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Everything posted by Kinophile

  1. My mother in law grew up under communism. She and I talked about the very visible disparity between the government propaganda and the actual day to day reality, back then and now today with Putin's Ukrainian war, and my amazement that people will believe so much of the garbage being vomited up by RT and it's like. She said that it's not so much that the propagandists (then and now) must make cogent, verifiable claims, it's simply about volume - they just pound you and pound you with relentless bull****, it doesn't matter how crazy, until inevitably some tiny part of your mind starts to believe, or even just accept, the lies. Because that's all they need, for you to start doubting your own thoughts, and accepting theird as even possible. Propaganda is not sniper work, it's artillery - if it doesn't kill your independent thought, even just the suppression of it is good enough. The objective is to stop you thinking clearly. Thence, any and all media outlets are just tubes to fire their mental excrement through, no matter how poorly made. Scumbags, both generations. Russians deserve better.
  2. I think Armata and the glorious non-invasion of Ukraine by HATO nemesis Spetsnaz War Robots are both utterly independent of any given thread subject under discussion. It could probably be some kind of law, let's call it after its ruthless inspiration: PUTLER'S 1st LAW states: The more non-relevant and pointless it is to talk about Armata or deny the Russian forces in Ukraine, the greater the requirement that they are mentioned.
  3. @haiduk do you have info on if current UKR mech inf/armor structure has evolved due to ATO experience?
  4. The SPGs were captured by D-LNR? Is there a count of what UKR captured from them?
  5. The SPGs were captured by D-LNR? Is there a count of what UKR captured from them?
  6. All that maintenance....! Is there a Ukrainian image? Or could we build one? I'm good a photoshop, I just need an accurate and clear source. What would be REALLY interesting would be the pre-invasion UKR structure and it's current, war tested organization. I suspect the mech Inf structure would have adjusted more easily ?
  7. Subtle there. Casting Turkey as terrorists. Pretty ballsy. Plus, why the **** would they bother? It's not like they're fighting two regional, geographically spread out wars against quite different enemies, PLUS dealing with both homegrown and foreign terror attacks. Oh wait. They are.
  8. Take your time repo'ing those mechies. Best in bits and pieces, dismounted is fine. Better late and alive, than never arrive and dead! He's gone for a very cheap force - maybe he saved up for some serious Arty or air support?
  9. I used a UKR su-25 against a massed, almost Soviet style mech Inf and armor charge over a pretty bare Hill (my bro in law has caught the CM bug...). Attack light badly messed up his bmp waves, destroyed 3, damaged 2. No armor kills but I saw definite hurts so probably some sensor degradation. Heavy attack is really on useful against strongpoints or hard targets, I find.
  10. I might, but I might have to bastardize it to fit my own intentions (see the battle of debaltsev thread). I'll have a look late tomorrow eve.
  11. I think this is more what I'm looking at - a set of three linked battles ROUGHLY mirroring the real events. My aim is to flesh out the fighting withdrawal through that sector until the break out. @Haiduk it's really incredible to have your direct info from the battle . it's quite an honour. Do you have a rough time line of major events in the last 7 days leading up to and including the break out, from that sector? I'll probably set AI Mechanized Inf to green/high motivation to simulate tthe separatists. I doubt I'll be able to do proper justice, but my hope is that doing even a superficially similar mini-campaign will help explain things, even if it's just to me.... @Zveroboy1, absolutely, yes! That would be fantastic! Thanks Pete, great tips!
  12. I always reuse crew from destroyed IFVs, decimated squads and sometimes truck drivers to give me that extra pair of eyes in the moving coffin, and keep max no. of men outside.
  13. Good suggestion, carries similar connotations in English. Mobilized has a positive allusion.
  14. I believe the current download incorporates the latest patch (to 1.03). So no need to now also download the patch.
  15. Where that red dot is, at to right, that's where I'd burst my much Inf charge to the hill. Even staging loosely in that area (watch for flanking fire from directly across the map!) will give a tactical reserve to your right hook. The key here is to crush his left flank, because his centre and right are in terrible open terrain, plus you'll have the hill to cover your continuing hook into his rear. Conversely if you fail here he will have a nicely covered approach through your right and into your centre. That's my read anyhow! Good luck! Be wary of long range sniper tanks!
  16. Wow, finally a proper description of what I've been trying to work out. That sounds very realistic in its planning and execution. Namely: Comms are compromised, use couriers (known already) Withdraw in separately staged columns. Use fresh SF (their experience and standing will help drive the coordination) and exit at night. Suppress enemy positions along route with every Arty available This gives the first few columns the greatest chance of clean escape, so I assume the wounded, combat ineffective were in those first two columns. By the 3rd column the enemy breaks free of suppression, realizes what's up and starts attacking. Thence the 4th column is hit mainly by indirect, ranged fire, whereas the 5th is hit by a organized coordinated attack, as UKR Arty is running low by now. This last column then, is what the media here's about and sees, because it's remains are really the only thing there TO show. The advantages of both local/tactical surprise AND strategic surprise were achieved, and BOTH had to be. My badly uninformed impression was always of a frantic, last minute mass rush to escape, with Russian forces essentially in ambush, slaughtering the columns as the passed. Haiducks account makes a lot more sense. There needs to be a documentary style film - a fully plotted, storylined reenactment which bluntly names everyone involved on both sides and gives a good, unbiased overview of the main events. Straight documentary won't sell, but a proper film would. At least in Eastern Europe :-)
  17. I just played a RT game on this map. It looks big buy the open sightings make it a long range bear pit. That southern road is the key - if you can capture the woods at the top if it, you can reinforce and roll him up. But its a very dangerous woods, with some perfect ambush doors. I found that getting that woods, followed just after with a mech Inf charge to the top if the ridge and over = game over. There is NO cover on his side if the ridge. Drop your Arty all over it and you'll do a he'll if a lot of damage. The town to your left is not much use - even a medium Arty barrage wipes out a lot of the buildings. And you can become bottled up in it. Go your right flank, screen your force and get those woods at the top right, is my suggestion.
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