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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Hmmm, I know what you mean. And I read your other posts too. The offer still stands, my woods are only slightly lighter...
  2. A reply to an ambiguous post. Hey-ho, nothing unusual there.
  3. Yes please, I'm the world's number 1 Panther fan after some recent battles against my good friend @RMM. So it sounds like a 'look-alike' replacement, not a 'performs-alike'? Still good. And M36 LOL? Where do I get that, or have I already got it? Jeez I need to wake up a bit, or stop playing with my real time kitties .
  4. Great stuff! But... is it kinda like my Sherman looks like an M48, or is it my ex-Sherman is now an M48 and has the attributes of an M48? You may have already said it and I missed it, but I'm hoping for a certain answer . And a disclaimer. I only really like historical, but this could help there between titles of course.
  5. That's a great summary. Love it. I might also be an older punk in life years, but not in game years - I only stumbled across the wonder of CM maybe 3 years ago EDIT: No that's rubbish, 2020!. Shocking I know, but in my defence I think I had been confusing it with another game which was rather sh1te. I am at your service if you want to win a PBEM, just PM me.
  6. Me too Phil, and with the added pleasure of doing it with you. I would recommend all of this . I am available as a PBEM oppo for any of them if anyone fancies it. I may have some prior knowledge though .
  7. He sure is my friend. But wow, this sounds great? Please splurge all of the details....
  8. I'm dredging trying to find something and came across this. The end result was that they (fox-holes but also trenches) don't have direction even if they show direction. Or if they do it doesn't seem to matter. Yada yada.
  9. A swing? I know you can add modded looks to vehicles ( @kohlenklau has taught me that) but if you can 'transplant' vehicles that is a great advance. BFC may disagree but I'm sure they'll understand the love that goes into it...
  10. Yes, and it focuses the mind if you start placing your units in the knowledge that someone more skillful is going to punish any stupid mistakes. Even if their speciality is of the airborne nature . And I'm thinking spending ages doing this is not so realistic, but the set-up phase is such a great part of most battles and adds the surprise factor. This time however, some extra time has been taken in the unrealistic or otherwise 'acquire shuffle' which for some reason I had previously missed the possibility of, as I didn't even imagine it would be possible. Doh! Thanks to whoever hinted at it in another thread the other day, one of you kind gentlemen.
  11. We have Eire. Without colonialism it might have been easier. Or with more 'successful' colonialism it might have been even easier . Same goes for Canada, etc. etc. I realise in the thread context I'm on dodgy ground here .
  12. Unless there's a pump involved . But if you mean that public support/desire will guide political decisions, I'm a little sceptical given what's going on with most aspects of the UK 'mini-budget'. It has support from the wealthier in society, but no-one else. Deciding that support for Ukraine is no longer a priority is thankfully a diffent matter as it has cross-party support (obviously). And here endeth the boring political stuff .
  13. There is no sign of that here in the UK. The UK Government currently seems to want to mess up the UK economy allegedly without a moment's thought, but support for Ukraine has never been questioned. I don't see that changing as it's widely seen as the right thing to do.
  14. Excellent Phil, as ever. But I confess: I downloaded it a minute ago, and have not tried it yet. MaƱana, as they say in down-town Austin.
  15. I'm not sure how to tell? It could be, if my memory of every @George MC battle I've ever played is correct. The 3D nature of the map and its impact on the battle is always outstanding. Anyway I've tagged in the lovely legend that is George to confirm or deny.
  16. And having just done my setup turn in 'Battle for Chaumont Second Round' against Dave, that is a very good point. I tried, but the map is a tough one for LOS issues. Which is another way of saying, it's great. Edit: Or that I'm not.
  17. Well it's a great picture, and I suppose they had to explain a semi-naked fellow snaking his way over the top. Saying he'd lost his shirt, sun screen or sunglasses (or even his normal glasses) wouldn't have sounded so exciting.
  18. Ah, so I see that is the 'United States of America Historical Expansion via imagined Captions' writing committee? As I thought, journalistic license. Just like what I'm doing here .
  19. Yes I started writing a similar reply, but you beat me to it.
  20. Yes for sure. Whether or not this was also true of 'non-Jagd' Panthers is a question though, as there are lots of photos of them with schurzen - more of them were there of course. I'm curious about the caption on the picture - is there any further indication of what the interesting feature/weakness may have been? Looking at it through the hatch would seem an odd way to investigate it, but there may have been other things inside putting the sunbather off from entering for a closer look. No doubt it's just journalistic license as I doubt linked notes/records would be available. Let's make up a story around a photo kind of thing.
  21. She sure is Mark, great find. Although I prefer fully functional models, without enemy soldiers sunbathing on top. EDIT 1: I'll save you the trouble of an 'ooh-err, missus'. EDIT 2: Am I right in thinking 654 was the unit involved in the 'famous' battle where three Jagdpanthers take out erm quite a few British tanks, subject of a CM scenario which I quite liked? I think they dumped them afterwards so that picture may be one of them? EDIT 3: I can see traces of your Hedgerow Hell mod in that photo .
  22. Hi JM, good to 'see' you again my friend. And now who's going off-topic? .
  23. Too right. But I assume by CM you mean Continental Music, so alles ist gut.
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