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Monty's Mighty Moustache

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    Monty's Mighty Moustache got a reaction from George MC in Mit Karacho!   
    I'm playing this one as the Russians PBEM as my first F&R scenario, we're only 20 minutes in or so but I already have some pretty hefty dilemmas on my plate! Gonna be a nasty scrap I think, loving it.
    Kudos @George MC
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    Monty's Mighty Moustache got a reaction from umlaut in Fire and Rubble Possible Bugs   
    If you use the same save game name when saving it used to overwrite the existing save but now it doesn't seem to, anyone else having this problem? Not a huge deal but I like to keep one save around when I'm playing a scenario so I don't have to bother clearing them all out when I'm done.
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    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to umlaut in Game not saving when save file´s name already exists   
    Well, it is not a Microsoft problem, since all my other CM games still enable me to save while overwriting a previous save.

    And I actually consider it a relatively big problem that I no longer am able to save a game in the way I have been used to for more than 10 years. Especially, since there is no warning or other indication that something is wrong: You simply lose whatever progress you have made if you forget to rename the file.

    A lesser problem is that when you always have to rename the save file, you end up with many more save files cluttering up your hard drive.
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    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to waffelmann in Issue with mods F&R   
    Was a pleasure!
    Technically I didn't play the game until now, because I had to adapt my mods first...
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    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to ratdeath in Fire and Rubble   
    I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if thousands of F5 keys suddenly cried out in terror!
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    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Aragorn2002 in Fire and Rubble   
    And there it is!!
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    Monty's Mighty Moustache got a reaction from Freyberg in Fire and Rubble   
    I don't think that's fair. I work in software and sometimes bugs are incredibly hard to recreate and from what Steve posted a while ago it took he and Charles 5 hours to find the cause, meaning it was an absolute pig to find because of the rarity of it occurring. They may well have tried to replicate it when it was first reported, couldn't due to lack of info ("x doesn't work" with no supporting detailed information is unfortunately the norm), and other more important things pushed it way down the list. The difference here it appears is they saw it themselves and then managed to track it down.
    Software is complicated, I have 20+ years experience and I still ship stuff with bugs because, well, deadlines. I appreciate that they take their time and get it right, it's a rare thing in this industry.
  8. Upvote
    Monty's Mighty Moustache got a reaction from mjkerner in Fire and Rubble   
    I don't think that's fair. I work in software and sometimes bugs are incredibly hard to recreate and from what Steve posted a while ago it took he and Charles 5 hours to find the cause, meaning it was an absolute pig to find because of the rarity of it occurring. They may well have tried to replicate it when it was first reported, couldn't due to lack of info ("x doesn't work" with no supporting detailed information is unfortunately the norm), and other more important things pushed it way down the list. The difference here it appears is they saw it themselves and then managed to track it down.
    Software is complicated, I have 20+ years experience and I still ship stuff with bugs because, well, deadlines. I appreciate that they take their time and get it right, it's a rare thing in this industry.
  9. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Lethaface in Fire and Rubble   
    I also have my gripes of bugs/issues that aren't given the attention I feel they deserve (CMSF2 QB issues; lack of PKM ammo for SF&Airborne, lack of RPG ammo for all Syrian conventional forces). And yes some releases take longer than expectations. Which is why it is always good to hope for the best but expect the worst!
    Probably each of the posters here have their own 'gripe list'. We all would like to see the lists addressed and items fixed (sooner rather than later), featuring a public bugtracker with a clear process how to report new bugs. In theory everything is possible, but everything comes at a cost (time, resources, opportunities).
    So in the end decisions are made and some things are fixed and some aren't, that however doesn't mean BFC doesn't care about the things they didn't fix. Nor does it implicate that BFC wouldn't want to improve certain processes. Would I like to see the bug process improved: yes! Do I think it is possible to improve: yes! Now, if BFC fails to improve it does that mean they don't care? no. It just means they didn't manage to improve it or didn't even try it because they deemed other stuff was more important.
    In the end it's just choices/decisions that need to be made, BFC can't please everyone. C'est la vie.
    Unfortunately not many people accept or even understand the wisdom behind this view. If only for their own 'mental health'.

    Although probably some of the 'complaints' about delays in F&R have become part of a regular routine people need for their coping mechanisms ;-).
  10. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Lethaface in Fire and Rubble   
    It's no mindfulness exercise, please spare me the masquerading of your impatience as delays.

    The delay in you grasping to understand that the world doesn't turn and tick to your clock is endless. 😇
    Anyway, obviously you would have set priorities different; I get it. The only 'simple truth' in this is that you (nor me) don't decide on the priorities with regards to BFC.
    The difference between us is that you are waiting and complaining for years, while I don't 'wait' for things that are outside of my control (unless it would be critical for my wellbeing; releases of computer games are typically not critical to my wellbeing). One day it will release (or not), if all is well I will take note of the release and download the game.
    You remind me of an observation I made almost 2 decades ago. When in my early 20's I often had to travel by bus. I noticed many people checking the bus schedule at the bus stop and then looking at their watch and becoming irritated/angry that the bus has been delayed. While I never looked at the schedule, because me looking at the schedule wouldn't have any influence with regards to the bus arriving sooner or later.
    That wasn't a 'one time' observation, I'd often see the same people around the same time getting worked up about the same thing. 
    Conceptually you are doing the same thing. Everyday it hasn't come out you are getting angry at more delays, even though they've said yesterday that it won't come out today 🤣
    Now please excuse me I have something else to do, which is under my control (work). 
  11. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache got a reaction from Lethaface in Fire and Rubble   
    I don't think that's fair. I work in software and sometimes bugs are incredibly hard to recreate and from what Steve posted a while ago it took he and Charles 5 hours to find the cause, meaning it was an absolute pig to find because of the rarity of it occurring. They may well have tried to replicate it when it was first reported, couldn't due to lack of info ("x doesn't work" with no supporting detailed information is unfortunately the norm), and other more important things pushed it way down the list. The difference here it appears is they saw it themselves and then managed to track it down.
    Software is complicated, I have 20+ years experience and I still ship stuff with bugs because, well, deadlines. I appreciate that they take their time and get it right, it's a rare thing in this industry.
  12. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache got a reaction from PIATpunk in Fire and Rubble   
    I don't think that's fair. I work in software and sometimes bugs are incredibly hard to recreate and from what Steve posted a while ago it took he and Charles 5 hours to find the cause, meaning it was an absolute pig to find because of the rarity of it occurring. They may well have tried to replicate it when it was first reported, couldn't due to lack of info ("x doesn't work" with no supporting detailed information is unfortunately the norm), and other more important things pushed it way down the list. The difference here it appears is they saw it themselves and then managed to track it down.
    Software is complicated, I have 20+ years experience and I still ship stuff with bugs because, well, deadlines. I appreciate that they take their time and get it right, it's a rare thing in this industry.
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