismounted assaults to clear remnants from all named objectives. Throughout the operation, preservation of the oil infrastructure (Preserve 50 Victory Points) is key to long-term reconstruction and the consequences of any environmental damage resulting from its destruction will jeopardise the whole Coalition cause. Endstate is the Al Faw MMS secure with C Company Group balanced for subsequent operations.

Execution: Basic Plan

Your choice OC C Coy but, while the enemy should not be underestimated, you have sufficient combat power and advantages in direct and indirect fire to overcome the defences. Given that this is the first mission in this campaign, ensure that you minimise friendly force casualties by making deliberate approaches to your objectives.

Designer’s notes

This mission is a close approximation of the attack by 40 Commando on the Al Faw MMS which opened Operation TELIC for the British. The ground is real, subject to the constraints of the CMSF terrain editor, however the enemy is considerably enhanced from that encountered on the day in the interests of presenting a challenge to the player.

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I have had another bash at Mission 2 today. Core units have been swapped in and some tweaks to the enemy made. Played it through and got a minor defeat suffering only 2 KIA and 4 WIA so more work required for this one. One of my tweaks with the enemy didn't perform as I expected so I need to tweak this too. Next test will likely take place tomorrow and hopefully will be good to go.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Combatintman, If only I had seen this thread when it started. I'm only a casual player who dips in and out of the game, but I'm eagerly awaiting seeing the finished product.

I landed on the MMS on the night of the 20th, in the second wave behind C Coy, as part of 40 Cdo HQ. I was the battery commander's assistant of 8 (Alma) Cdo Bty (having previously served with 79 Bty) and was involved in planning and executing the fire support for the initial assault and Op James. I know it's a little late now but I thought seeing some photos of the ground you have digitally reproduced might be something you'd appreciate.

First photo is where I spent the night, HQ 40 Cdo was in the building on the right.

Second phot is LZ Elm which was one of the main LZs. The 81mm mortars came in on the same wave as me and were set up on the boundary of this position. The debris in the centre in front of the berm is their ammo cases.

No. 3 is the main pipeline manifold.

No. 4 was one of the largest buildings on the site, roughly central. Two storeys high but only single floor, like a large garage with some smaller office spaces to the rear. This served as the main HQ for 40 Cdo for about 4 days until we advanced towards Abu Al Khasib. The command tent was set up inside and radios were remoted in from the vehicles outside.

The last picture shows 2 of the SEAL vehicles forming up near the building in picture 4. This was on the morning of the 21st as they prepared to move out for subsequent ops.






Reached my picture limit for one post, more to follow.

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