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Everything posted by quakerparrot67

  1. good shot, chuck!! i love them coming out of the smoke to spirit him away... cheers, rob
  2. wow, thanks! no messing with the light, they're all just straight out of the game. i was showing these to my wife ealier, and she mentioned the low, northern winter light. she kinda gets why i like the game so much, lol. cheers, rob
  3. one question- why don't my berlin houses look like that?!? wahhhhhhh..... cheers, rob
  4. some shots from the german/belgian borderlands... cheers, rob
  5. no problem, i'm ok with 'shapes of things to come'. also, your latest batch is great, i really like the mist (fog?) with the muted 'red thunder' color pallet- very atmospheric, and the 3 shots of the lone ivan charging the trench make a great mini-story. cheers, rob cheers, rob
  6. "whats all this buck rogers stuff?" says the intrepid wwii combat photographer, "some kinda nat-zi wonder waffens?" cheers, rob
  7. nice! i was just wishing for something like the foliage on the pak's yesterday. it really ups the realism a good notch or 2. the helmet and rifle foliage also look good. would there be any way to mix more than 1 helmet camo? are these close to ready for release? the forth picture is also a pretty good screenshot. thank you for your work in providing us the mods that you make. they add greatly to enjoyment of the game. cheers, rob
  8. damn, i'm sorry to hear that. is it graphics card problems like others are having?
  9. couldn't've said better than him. cheers, rob
  10. ???!!!??? still interested in maybe doing some arnhem/oosterbeek? also, would it be possible to make shorter (1 meter or so)? cheers, rob
  11. aw, shucks, cap'n.... thank you. i've been happier with some of my more recent shots lately and those 2 i was pretty proud of. they were only possible because mr. pye's invisible floors let me shoot upward from beneath the subject . i might have to start looking for more situations that can give a lower vantage point than our usual "camera 1" level. also really liking the way zooming in gives the same 'flattening ' effect between near and far objects as a telephoto lens- useful for more 'graphic design' type composed shots, as well as 'bringing everything closer". fun, fun, fun! cheers, rob
  12. love it! makes some other cm (bn,fi,) not look so good anymore,lol. spending all my time on the ostfront, lately. and thanks- it helps to have a good environment to shoot.
  13. do you sleep??? seriously- not only new maps and mods (deep trenches...take my money!!!), but really good screenshots, too. good stuff. cheers, rob
  14. now ask if we want to hear your other dog impression. cheers, rob
  15. 4 solid shots- my favorite would be the last one with the tank riders, really good composition of the wedge or 'spearhead' thrusting forward. i also like that all of the added color of the faces is concentrated in the mass of tank riders- it really draws the eye. damn, i wish this one was mine... wouldn't disown the others, either. cheers, rob
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