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Tiger Tank Releases

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if you want to be historical absolutely correct, then there wouldn´t be any Tigers in CMBN before the release of the commonwealth modul. During the battle of the Normandy, only three German units used the Tiger tank:

= schw. SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (later 501), Tiger I - from August on Tiger II, British/Canadian Sector

= schw. SS-Panzer-Abteilung 102 (later 502), Tiger I, British/Canadian Sector

= Schw. Heeres-Panzer-Abteilung 503, from middle of July till August 1944, equipped with Tiger I and the first regular company of Tiger II , mostly British/Canadian Sector - after the beginning of the German withdraw to the east, some of the tigers of this Abteilung have fought against American Units eastwards of the River Seine in middle/late August 1944

And I have forgotten some Tiger II of Panzerlehr which have been from the first production line and which haven´t been used in bigger battles because of technical problems.

So, in the American Sector during June/July 1944 normally no GI could have seen any Tiger Tank (may be, some fought in the assault against Mortain at the end of July - at the moment, I am not sure about this).



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That´s right, but even in August 1944 almost only the two Tiger-Battalions of the SS clashed with American Units - and there are no SS-Units you can choose until now. And the Tigers of the 503 had only some very short meetings with US at the end of August.

What I wanted to say was, I am very happy about the first module, because then it will possible to play real Tiger Units :)

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Even 68 years ago I wouldn´t want to sit in a Tiger Tank - you need no Abrams to be slaughtered inside of this vehicle :)

And even inside of an Abrams, I think you have really good chances to die, if you have to fight against modern antitank-systems :)

But with the coming of the new module, I´ll make a series about the 503 and that´s why I´m happy.

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Tigers In Normandy by Wolfgan Schneider lists:


306 (5 Tiger II's.."Even upon their arrival these vehicles not mechanically operational" - later "consumed" in local defense of Chateaudin on 15/16 August 1944")




504 was completing reconstitution in area around Poitiers & was in process of being deployed to Italy on 3 June 1944...movement was not stopped after landings

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Even 68 years ago I wouldn´t want to sit in a Tiger Tank - you need no Abrams to be slaughtered inside of this vehicle :)

And even inside of an Abrams, I think you have really good chances to die, if you have to fight against modern antitank-systems :)

But with the coming of the new module, I´ll make a series about the 503 and that´s why I´m happy.

Ya tankers are stupid to wanna sit in something thats gonna be targeted by explosive things. :eek:

But the 503 is coming your way, along with the Tiger II. Youre really gonna love this machine. :)

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If we are going to have Royal Tigers, (I believe the Allies only fought them in Normandy, hence the Royal prefix) will their be an animation of it grinding to a halt, as its final drive sheers? A rather depressed driver could then dismount, shaking his head sadly, followed shortly by the rest of the crew, a look of stoical resignation on their grimy faces (well, they would be used to spending long periods of time waiting for the recovery crews!)

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If we are going to have Royal Tigers, (I believe the Allies only fought them in Normandy, hence the Royal prefix) will their be an animation of it grinding to a halt, as its final drive sheers? A rather depressed driver could then dismount, shaking his head sadly, followed shortly by the rest of the crew, a look of stoical resignation on their grimy faces (well, they would be used to spending long periods of time waiting for the recovery crews!)

Yes, and you can hear the radio operator teaching himself French from a book to pass the time.

He's getting quite good.

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Oh wonderful, another myth surrounding the usage of "Royal Tiger."


hahaha - love that page. I find the scare quotes around Allied "intelligence" especially convincing. Why, that bunch of boobs couldn't find their own arses with both hands.

Fancy, getting the names for some kit wrong without the benefit of full access to the archives and unlimited time to ponder. Lucky thing for the Germans that getting a few equipment names wrong was the sum total of all that Allied "intelligence" was able to contribute to the Allied cause.

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Yeah, that's just another product of Allied "intelligence." Those guys were idiots.

All I find myself thinking while reading that list is 'why would British intelligence have even cared?'. Seriously, Operation Mincemeat or 'Some StuGs might be carrying a slightly shorter gun, although not quite as short as the one they used to carry' - which would you rather 'fall' for?

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It's usually about guys trying to justify their jobs and get promoted - so whatever nonsense they come up with has to be made to look like vitally critical info. (Remember all that "genuine" intel re WMD's in Iraq?)

The corollary of that is when Intelligence shows (for example) that there are a couple of SS Panzer Divisions refitting around Arnham and the info is ignored cos the commanders (eg Monty) don't want their complex ego-gratifying master plans to be derailed. And so hundred of paras and others die for nothing...

Plus ca change...

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All I find myself thinking while reading that list is 'why would British intelligence have even cared?'.

Ditto, I guess it's a way of deflecting the, for some, awful truth that those shiny panzers were often rapidly smelted into something not so shiny. Focus on the inconsequential to avoid the truly important facts. Part of me also wants to say, who cares what the bloody Nazis called them, they lost, but that sort of talk has been know to cause seizures in grogs!

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who cares what the bloody Nazis called them

I suspect that's where the Cold War NATO reporting names - like Fiddler, Backfire, Spanker, etc - came from. Who cares what the bloody Commies called them, as long as "we" all know which specific bit of kit we're talking about.

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I particulalry liked the idea of a NATO pilot being told he had two Faggots on his six! Or the joker who named the brutal and ungainly MI-24 a Hind! Was it really though a way of cocking a snook at the Sov's? Hey, you seem proud of your Mig-21 interceptor, so we will call it a Fishbed, fancy your new ATGW, well it's known to us as a Spigot (slang for dick).

Did the Russians retaliate, if so wonder what derogatory names they could/would have used?

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