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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. I understand a number of 1 million Ukranian refugees.
  2. Does the Ukraine has trained crews for Leo 2s and if they have who trained them? We probably never know or this is part of the overal strategy.
  3. Patton better execute a good plan today than a perfect plan next week. Hope the Russians didn't read it.
  4. The French about Germany during the Cold War. We love Germany so much that we want to have two Germanies.
  5. Well we live in a democracy and if a country is run by a party with a name of something like Pacifist Socialist Democrats don't expect much military spending of this alley on paper. I don't mention any country by name.
  6. MPF tanks already come knocking on the door. We may even end up with 2 men or even 1 man tanks. With the fire power and armor protection required but in a much smalle package. After all they made Leo 2s and Abrams to make money. The question is will not the tank become obsolete but will the MBT as we know it become obsolete. @Huba You won the war against the Soviets sometime around 1920 I think. It didn't get rid of them. They are just like floating p**. No matter how many times you flush they keep resurfacing.
  7. Germany knows not much has changed since WW 2. You need to take St Petersburg, Moscow and Wolgagrad. Two of the names have changed that is all. The war won't finish in the Ukraine. Germany thought it would be enough to capture France. How wrong they were.
  8. The lesson don't depend on others to equip your army.
  9. New Download. Activation key can be purchased if you updated a patch and need to unlock a battle pack. Like RT & Fr
  10. Ursula von der Leyen just stated the Ukraine will get everything it needs and can handle. The 'and can handle' is open for interpretation.
  11. Who is doing the support logistics? Ukraine can crew the machines, but provide support?
  12. Twenty years a happy battlefront customer. I started with Beyond Overlord. Helpdesk of BF is second to none, if it aint broke I don't try to fix something. Just traveling and downloaded a few games on my gaming laptop. No problem sorry for my attitude about steam, I wish all their customers happy gaming in 2023.
  13. Never a problem purchasing my games from BF. Steam a solution without a problem.
  14. Nice words of one. "The horrible assault on an apartment building in Dnipro makes it once again clear that Russia shouldn't win this war. Coordination of international military assistance in the coming months is therefore essential" Well done stating the obvious.
  15. I don't think EU politicians worry about solutions of issues. More about their standard of living and the prestige they enjoy.
  16. Best form of defense is to attack. It means seizing the iniative. The present Russian regime not only putin are not the type of people you can have diplomatic relations with.
  17. Once upon a time the Netherlands belonged to Spain too.
  18. Ukraine needs about 300 MBTs Britain and Poland will deliver 10+20. 300 MBTs means all of the German Bundeswehr Leopard II.Also social media's contribution of calling the Russian army incompetent is not very helpful. Even an incompetent army can win if they have the mostest.
  19. It is all relative. Soldiers in a building give only their position away when they fire. Same with units under concealment or cover. They only become visible and become a full contact when they break cover not when you plot an LOF to a tentative contact which is a forest or shrub tile rightfully you read no LOS.
  20. Yes and that is how we play it on Hotseat, the radio buttons on the left need to be on green before we can think of horizontal communication. Start the game by sorting out a Command Post where the HQs of Engineers, Infantry, TacAir etc communicate with each other. On Iron you can see which units are in direct contact.
  21. It is best when you enjoy playing it. Iron for me because it gives me the correct situational awareness. Units can't fire at friendly units they are on full contact with. However a small shift of the mouse and the cursor becomes area fire then you can be hit by friendly fire. Never a good idea to have units inside the LOF of friendly units.
  22. Playing single player gives you the opportunity to design tactics for forests, urban environments etc sandbox style. Environments which are well known challenges.
  23. Armor makes the crew survive an engagement, it doesn't make the tank survive necessarily.
  24. They should publish screenshots of Total Victories with Zero casualties on Iron. In twenty years I have achieved it only once. Playing Ambush in BS a Minor Victory against the AI because the only way I could pull off the mission was by doing a Banzai Charge. Kudos to the designer with that one.
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