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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. No problem (and welcome). I got it as part of the full bundle, but separately it's what? $20? For me I got enough value from just one campaign (@rtdood's Operation Undergo) which uses the Crocodiles, Crabs and AVREs. Although thinking about it, the captured Renault R35s are also used in @WimO's La Fiere Causeway battle(s) and that was worth the ticket price as well. Anyway, in case you've not found your way there already, most of the user made scenarios and campaigns for all titles can be found here: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/ There's a mod site as well: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/ Thanks are due to @Bootie for these sites.
  2. I think that would be correct if you're referring to 'stock' scenarios and campaigns. Some of the vehicles have however appeared in subequent user-made stuff - for example the AVRE and Crocodile come to mind, maybe others. If you get to grips with the editor you could add them.
  3. Oops, I blundered into a thread again. Forgive me, I'll get my coat...
  4. Agreed, I would love it. With or without Phil, the Texas driver.
  5. Rob, I may be missing something here? I have to get my own breakfast (strange or otherwise) .
  6. Sans problème mon ami. Seriously though some of those 'towing' vehicles are quite something to behold.
  7. Yes I suppose I was thinking a bit of backwards and forwards might help one way or the other. Great work by the way and good luck.
  8. Okay Phil what have you done to me? You got me watching this: Some great and rare running vehicles in that video. I love the SdKfz7, 10, 11 etc. strangely beautiful. We should definitely go...
  9. Forgive me if I'm asking the obvious, but have you looked at @Butschi's work?
  10. Seems like you got me instead, quite a disappointment I imagine .
  11. Nice pic Phil. If I were a purist I might remove the e after the z .
  12. Agreed, game versus reality .
  13. Skill, luck, use of a big stick beforehand? A combination of all three perhaps? Whatever works...
  14. Sorry no screenshots but this looks like the one where I was checking whether the unwanted (1942) Schiessbechers played a role in the main task . They did not.
  15. I wonder what @George MC thinks about this. Not for the first time I would say that George's maps are things of wonder. Detailed, beautiful and 3D in the best possible way to make battles very interesting. If this is news to anyone (perhaps not), look at any of George's maps in CMBN or CMRT. Or better still play the battles. Other excellent map makers are available of course .
  16. Now you tell me . I'm been trying to do this against @RMM, just one of the many reasons his 'crack' Germans in Gruppe Bohm to Le Rocher are kicking my butt. So far... No spoilers of course .
  17. You can move it back out of the Z folder and store it somewhere else (I have transfer folders partly for doing this on my desktop). It's a bit of a pain but not so bad for one or just a few mods. I was going to suggest renaming it so that it loads first but the other version then loads later (the opposite of the zzzzz naming trick) but as you want the stock version it's not a mod, so that wouldn't work in this case. There might be other suggestions, but moving it is a definite workaround.
  18. @darzininkas Not visited since last July though...
  19. Hey Manfred, our new helmets look great don't they? Never mind that Hermann, @kohlenklau's French Italians are out there somewhere, and I'm going to get them...
  20. I had the same question - I thought it might be possible with the Axis/Allied switch and back technique. But I haven't tried...yet.
  21. No paywall here Steve, but thanks for posting it.
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