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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Apart from letting units who didn't spot them doing convenient area fire at the sandbags which are displayed.
  2. Rules demonstrate communication is possible. Vertical or Horizontal between units. HQ's receive contact icons they can order fire missions for their subunits to carry out if they all have their 'Green Radiobuttons'. I enjoy my Hotseat battles as winning or losing is not important finding tactical solutions is the reason we play the game. Important during the set up period make sure the 'Signals' are in order. There should be Signal units like we have Engineers who establish communication between Armored HQ and Infantry HQ for example. Signal unit clicks HQ A and HQ B after some time the Signal unit displays a Radio Icon.
  3. Exactly one of the reasons the Cold War never turned 'Hot'. Every square meter was referenced and both sides knew it. A Barbarossa type of operation would have been met with at least tactical nuclear artillery and likewise a Bagration type of operation against NATO. You would have had ground forces with about a 48 hour life expectancy or out of action because of radiation sickness.
  4. You see all of your Icons? Alt+I make all icons visible as it should be. Basic gameplay should give you plenty of enemy icons soon after you start. Some scenarios you don't see any at some others they are a lure. Depends all on the designer.
  5. It depends on the person who designed the campaign. I never tried to unpack campaign files it is not the intention of the designer I think.
  6. It was explained on one of Josey Wales videos. More intel the sooner you can attack. You need to read the briefing. If there are only points for occupy and touch objectives on the back of the map with plenty of tentative contacts it is a typical attack scenario. Most scenarios are just variations of this concept. A typical AAR of an attack.
  7. Quality is not bad at all, if you just could do something about the saturation.
  8. I think if an AT-Gun occupies a foxhole and you put it on hide the crew is protected as they will be below LOS inside the foxhole, but I think the AT-Gun is not.
  9. Masking with an observer in the right position. To think in the terms of 'duels' is counter productive.
  10. I got caught recently as well and it is hard to find the sweet spot. Just enough into the woods not to be spotted and still be able to spot outside. It is like bocage in Battle for Normandy directly behind you can spot but you will remain concealed. In a forest it is much harder.
  11. What level do you play? Gog Magog RT on Iron the Soviet AT Guns are required to fire before I spot the sandbags. Hammers Flank same story the MG's fire before I spot their foxholes. Outline of trenches became visible at around 300 meters.
  12. First I have no problem, I saw your guidelines and my PC warned me against doing it. Possibly what works on your PC may not be applicable to other computers.
  13. It is either camouflaged or it is not. Something like the HQ stands 100 meters from it and when he sees a giveaway tell his boys to do it again.
  14. I always found it worth my while to wait and see what is actually inside them. I agree however that trenches and foxholes should be modeled differently.
  15. I thought that AT-Guns are supposed to be camouflaged during the deploy phase of a scenario. If they get moved or fire they lose the camouflage bonus. The original point was "once they fire it is a matter of time before they are taken out!" Exactly the reason they became obsolete. The immediate future was the ' Recoilless Rifle' which was far more tactically flexible.
  16. What is the definition of accuracy in the game? Or is it the ability to spot enemy units quicker?
  17. TRP's during the siege of Tobruk were done during night patrols. They cut jerrycans in half. Painted the inside white and the outside a desert pattern. So when the battle started they saw the 'TRPs' to aid FOs and direct fire weaponry. Wish they showed that in the movie. They just mention the night patrols.
  18. If you prepare a defense against the AI? A human player may wonder why an IFV is shooting at some silly spot.
  19. Well you would know the distance if you use the MG. I don't know or it inspired the .50 aiming gun design of the Centurion. I just shared the video some people can find it useful.
  20. if I can install four games correctly anyone can. But must say needed help with the help desk a couple of times. With the keys etc. Could be more straight forward.
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