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Everything posted by quakerparrot67

  1. a semi-official combat mission red thunder calendar, perhaps... cheers, rob
  2. i'd be up for that......anyone want to organize it? cheers, rob
  3. another good set of pix there, cap'n. the silhouetted firefly against the dawn sky is definitely a keeper , plus the 'buddy aid' shot and, well, all of them really. i've never noticed the 'lens' artifacts before like in the first pic in-game before. in a real photograph each of those 'ghost' circles represents one glass lens element in the camera lens as light goes through it at a non-perfect angle- if that makes any sense. cool to see that the game reproduces this, it's another touch that adds to the overall realism. thank you for the comments and compliments, it's good to see someone coming from the same direction with their pics as well. that 'you are there' feeling is what i'm usually trying for- getting right down in the middle of the action. i do a bit of street photography, so i kinda try for the same sort of shots in the game. t.b.h., one of the things i like most about the game is the ability to use it as a 'wwii photo-safari', choosing and framing my shots from just about any angle or position- plus the fact that paused in the middle of a battle there are so many things happening all over the map at that one instant and an infinite number of views you can capture for each one.... it's just amazing, especially when you get an environment like npye's berlin. it doesn't look 'photorealistic', but the way it looks can 'feel' surprisingly 'real' like a good illustration or animated film rather than a video game. . an amazing tool to help visualize history, as well as a hell of a lot of fun! cheers, rob
  4. here's a few recent dispatches- coments, critiques welcome. cheers, rob
  5. i gotta 'like' anyone who quotes ( paraphrases, whatever...) henri cartier bresson- one of my favorite photographers! also, great shot the reference is tied to, phantom captain. cheers, rob
  6. the amazing part is the mod- i'm just walking around with a camera. cheers, rob
  7. i'll just leave these here.... cheers, rob
  8. wonderful old photos- it's cool to see the history leading up to our wwii obsession. i was trying to figure out the damage to the pic with the cannon, but i realized it was the electric web for the trams. can anyone recomend any good books (in english) on the 1919 revolution? and it's good to hear fascist thugs called exactly what they were. cheers. rob
  9. i see what you mean about the berlin mod for cmfb. i'll have to give it a try. cheers, rob
  10. nice- almost like an andrew wyeth painting.....with k98k. cheers, rob
  11. good shots! i especially like the first one and the wide-angle t34s. cheers, rob
  12. gotta hand it to ya, nige', you and the rest of the team have really hit it for six with this one . (yes, i had to look up the cricket equivalent to 'knock it out of the park'- stoopid yank.....). just checking out all the maps so far, but i can already say that these maps feel like actual 'places', not just a space to play a game. gonna have to find a way to balance this with wife, bird (parrot, not crumpet), life, etc., because i think i'm gonna be spending a lot of time in your berlin, man. and it didn't cost a penny... cead mile failte, mate, rob
  13. this shot, if i remember correctly, is from the cmbn scenario 'now you enter germany', i'll have to go back and check if the teeth do 'destruct'- can't recall. i' see what i can do about a screen shot for you. thank you for those mods and any other of yours that i'm using, i am really grateful to you and all the other modders. the game is a much richer environment thanks to your work, individually and collectively. and thanks for the comments, j.m. cheers, rob
  14. thanks, cap'n! you've been posting some good ones, too. cheers, rob
  15. well, new the holidays are just about over and things are at least a little more back to 'normal', here's a few 'caps for your enjoyment.....or not. cheers, rob
  16. ok- i've scraped together some odd shots from the past few weeks- thats all for now. now that the holidays are done with and i'm feeling a bit more human i might try posting more often. keep 'em coming, cheers, rob
  17. yes, definitely a cm screenshot, just the conversion to monochrome looks beeter than any i have seen done to cm screenshots- wondering if maybe it was done with a 'film' filter in a photoediting program. cheers, rob
  18. nice! how did you do the mono conversion? thi9s looks a lot more like 'film' (tri-x?) than most 'b/w' screenshots from the game. cheers. rob
  19. big grin!!!!!!!!!! just in time for x-mas, too! thanks, nigel , i can't believe the effort that you put into this and your stalingrad mod- or the results that you've gotten. a wizard, a true star... cheers, rob
  20. no, that's for everyone else. he'll most likely be dead by then- that's why it's only 2 years for him. cheers, rob
  21. do you have any scenarios (with 1 side ai) for these versions of the maps? the factory stuff looks real good. cheers, rob
  22. yeah, that was crap, at least the half-episode i managed to sit through. i was really looking forward a few years ago to a film adaptation going into production of maj. geoffrey powell's 'men at arnhem' ( a great read and grounds-eye view of the battle), but i guess it's fallen through.... meh. cheers, rob
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