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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. And if CM is anything to go by, they were probably saying "no, it's okay that's not one of ours" .
  2. May be, hope so, although I didn't get to it. The suggestion on IMDb was that it's a series with multiple episodes. I may just have missed a link to fire it up. A quick look on Youtube, which I'd neglected to do, suggests some videos which are at least partly based on the series ad its black and white footage. EDIT: I started watching one which is the said item. In three parts.
  3. Just a thought, 'kill marking' could be a 'recovery marking'. Particularly as the suggestion is that it was upside down at some point (unusual, perhaps due to bombs or naval weapons as there are photos of overturned Tigers said to be from this, or from traversing terrain, or during shifting out of the way, who knows).
  4. We might find the answer here: Wyvern at War: The Story of the 43rd (Wessex Division) from June 1944 to V.E. Day https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1914155/?ref_=tt_ov_inf It doesn't seem to be available now though. Perhaps you watched it on release, as you're 'of a certain age'?
  5. Was going to edit post above but too late. Anyway:
  6. I know, but we have to. I wasn't there but I've read the threads. And even after that I'm still here...
  7. Looks really good. I can't wait to be in command of CM battalions, divisions or more. My orders turn may take a while but who gives a ****? While I would have said I'll be Axis, I see that most others have already said this. So I could be Soviet and repel the Nazi players who prefer Axis. Allegedly .
  8. Why wait, just do it? You know you want to, right...? And I'll also give you a game if you're stuck. A Peng legend is not to be sniffed at. Or is it?
  9. I'll confess to a lack of understanding of how this might work, but you can sign me up for 'conscription' too. Who would have thought that would be happening just now? If you could assign me with +2 modifiers all round I'd appreciate it.
  10. Agreed, and that's possibly the most moving passage in that book. I'm not sure I'd be so moved at modern (real) equivalents.
  11. I agree, must be the absence of that pesky bocage. Great shots by the way.
  12. True but a clue is in the one above. It is ready now thanks to great work from George. Of course it is not strictly 'out on time' just yet .
  13. While I don't really like to see wrecked examples of (surprisingly) one of my favourite tanks, those photos are excellent and the comments (whether accurate or not) are interesting. I hadn't seen the 'bullet splash guard' before, how have I missed this? I was also interested to see two sizes of muzzle brake. I recall discussing this with @Sgt.Squarehead (who sadly has not been along here for a while ) after he'd kindly sent me (at his expense) a replacement 88mm gun barrel. Thankfully only at 1/72nd scale , it fitted through the letter-box, along with the spare T34/85 he'd included as Christmas was coming up. What a nice guy. Anyway, mine had been battle-damaged in an encounter with a cat of another sort, my Burmese, whose teeth had won the day. I noticed that the replacement seemed different and we concluded that it was proably just down to different tooling at the model companies. Maybe not it seems. So @Lucky_Strike - if you've reached this far and not fallen asleep, thanks for posting. I'll chip in to the legal fund when the copyright police come knocking.
  14. Different game (Il2) which I don't play so much now, but out in the fields and on the roads I still find myself doing "The German Look" if I hear any sort of aircraft in the sky. In a similar (this time CM) vein, I find I'm always checking LOS through gaps in the hedges on the local bridleway. Usually to see if I can spot other dog walkers before my crazy Spaniels do, but it's a bit odd. Anyway, welcome and don't feel like your alone.
  15. I've learned from this forum that 'only Texas matters'. It says so here: @Vergeltungswaffe . NOLA (unless I'm misunderstanding) is not in Texas?
  16. I did notice one joke in that, but not a CM one. Asked about the reason for scrapping the 45% tax band, our leader replied "that was the Chancellor's idea". I preferred Mark's sausage-related humour, but it has been keeping him busy when he should be posting photographs. EDIT: I fear I'm straying off-topic again. A holiday beckons, but oh how I need a holiday.
  17. I've not thought of it like that before, but I'm just about within sight of the Atlantic (well the Bristol Channel to be precise) so I don't disagree. By 'those in the East' you must mean those who fought over the area in the RT Battle Pack ? And now we're back on-topic .
  18. You also get the 'best joke of the day' award. It's the only joke so far today, but don't be deflated by that .
  19. Doesn't seem to be, except for limiting the speed of file turn around at times, which isn't the end of the world. Thinking about it, I've realised an odd thing - I don't think I've played anyone from outside of North America. Don't know why that is. It's probably partly a reflection that I havent played that many people. Anway, if and when, just PM me here. The off-topic police will then be able to stand down. Controversial .
  20. No, you may be thinking of Declan Donnelly. He's happy today, as am I. Anyway we should go to bed soon. Not together, obviously.
  21. You're the veteran my friend, so I was hoping to learn . I'm not sure I have much that I can teach, but you never know. Learning the game is one thing though, learning from other players is another. I learnt something totally unexpected this week, just by reading a 'random' post here in a thread I was involved in. Wish I could remember who it was , must look back. I had to think about it, try it, and then by coincidence do it the same day in a PBEM. It has added a bit of time to my setup turns, but that's not a problem and I might do slightly better in some games now. One thing I like about PBEMs (and there's quite a few things I like) is that I can talk to my opponents, who are usually better at various or all things than I am (or maybe they're just luckier). We have a laugh and a joke but also a serious talk about why such things have gone a certain way. Priceless. As for victory or defeat, it's often such a thin line.
  22. Yeah me too via the link above. It is however in Phil's Goody Box (in the 'CMFI R2V/CMFI CMAK2' folder) if anyone is in a hurry to get it. Here's the link from there, which is working: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/onjq96c2gh5jmxn/AADIy4-BpDu57jDofLwr98iQa/CMFI R2V/CMFI CMAK2/AFRIKA Cutting Out a Strongpoint.btt?dl=0 Assume the version is the same Phil?
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