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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Discuss a lot of armor we use in the game.
  2. The old Hansa League countries. Not many people heard about the Hansa League across the big pond. Easy to see the buildings had the same style. You hit the nail on the head with Poland, they lost their independence for a long time not for nothing. Northern Poland also was a member of the Hansa League. For people who wonder it was an economic alliance something the like EU is today.
  3. C2 is better than other Soviet Units as they share the AFV's radio.
  4. This battle seems to have been fought by Soviet Estonian Forces. Submachine gunner assault. The German K98 is hopelessly outclassed at 100mtrs. At times you get a better picture by turning the Icons off. The Tankovyy Desant is a good unit. Sniper for overwatch and the submachine gunners for the assault. Approach was plotted from ground level. For micromanagement best done on micro terrain Situational awareness is everything. Correct placing of waypoints is the key upon full contact the unit stops advancing at the waypoint and engages.
  5. Armor Arcs I use them to hold fire. The amount of times that my tank was hit by another outside is arc is too numerous. Arcs are useful when you want to turn the turret. But think twice before you use them.
  6. First Screenshot 01:13:03 Second Screenshot 01:13:02. Credit goes to the sniper. Soviet advances over open ground have the key marksmen in position.
  7. Snipers. I found volume of fire determines casualties inflicted or the lack of it. Snipers deliver not much volume, time seems to be a factor. This shot took 2minutes in position among a few other instances of which I didn't make screenshots. I modified my tactics. Put them on hide till a fire fight develops then unhide and use the direction pointer to your intended target. Entered in the log. Time for the shot to break two minutes, method the pointer direction tool only. Direct fire orders I found counterproductive, a bolt rifle just doesn't produce the volume. They are effective for clearing out foxholes.
  8. Be careful what you buy. Go by the list of a tertiary academy can be useful. Sadly, they too are political and shouldn't be called universities. Customers can buy what you like and in democracies you have the right to be stupid. At times I make full use of that right. Aware of that.
  9. Till they acknowledge the contribution of everybody. They don't mention Lend & Lease thousands of kilometers of telephone cables, radios, trucks. Operation Bagration would be unthinkable without it. Russia at present is not a regime you can do business with. Tony Soprano looks like a choir boy in comparison.
  10. Making statements which are not correct are not helpful for the Ukraine. Truth and facts are on their side. They lost one million soldiers during WW2 over four millions served now they are called Nazis and their contribution will fully ignored by the Kremlin. It is time we ignore their participation too.
  11. Historically they were not capable of doing it by themselves, that is a historical fact. The first serious setback the Germans had was the Battle of Moscow. Zhukov with (not Russian) Siberian units' Russian units during the previous months surrendered in droves. Urban myth and social media is used by putin's cronies very sophisticated too to perpetuate myths. Russian desert now because they don't want to fight in Ukraine. It is not because they are in sympathy for the Ukraine. The fact they had to use criminals to do the heavy lifting and they can't find volunteers they have to use conscripts. These are facts not myths.
  12. If you use language which is the same as putin you support the man. It is up to Battlefront to ban me and they are welcome to do so. Not up to you. Freedom of speech is more valuable to me than this membership. Ukraine contributed over four million soldiers and lost over 1 million of them during WW2. You said Russians will keep fighting despite horrendous losses. How many prisoners did Germany take and how many Russians served under Nazi Germany? Reinforcing urban myths about Russia doesn't serve anybody. But according to putin and some subscribers it is all Russia. Imo this war will only end if he is gone, dead and buried.
  13. Different terms of service. Adobe does business by subscription and yes their digital paintbrushes are for you to produce digital art as you see fit.
  14. Found the numbers of the Ukrainian contribution during WW2 fighting as one of the Soviet Units. During the war, about 4,500,000 Ukrainians served with the Soviets, and 1,400,000 were killed in service.
  15. If you use putin language in my book you're pro putin. Russia the Russia of the Napoleonic age, Russia the Russia of the Soviet Union. Russia as the Soviet Union beat Germany. If talk like this becomes the urban myth Ukraine is in a real danger of losing. Just by being passionate about the truth they can win.
  16. Dutch means today the same as it did in 17th century Dutch. That was the meaning of Duytsch as in the national anthem. The dialects actually flow over.
  17. I rest my case, you choose to remain ignorant your statement is putin like. By the definition of Russia, the Russia of the Napoleonic era. Poland didn't exist as a result Russia and Prussia divided it. Listening to the Moscow comedy show aka propaganda they want to go back to those days. Soviet Union was Russia it is the most ignorant statement I read in a long time. You feel insulted? Nice at least I got somewhere.
  18. Exactly the language putin likes to hear and uses as an excuse. The age of the right by conquest is not here anymore. That is what he wants to restore. Russia is just a European country nothing more and nothing less and it is time the people don't fall out of windows or get poisoned in any European city for just disagreeing. All the other ex-Soviet Republics have the right to choose their own destiny. As a rule their leaders have super clue in their pants. Once on the seat of power impossible to move.
  19. Lukewarm at best as long as the war doesn't cost too much. I am ashamed of the late contributions of Western Europe. US again donate out of all proportion.
  20. I for one is to maintain the rage in regards of murdering,civilians children nurses etc people going on holidays. Europe is just too small to accommodate both democracies and dictatorships.
  21. Like the Germans called the Dutch Germanics too. It is up to the people who live in the Ukraine to choose their destiny. putin has just been implicated of the murder of around 300 of my ex country men this is just not somebody Europe can sign a peace treaty with. He belongs in an asylum with a straitjacket.
  22. A Russian is an individual who calls himself Russian and speaks Russian as his mother tongue. Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Moldavians, Georgians, Bessarabia etc etc didn't call themselves Russian. The moment they could declare independence they did exactly that. Compare it with Great Britain, Scotch and Welsh will never call themselves English.
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