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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Graphic Camera 1 Good, 2-4 functional see just about the same as on the news. Camera 5-9 like to see replaced by a roadmap and topographic map. Graphics don't need much of an improvement at all.
  2. He has the credentials and that is one of the things they are fighting for. Freedom of the press whether we disagree or not. The interviewee definitely was out of order, he gave as a glimpse what the persons putin approves of are like.
  3. I am not a fan of Piers Morgan but against this stooge from the Kremlin I took his side. I also believe a settlement like Korea could be the outcome whether we like it or not. The objectives St, Petersburg, Moscow, Volgograd? I can't see it happening. That is what a humiliated Russia will look like.
  4. That's what you're up against. Journalists can't ask rational questions. Well, if he lived in Australia the Russian would be advised to take language classes, I had to turn on the subtitles.
  5. Correct, using scouts for pathfinding is something what could happen in real life.
  6. I blasted a hole big enough for a Churchill but the blast area was on a forest tile. You need to study the tiles for your map analysis.
  7. That's for me one of the purposes for the two men scout team. Place a way point near the bocage and a way point on the other side. The engine finds a way to get through. You can do it on slow the worse thing what can happen is your scouts will be exhausted. Lots of times you can spot rabbit or murder holes, I suspect the designer uses them for ambushes or triggerpoints.
  8. Said yesterday this is the algorithm war. You get fed what you like to read. Russian TV plays what the viewers like to watch. Same applies for us. Must be a different reason they don't attack Russian positions in Russia.
  9. Interesting I am 73 and playing CM since Beyond Overlord. I will qualify soon for my Gold Jubilee.
  10. Yes, nothing is worth your soul, your soul is yours and yours alone. The perception of history is personal and not the version they teach in other countries.
  11. I listened to an Austrian on You Tube and the Leopard maybe used for infantry support and freeing the more valuable Leo2s. He said assault gun mode (Sturmgeschütz) other worths infantry support first battling MBTs second.
  12. Only one NATO country is required to stop the Ukraine from joining, I doubt if not a single NATO member would have promised something like this behind the scenes. The issue is putin wants to decide who is to become a president of an ex Soviet State and not the people who live there.
  13. Till today Cuba has a Communist Government and like Cuba, Ukraine agreed to get rid of their nuclear arsenal. In return Russia with the US agreed to guarantee its national integrity. Now the world can see that guarantees from Russia are not worth the paper it is written on. since the US guaranteed the integrity of the Ukraine as a state it is only decent they give the weapons to defend itself.
  14. Ukraine has the prerogative about their neutrality nobody else. It was decision by a democratic Ukrainian government to apply for NATO and EU membership. Their government decided to defend themselves militarily.
  15. Hundred Thousand is a horrible figure but not as horrific as forty million that's the last time they dealt with a dictator. Putin is the reason God gave members of the human race a middle finger.
  16. German MG34 and MG42 they explain the weapons with amazing detail. Especially the MG34.
  17. Interesting point of view one of his better contributions.
  18. Tyrannies know that their system will eventually be replaced by a democracy. Everything is only temporary.
  19. It is a circle. Tyranny, Democracy, Anarchy Back to Tyranny. In my opinion you discuss the phase of Democracy to Anarchy which is the excuse Tyrannies uses to justify their position and perpetuate their power.
  20. Yes. It was a trading league, nothing wrong with Russian people they are just ruled by would be Tony Sopranos. Just feel sorry for them.
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