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Everything posted by Kinophile

  1. Interesting. I remember reading that Russian losses were about 20-25% more than UKR - the not just outdated, but simply Bad tactics described here would support that. The UKR units without a basic defense plan is appalling. Eye witness soldier accounts are always fascinating - do you have any more?
  2. Lol, god those ads are maddening in their assumption of your stupidity. John, not doubting your assessment, just don't expect a Daily Mumble link to add any weight to your posts - quite the opposite in fact, for me at least. Your follow on links above are much more informative and intelligent.
  3. This is true (in the ironic sense). John, you may as well quote USA Today or News of the World. The Dumb Mail could never be considered a reliable, legitimate or even just plain sensible publication. It is a gutter tabloid masquerading as a broadsheet, something well known in UK/IRL. Interesting as your note is, and your rationale is fairly sound, quoting a "newspaper" like the DM badly damages the credibility of your points.
  4. Custom. OoB would be huge. It's a complete waste of time to build a new order each game, especially when replaying the same map. I don't suppose anyone knows if the original OoB is a text or excel file, or something similarly straightforward?
  5. This is actually quite doable by the mid community alone - you're basically talking about a launcher. I've seen several mods for other games that built quite effective and slick launchers.
  6. *** Move From .BMP to JPEG/PNG! *** This would cut the entire game file size down by about 25%,if not more, and drastically speed it up. It would also allow much better textures and graphics.
  7. Thanks Euri. I've been steadily streamlining and tweaking, hopefully upload a new version toward the end of Feb.
  8. I'm curious about the Rosomak also, but mainly as to why it seems to have such a good reputation? Not critical, just curious. Further, the Polish defence forces would be a very interesting mix of NATO/RUS weaponry. I play exclusively as RUS, do that style plus some kick ass NATO gear would be RAWR.
  9. There's also my minimalist mods. EDITOR http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=2770 GENERAL UI http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=2744&
  10. I'm working towards the idea of doing this as waves - ie, 1 Batt per wave, with the briefing making it clear that casualties of a certain percentage per wave are to be avoided (with associate points reduction, somehow).
  11. Thanks for all the feed back. To clarify, the intention is NOT to model a division in its OOB entirety, but to play a much larger battle than is normally set up. Maintenance/supply companies are irrelevant for my purposes. Perhaps, full Brigade is a more accurate (and achievable) aim.
  12. This possibly belongs more in the Maps & Mods section... Anyway, has anyone pushed the game engine to its limit in terms of rendering/calculating the maximum number of units possible in a single battle? I'm working up a full-on, brigade+ urban scenario, with RUS attempting to conquer a major UKR city. I'm aiming to push the unit count to the max possible and still be playable. The idea is to stage it in waves over the 2 hour max time limit, with each wave a battalion or more in scale. Heavy air support and arty from both sides. Where I'm coming from is that CMBS seems to model, or at least the Campaign favours, a more limited view of a possible Nato-RUS conflict than I do. I personally suspect that if it ever did get to that point, that Russia (under whatever alternating puppet Putin has his hand inside) would go all-in. No pissing about with battalion skirmishes, but full, divisional scale assaults, with the UKR armed forces fighting tooth & nail for the very existence of their country. Modern weaponry is so lethal, so quickly, to so many that battles could be decided quite quickly. This could be viewed as the apex of the climatic battle that decides the war - a near total RUS commitment to knock UKR out of the war in one bloody, vicious day, with Kiev scrambling to defend. So, anyone? Unit count limits on the engine?
  13. Hi All, Just uploaded a new mod, minimalist version of the editor. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=2770 Its pretty clean and clear; I'm very happy with it. Primary intention was to strip away a lot of the unnecessary decoration and bordering. Buttons are now very clean and clear, with a simple grey/white/blue/red colour cheme. Almost all functional buttons have been adjusted; now onto the massive task of updating all the individual mapping buttons...ugh. Enjoy. Comments etc welcome. KP
  14. Considering losing mobility in a poor sight line position can essentially write off a tank for the run of the battle, and mobility is the primary defence against US then definitely Era side panels would be vital.
  15. So multiple manpads can simultaneously track and engage multiple targets? Essentially turns a verba platoon into a low ceiling directed AAA Battery. The A10 wwouldn't stand a chance. Until more effective counter measures (eg small, SBD style loitering ARM munitions) are available
  16. Still feels like an incremental advance. Certainly, it is definitely an upgrade, although an extra 400/1000m range doesn't seem very dramatic. The radar station is unusual, definitely. I'm personally not sure it's worth the effort to add to the game... (I assume that is your subtext?)
  17. Lol true.... Still, he then dies a doubly useless death - he doesn't add to his mates fire nor does he enhance the BMP in any way. It feels like the BMP should come with at least a permanent driver, allowing us to cleanly split off a two man team from the main squad and create both a properly crewed BMP and a coherent infantry squad.
  18. This is pretty awkward. I Have to lose a man from the squad to just sitting in the BMP sipping vodka while his squaddies fight for their pixelated lives outside? Hmmmmmm.
  19. I personally would vote for the extra 100mm!
  20. How big, thougj? What's the ratio/threshold percentage to prevent surrender?
  21. I'm not sure of this note re bmp losing spotting ability once squads dismount. I just played out a meat grinder of a MOUT versus @Abbasid111. 3xBMP companies were perfectly capable after the infantry dismounted - overwatch, suppression, anti-tank. It ended with a Black Watch style frontal charge by 4-5 BMPs (with Tunguska support) through a smoke bank against three T64s. BMPs did perfectly fine at spotting and targeting the MBTs. Throughout the game I saw absolutely no degradation in BMP capability once empty of troops.
  22. Does anyone know of a current breakdown of just how many tanks & types UKR has? Anyone know of OSCE or NATO estimates?
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