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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. I may be wrong about all of this, but I think if you split the HQ unit you get a CO team and an XO team? As far I recall either can direct proceedings if they both have comms. That's with larger HQ units anyway. So your HQ would have had a CO and an XO to start with, and unless the radio was also killed you'd still have comms?
  2. Good observation JM, and another way of saying Steam has the modern game titles (and the bundle in particular) on quite an impressive sale price this week. While I prefer the direct approach to BFC, this is very tempting as even the discounted BFC price is nowhere near as good as the Steam price. I have never had any problems with Steam, and swapping where something is installed is very simple - just a matter of ticking a few boxes and saying where you want it.
  3. Interestingly, Dave and I have just played another of the battles at the Causeway, 'Angriffe der Grenadiere' also by WimO. I was unlucky enough to play as the Germans. Boy is that Causeway scary. I did notice some odd movement behaviour but I'm not sure it was down to bugs. For example, units occasionally wandered (or drove) off into the water instead of following waypoints on the road. But the flooded land around the causeway will of course allow this. Why did they wander off? I assumed they were scared s**tless and struggled with my orders. Occasionally a rather panicked reverse was to blame. A factor may have been that my waypoints were not actually in the road, they were closely hugging the trees hoping for a bit more cover. And yes they were very much micro-managed. That was my take on it, but I could be totally wrong.
  4. Yeah, too right. Steph's is a wonderful thing. I meant that I hadn't tried the Dutch pavement mod .
  5. Whatever works is good. JuJu's work is amazing (his UI is something I would not play the game without, or if I did I would be oddly sad) but I haven't tried the road one one you link.
  6. @Falaise did a great job on the roads, perhaps a similar trick is possibe Steph?
  7. So we work together to remove the Fuhrer's testicles (or testicle). EDIT: In years to come if there are any, this may seem a little strange? EDIT 2: But we must be careful: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/berlin-munich-b1971378.html
  8. Mental indeed but obviously part of the Sniper Elite 'setup'. You even get a slo-mo genital parts removal, as you can with any sniper shot. I think he had two though . Anyway, great fun if you like that sort of thing. Co-op is an option if you fancy it?
  9. I would that JM. Surely such a thing can't be too closely copyrighted? We (or should I say you/Nigel) can change a horse's ear here, a cornice there and we have a different beast. In Sniper Elite 2 I had the pleasure of sitting atop the Gate and whalopping the fleeing Fuhrer from afar. A situation only bettered by hitting his gentleman's area in SE3, and also dropping a Uboat on his head in a different situation.
  10. I am in your debt sir. Not having the T90 in my garage I haven't seen this. Or have in other earlier titles? Hmmm.
  11. Yes, they look adequate in number, not sure about emissivity? Anyhoo, as expected they weren't so keen on my Banksy on the front of the Jagdpanther and I was escorted to the car park. I assume you arrived later. We could try again tomorrow though, weekend staff might be less attentive? Let's meet up at 0730 to finesse our plan of attack.
  12. To me that's a little enigmatic for BFC to address . Do you mean the entrance of a round through an opening is not modelled correctly? Or that you can't hit an opening? I know that when I hit 'Open' the hatches do actually open, so it's not that.
  13. Not quite the same but one of grandfathers was in the Royal Navy during the war. He would get as far as saying he was in the Far East and then refuse to say any more. I can only imagine. My other grandfather had a better experience, he was in a protected occupation moving coal around by train.
  14. You two should get a room. No really, I would happily adopt the offspring into my Z folder(s).
  15. If that was indeed the sorry state of affairs, I imagine the track 'broke' as it hit terra firma. It's perhaps a break in an odd place (i.e above the wheels) , but then track links and pins aren't designed for such frivolous bouncing around. I'm currently cutting out a stencil, and will head to Bovington in the morning to try it out. If you're at a loose end you could meet me there with a packet of coloured dots. I'll be the one being escorted from the premises.
  16. Ah, you have the beta of CM GOT? Me too, and the dragons are way over-powered...
  17. LOL. Britain must be behind the rumour that Britain is behind everything. More seriously why do certain sources keep alleging such things? The fact that Boris strolled with considerable swagger through the streets of Kyiv early in the conflict does not mean Britain is running the show .
  18. And if CM is anything to go by, they were probably saying "no, it's okay that's not one of ours" .
  19. May be, hope so, although I didn't get to it. The suggestion on IMDb was that it's a series with multiple episodes. I may just have missed a link to fire it up. A quick look on Youtube, which I'd neglected to do, suggests some videos which are at least partly based on the series ad its black and white footage. EDIT: I started watching one which is the said item. In three parts.
  20. Just a thought, 'kill marking' could be a 'recovery marking'. Particularly as the suggestion is that it was upside down at some point (unusual, perhaps due to bombs or naval weapons as there are photos of overturned Tigers said to be from this, or from traversing terrain, or during shifting out of the way, who knows).
  21. We might find the answer here: Wyvern at War: The Story of the 43rd (Wessex Division) from June 1944 to V.E. Day https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1914155/?ref_=tt_ov_inf It doesn't seem to be available now though. Perhaps you watched it on release, as you're 'of a certain age'?
  22. Was going to edit post above but too late. Anyway:
  23. I know, but we have to. I wasn't there but I've read the threads. And even after that I'm still here...
  24. Looks really good. I can't wait to be in command of CM battalions, divisions or more. My orders turn may take a while but who gives a ****? While I would have said I'll be Axis, I see that most others have already said this. So I could be Soviet and repel the Nazi players who prefer Axis. Allegedly .
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