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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. The MG 42 is an area or suppressing weapon and the downside is it ammunition consumption and the spare barrels required. The American 60 mm mortar usually deals with this weapon very effectively. You're 100 % correct once it is dealt with the Germans end up with a WW 1 squad vs an American WW 2 squad. The Bren is more useful in the attack. Ammunition consumption is acceptable and for a machinegun too accurate if you want to find something wrong with it. Both the Bren and the MG 42 had their modern versions.
  2. I know I was jumping subjects. I should have explained it. The town was Bolsward in Friesland and had nothing to do with Overloon. The Peel region near the border of Limburg and Braband. We migrated in the mid 60's, the allies ended up liberating the Netherlands from Germany of all places. There was also an engagement near a place called Delfzijl in the province of Groningen. Bolsward is a nice little place and the house of my uncle was in Harlingen Straat about 100 meters from the bridge. Dad was thrown down the stairs because of the explosion. Later everybody was in a good mood and my older brother tucked in a piece of Roast Beef from a Canadian field kitchen he was 10 months old. I wanted to visit this year but Covid threw a spanner in the works.
  3. Thank you, I will use the game of cricket as an analogy. The grass is green and kept in optimal condition. I used to play the game socially. Batsman hits the red ball it flies through the air in full view of everybody and it lands 10 meters from John (not his real name). Does John see the ball? No, the other fielders do but not John, John didn't have a LOS when he should have. It is like hitting a target with your sidearm. Yours truly here could hit the UIT rapid fire target inside the 10 ring (playing card size) at 50 meters during a service pistol match. The important thing was perfect LOS, and the target didn't shoot back. Hypothetically speaking if I was the pixel trooper and you click me to shoot at the HQ at 50 mtr while they are surrounded by a company of highly motivated elite troops, I will tell you to jump in the lake by not having an LOS. It is the way the game is meant to be played; I think. Experiment in this game. Scouting games, I liked is 'Edge of Darkness' and 'Insertion and Interdiction'. In 'Edge of Darkness' the TAC Observer never get a direct visual in the game. Yes, the scout before him had a few snipers also but not the TAC Team. Why was that? My theory is the team is highly skilled but not get an LOS. In the game if you identify enemy troops according the game engine, they could identify you (I could be wrong). The game lets you plot an airstrike which get duly destroyed. Snipers are superbly equipped, and I use them as secondary spotters. They confirm the destruction of the target which is important and one of the roles of infantry. Always be conscious if you can hit something, something could hit you. My experiences were on Iron difficulty it may be different on Veteran for example. We bought the game to enjoy ourselves. Wish you happy gaming for 2021
  4. I don't use the waypoint and target function system it is gamy, and it doesn't work. A strong 'sound contact' is the indication you may have a line of sight. Sound Contact is misleading just contact is enough. Eyeballing is enough from Camera position one, one notch up with the mouse wheel and you have what an AFV's sees. No LOS also means the unit is not looking. You may have a computer your troops don't. Make sure all your contacts icons are shared. Armor have often a different C3 structure to share the contacts of your security units their HQ's must be in proximity of each other, Arty Spotters too. Your snipers observe and the arty spotter remains blissfully unaware. I read plenty of comments that the game sucks! It doesn't. Your HQ's have their assistants use them and pair them with your spotters. Experiment put them if there is room in the FIST vehicle for example. Use DOPE the sniper's bible. Your computer is your weapon against your opponent. Data Of Personal Equipment get a notebook and pen down what works and what doesn't. I recently found out the Javelin is great in knocking out Kornet batteries, but you need to target it manually. At armor it will do so automatically. You need a Contact Icon first before there is a LOS very rarely, I get an identified icon. I play on Iron for that reason you get a clearer picture of how the game engine works. Kind regards.
  5. The large maps in CM are 2 km across, I am 70 now and most days I jog. 5 km in 30 minutes, I see tucks therefore as ammunition dumps. IFV's and APC's you disembark troops or using the British term debussing at the terrain feature between your infantry and the objective. You don't waste the firepower of a .50 cal mg or one of the modern rapid-fire cannons. So, it is worthwhile to secure a block of houses they are cover for your APC'S and get infantry to make contact. In MOUT operations get the grenadier to about 50 mtr and get him fire a rifle grenade inside the building. M79 were the tool to use 50 years ago nowadays you have modified assault rifles doing the same job. APC's can breach brick buildings but not in CM. You drive up a building once your infantry suppresses the enemy. An APC is less valuable than a human life but not in a game. You never go wrong if you adapt real tactics. The losses of taking a building can be unacceptable against a hidden determined enemy. The only way to get rid of them is with grenades. Look at a Commonwealth unit once you peel off an assault party. 3 men with 15 grenades and if you're lucky a gammon bomb. Their .303 is pretty useless inside houses.
  6. Vehicle Recon? I found a variation of 'Shoot and Scoot' works. Expose and immediately reverse. A few times ATGM's reveal themselves yes sometimes you lose but most of the time you win. You get valuable intel. Kind regards and best wishes.
  7. Recon the game I like is "Insertion and Interdiction" in SF2. You start with a Platoon Leader with a Squad of United States Marines supported by an Arty Observer and 2 teams of snipers (green) 2 AT teams also green. Your objective is a ridge with trenches in which are located batteries of Kornet ATGM's. Later your get LAV APC's and 2 Abrams and a Cobra attack helicopter. I play on Iron but you must patrol aggressively but not recklessly. Once your reinforcements arrive make sure you share the intel with them. I don't commit my Abrams if they have not received the intel, I use the C2 teams for that move him to the HQ Abrams and the intel will be shared. Patrol on overwatch and the reinforcements in the form of two sections of Marines come to the rescue. An old script but it is fun.
  8. It was an AT gun in a tank not a dedicated tank-gun. 2 pounder, 6 pounder and 17 pounder good on the day for brewing up tanks, but not too good if they needed an HE round. 75 mm PAK and the 75 mm Kwk 75 mm were similar but not the same. I think the 77 mm was a good compromise between a tank-gun and a AT gun. A shame the Comet was not in production by the time of Normandy. Let me wish you a very happy New Year. Discussions would be boring if we all have the same opinion.
  9. The 13 kb is just more than weird. Why can't we post some decent graphics? My restriction is 1.72 kB today.
  10. To fight British Commonwealth, you must admire the guys. Lee Enfield .303 much the same as the weapon in WW 1 as is the Vickers. The Churchill very much a WW 1 Infantry tank. With their tanks it was 1945 before they adopted the German Idea a modified 17 pounder in the Comet now a called a 77 mm Tank Gun. The Germans had the PAK 75 mm and put it in the Panzer IV and called it 75mm KwK. They did it in 1941-1942. Their artillery was superb we need an article of the 25-pounder field gun. The RAF had the Spitfire the Army the 25 Pounder. In the Netherlands there was a battle on the scale of Arnhem called the battle for Overloon. The British came to the rescue of the Americans, in final Blitzkrieg you can play the beginning of that battle a pity there is not the 2nd phase when the British took over. Meijel Mayhem is the start of it in Final Blitzkrieg. A platoon of Canadian Engineers took the town in the north of the country where my parents were at the time. They were all in the cellar when the Germans blew up the bridge, but the Canadians had their Bailey Bridge up in a matter of hours. Would make an interesting small battle but the Germans had bought time to get away. 3 weeks later WW 2 ended.
  11. I come in late on this one. A fire team has 1 scout, A section or a squad has a fire team for scouting, A platoon has one squad assigned for scouting aka security. A company has a platoon dedicated for scouting or security. The trick is a unit makes contact so that the other units can engage, and the enemy won't know where they came from. In CM build up data of contacts and you see your spotting problems disappear as by magic. Attackers, attack objectives with sound contacts or icons they don't go in blindly. Closely followed by your Mortars and HMG's. Defending is the same your security is now called outposts. It is like shooting the theory is explained in 5 minutes to practice a lifetime.
  12. It is just the resolution today, Iam permitted 1.72 kb! In other words, don't publish here. It was impressive on my computer screen. I think to blame CM is a little unfair. Fog of War camera settings of 5-9 could be a period map or a digital screen. I am 70 and retired and this game is therapeutic, the tactics I know actually work they don't work in any other game. Kind regards and happy New Year.
  13. You forget their hand grenades (Mills Bombs.) The Gammon Bomb is wonderful you could manufacture your own at the front half a load to breach a door and a double load to attack a tank. Without them military operations urban terrain would be impossible.
  14. How do you know it was a civilian? There is objective thinking and subjective thinking. Like Word War two members of the resistance wore civilian clothing and their executions were not regarded as a warcrime in Nuremberg. It will be an interesting court case, till then they are presumed innocent till found guilty. In modern war a cell phone is what we call a mobile phone is a dangerous weapon indeed. They are triggers for IED's it was the weapon of the Arab spring. What did the videographer do? Just filming and not trying to stop it? Why are we still in Afghanistan? Is the question. I am puzzled the Taliban were allies of the US till they had to give shelter to Bin Laden. That's all it takes in that culture 'Peace be with you' and you are entitled to be a guest for 3 months. Not surprised he eventually made his way to Pakistan. Oh yes there are calls of all members to hand over their medals whether they were involved or not. It seems unfair to me but I could be wrong.
  15. When were they found guilty of murder? I like to report you to the curators of this website. This is a website for hobbyist. We shoot pixels, is that also against the 19th century Geneva convention? The government never declared war in Afghanistan, the Australian army doesn't fight the Afghan army. There has been an enquiry and we just wait how it all works out. But you in your almighty wisdom found these guys guilty. Get of your high horse.
  16. I think, it has to do with situation awareness. Example scout spots an AFV and through the Communication Networks the info ends up at the Battalion HQ. Now our tanks and forward observes come on the scene. Click them and you see no Contact Icon, I recently teamed the company assistant with the Arty Spotter or Airforce Observer. The Headquarter units are also in proximity of each other. The contact icons become visible with the different branches. Recently in British Mettle the Challengers were more effective by just putting them in the same proximity as the Company HQ Warrior. I just opened them up and the Contact Icons were shared from the Company CO to the Challenger HQ tank.
  17. It is an IFV infantry fighting vehicle. More effective than the old M113. First its function is to get the troopers from A to B and provide support. The troops dismount or debus at the last feature on the terrain or urban area while the vehicle is behind cover. Going Hull Down is the last of its problems. It is designed to fight with the infantry you can't do it in Shock Force 2 but walls have been breached by driving the vehicle through it. Try it in a game once your infantry suppresses the enemy in a fire fight have an APC or IFV move right up the wall to do the killing it works. That's if you play WeGo pause the game and see or the enemy is suppressed.
  18. To suppress is the purpose of this weapon if some of your enemy end up as a casualty it is just a bonus. I know that an 81 mm mortar shell goes through any housing roof and explodes inside. But not in CM learn to live with it. Buildings are hypothetical in this game. Unless the building collapses assume that your fire has been ineffective walls needs to be breached at least in Shock Force 2 you can climb on the roof. In Final Blitzkrieg you can't go up the attic and punch some rooftiles out. I wish I could in this game. My tip, before you risk a spotter see or a scout or his squad leader can call a strike, you need also to be able to observe the spotting rounds. See at how many places you can put the pointer. If it is all good get the observer in the position you are about to vacate. The further away a mortar is the greater is the pattern of the barrage. On map mortars they move up with my security squads. You need them up the front sometimes your C2 is just verbal communication.
  19. We are not allowed to exceed 10kb? I find this a little poor.
  20. Sorry I have got you down as a ........... War has not been declared, they have not been charged yet. People like you believe anything they read in the media. I already pointed out this is a site for wargaming hobbyist. They may have a case to answer for and it is not up to you or me or the media to find them guilty. What is also a war crime is to fight not in a uniform, using children to do your dirty work. The Taliban don't go by the Geneva convention their rules of war is penned down in the Al Quran and the way they interpret it. Get an English copy and read it. My opinion about Afghanistan the moment Bin Laden was taken care it was mission accomplished and get out of the place.
  21. Buildings in Combat Mission are hypothetical. Take this 'Hospital' I think, we mean the same thing. You take fire, and the game is generous by showing from which window it comes from. Even on Iron you can identify the shooter. Better take fire and all what you should get is a contact icon. Take the Iranian embassy siege, the principle was the same. The negotiators engaged and the SAS gained intelligence. Once they took the lives of some hostages they could act. With a superior Combat factor, they took the building. Here we get intelligence by engaging once morale goes down enough you can take the building. Try to make your way to the roof. Once there your explosives will be effective. We don't have helicopter transport in this game. Against the AI you can experiment which model works.
  22. The idea is how far your formation can travel before deployment. To avoid premature dismounting or debussing. Study the map and its features. Company HQ + Security Platoon, HQ weapons +Observers. Determine your observation post, communications and firing positions. The Recon stops at the first contact, your advancement can start, and the leaders can observe the enemy's reaction. Even a four men firing team uses the same principle. The leader do the Recon, position his marksman, grenadier, and reserve. Here in British Mettle I could Position the Tac Air Control on the top as the dug in T55's were revealed by the snipers. The Forward Observer on the Bottom with the 2-sniper observing the suspected ATGM sites. As Challengers are more than a match for the T55's they complimented the Attack by the Typhoon Fighter bomber. The Challengers did a shoot and scoot mission as I am aware of possible ATGM attack. They revealed themselves but missed, this tactic works often the terrain is forested and the Challengers didn't stop fast forward and reverse. The Arty Observer called in a mortar strike , combined with the Airstrike and the Challengers. The T55's on the high ground were destroyed. Without the Leaders Recon Tactic this wouldn't have worked. Your security platoon makes sure the area is clear you operate in. Daylight just broke and the night vision advantage of my recon elements have gone.
  23. According to the battle you could play against the AI. I had nothing to do so I selected a 30-turn battle. I don't like Armor only. With meeting engagements, you get some good intelligence. You know the objective of the enemy; it is child's play to determine where you will destroy the enemy. No need to take your objective when he surrenders.
  24. Yes, this site doesn't allow higher resolutions. For us wargaming was to find solutions for a problem to be shared. The solution was, to use the road as the route to advance. Analyse ambush positions breach the walls around the village with the Abrams 120 mm a battle will soon develop. The "Silly Syrian Counterattack" is the bonus. After the Abrams and a squad of infantry in the Stryker capture the 'Enemy's Headquarters'. The Squad in the Stryker was made useless. The building had to be preserved and using 5 turns of area fire with the Abrams .50 Cal was not enough to break the spirit of the defenders. A squad of highly trained Marines supported by the .50 cal of 4 Abrams suffered 50% of my infantry casualties. To capture buildings is my weakness in this game apart from changing it into a pile of rubble I would appreciate more suggestion. I will add the word spoiler next time.
  25. Like debussing infantry. Use the feature between your objective (not necessarily the game objective). The 60 mm mortar is excellent in the dual role. Even in the direct mode it is often out of LOS of the enemy it is attacking. Mortars (Also artillery) make an area mission the moment you get contacts in the area. You soon get identified enemies for which you can adjust inside a minute. medium on long is how I start. The large area may fool the enemy they are spotting rounds not close enough to worry about. Mortars are the infantry's personal artillery use them as such. Don't go for the kill they were designed for suppression, I found it out after a game. The Kornets were not knocked out but must have been suppressed when my armor was attacking. Make it as fair and as honest as a Bullfight in Spain. Airforce, Artillery, Infantry, Armor play in concert and the firepower masks your planning and intentions. You can always cease a mission and cut it short. "Klotzen Nicht Kleckern!" Heinz Guderian is reputed to have said. Unite your forces when you commence your mission don't use them divided. This is what makes this game great, the moment you try to create a Rambo or American Sniper you end up as one of their victims.
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