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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. And that's why I tagged John. When tagged, I have never known him not to respond.
  2. That's a shame, it's a from me. Anyway, I'll have a look at Makin Atoll. Thanks again for all of your hard work.
  3. I feel your pain. I don't work for BFC, but I'm sure John @BFCElvis will be along to help. There is no stealing .
  4. Everybody needs good neighbours. Sorry but that's the result of years of subjection to Australian soaps . Anyway you paint a great picture as always Phil.
  5. I think we will my friend. But you have to get past Phil first...
  6. I think that's all correct, although mine usually seem to end up in the front lines as extra guns due to my inept handling of the proper front line troops.
  7. Well in a recent @kohlenklau France 1940 scenario I approached a Char B1 from behind (as you do) and poured two consecutive streams of flame onto it's engine covers. The next turn the Char stopped and got a demo charge in the same place from an engineer. Crew jumped out, they'd had enough. And of course went berserk with their pistols . Whether the flamethrower did anything useful I wasn't convinced, but it sure looked like it.
  8. I think you'll find it's Born Again and the Germans are just clapping. When the service finishes...
  9. Whatever the number, you can add me to it Wim. It did show 92 views so far if that's any indication. I gave it a too. Thanks for the hard work.
  10. @37mm I'm liking the all-in-one concept a lot, but a quick question. I just grabbed CMFI Pacific Alpha (great title, I'll get my board out ). To be honest I haven't tried the Burning Ring of Fire mods yet, but the btt files look like a WIP that didn't quite make it? No criticism to anyone if so, just wondering...
  11. Just a reflection on Charles' favourite drink - wine .
  12. Wow, you call that a village? Great work and great research backing it up. I like it a lot!
  13. Hmmm, he could lose that hat as well. Joking, of course. I didn't think he was that rude, just a little.
  14. It's a little behind the curve on modern components, but it should play CM just fine. My older specced laptop with lesser components does. Others may have better direct knowledge of HPs though, I don't.
  15. You guys, always looking at the close detail of a soldier's backside, while I'm trying to get a view of where my panzers can see and go. And how the infantry can protect them. What a game this is .
  16. Hi Bob. I agree. In recent PBEM games I've had a random artillery shell land in the engine compartment of a Panther, immediate KO. I've had numerous tanks of various types bog on main roads, some of which then very quickly turned to immobilised. I've had AT gun crews abandon their guns after the mere plink of a round or two of rifle fire on the gun shield. I've even had two Panthers for no obvious reason cosying up their rear ends in full view of enemy Shermans - the one at the back quickly took a 76mm shell up its rear. Not to mention the old Panther 'chocolate gun mantlet' issue. I could go on... Despite these things CM is the one game I can't stop playing, and this forum is the one I look at most days. As for River of Blood, I imagine it wasn't recommended to have the Germans as AI because the AI might not do such a great job at attacking those tough walled areas etc. in the town. Having said that I didn't do a very good job at it either against a rather capable human opponent. Of course he also had luck on his side, which I did not .
  17. So what exactly is sinking too far into his buttocks? I'm trying not to look too closely, obviously.
  18. I thought I'd add that the above articles have not been well received everywhere. For example: WHO WON THE BATTLE OF PROKHOROVKA? Paul Neumann, University Metropolitan Tirana (Albania) In this article, the Wheatley and other offerings are criticised in a personal and often non-scientific way, and the old 'facts' are presented 'because they must be so'. Anyone in doubt about this particular article should skip to its concluding paragraphs first, to get a gauge of the person writing it. If you are interested you can find all of these articles and more on Google Scholar (and elsewhere) but you may have to log in via Google to access them fully.
  19. I'm sure you know aleady, but Youtube can be set up for translated sub-titles. It's not ideal (I tried it) but it works. The paper is in English and reads better than the sub-titles .
  20. I think we discussed this a while ago and at the time I found the following papers and presentation made interesting reading/viewing for anyone focussing on German losses at Prokhorovka. The gist is that 5 (yes, five!) German panzers were lost at Prokhorovka: Ben Wheatley (2021): Citadel, Prokhorovka and Kharkov: The armoured losses of the II SS Panzer Korps Sonderverbände during the battle of Kursk, July-August 1943, Journal of Intelligence History, DOI: 10.1080/16161262.2021.1889278 Ben Wheatley (2020): Surviving Prokhorovka: German armoured longevity on the Eastern Front in 1943–1944, Journal of Intelligence History, DOI: 10.1080/16161262.2020.1750841 Ben Wheatley (2019) A visual examination of the battle of Prokhorovka, Journal of Intelligence History, 18:2, 115-163, DOI: 10.1080/16161262.2019.1606545 and Roman Töppel (2017) Prokhorovka, 12 July 1943, The Myth Is Dead – Long Live the Myth! I have his paper, but he also presents it here on Youtube:
  21. Keep us posted (or just me by PM). Good luck to you both.
  22. Agreed, most drops were nowhere near that accurate.
  23. I have a few PBEMs already going and some testing to do (I hang my head in shame), but if no-one else comes forward I'll oblige my friend. Let's see if you get anyone else first, let me know?
  24. Yeah I would not like that up me either. As a digression, I read this on the Steam CMBN comments section: All the CM series are way overpriced, even user created mods on their forums have price tags! LOL, I have no idea to what they are referring. I should reply with a link to your Goody Bag.
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