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  1. Upvote
    HerrTom got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in The state of CMSF2   
    With that type of deadline, Steve, are you sure you don't work for NASA? 
    I'll satiate myself on the awesome AARs being posted and digging my way through Red Thunder in the meantime.  I kinda agree with the upset about the information blackout, it's always nice to know more.  But perhaps it's best knowing that you're hard at work making things happen!
  2. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Splinty in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    I'm using it in all versions of the game. Those explosions sure add to the immersion!
  3. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Mord in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Caught this today while testing some stuff. Thought it looked cool. Shrek's are nasty!

  4. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Mord in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Herr Tom, I meant.
  5. Upvote
    HerrTom got a reaction from LongLeftFlank in HerrTom's explosions   
    In the wild.
  6. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to sburke in ATGMs don't fire?   
    well you do have a battle to fight... speaking of which.....
  7. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to A Canadian Cat in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    Minute 157: Orders

    No real change to 14 Platoon. 2 Section has just a slight weak to their orders. The other section have taken over their previous position.


    Sniper team leaves the building and takes cover at the edge of the ravine. They can rest there for a big and then continue further to the rear.

  8. Upvote
    HerrTom got a reaction from sburke in ATGMs don't fire?   
    I sent it to Ian but now that I think of it, I don't think my opponent visits this forum so I'll post it when I get home today.
    Turn is here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11_erpUiUrYmQKfc0qiWim0SUD41a96Bu
    Turn password is "hairtonic" (get it?)
    You can get a glimpse at how poorly things are going for me on the Dnjepr... 
  9. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in An der Schönen Blauen Dnjepr scenario   
    Wizardry?  Where? 
    I rather fancy experimenting with something, big, unscripted and with a plausible force balance (ie: with no Oplots on holiday from Thailand).....This is the best example I know.
    Don't expect any actual output (although I'll be happy to send you what I do), I'm still quite new to the later games.
    PS - Wonder if you can paint triggers in water? 
  10. Like
    HerrTom got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in An der Schönen Blauen Dnjepr scenario   
    Be my guest. I also plan on clearing up some issues like the slope at the riverbank and obstacles in the Dachas. I'm excited to see what your wizardry can do!
  11. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Vanir Ausf B in Matrix games exciting new release   
    If that is your cup of tea you should check out Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm, also published by Matrix (is also on Steam). Less a game and more of a simulation compared to Combat Mission but it does what it does very well.
  12. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Artkin in Matrix games exciting new release   
    I'm unsure if I'm allowed to post things like this, and I will remove it if it's an issue. This game looks really cool. It's based on the FULDA GAP!!! And three other less important regions. All 61x61 kmish.  It's based on the years 1965-1991. I hope this turns out to be an improved SPMBT kind of game but much better. And I don't doubt it'll be far off. 
    I'd like to add I've been a fan of Steel Panthers World at War and SPMBT for around a decade now. I'd play them when I had the shoddiest internet connection and they're super light on your pc. My Pentium 4 worked like a charm. 
  13. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Shorker in Minor Flaw Report / Translation Error "Embark"   
    Hello together! Again a post from my side to help improving the best game in the world!
    I'm posting it here in CMSF2 before it's release so that this needs no fix afterwards - but this little translation error has appeared in ALL
    CM titles since the introduction of game engine 4.0  .
    In the GERMAN version of game engine 4.0 the command / (or description for the action) "Embark" is translated with "Einschiffen" and this is unfortunately not correct.
    The correct / proper military term for getting on a vehicle is "Aufsitzen" - which originally means "to get on horseback" (English: "Mount").
    And like the English command "Mount" it also comes from the cavalry times. 🐴
    English - German
    Mount - Aufsitzen
    Dismount - Absitzen
    Civilian expression would be
    Get on - Einsteigen
    Get off - Aussteigen
    The German word "Einschiffen" means to  really / literally / de facto  going on board of a real ship. - And, in a second, colloquial and somewhat wider meaning, it can also be said for peeing into one's own pants / bed. 😏  😄
    OK, I hope that my explanations were helpful.  Thanks for your attention.
  14. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to sburke in Ryzen CPU - Intel latest Gen latest tech vs cm2   
    There is a cost to everything. Stopping to change the engine would have meant stopping the release of new games and if there is one thing I think we can all agree on is our intake of new product from BF sometimes feels like a crash diet. 
    Within that CM is still one of the most stable games I have. I get crashes quite frequently with others and it takes a lot for me to cause that with CM. I pretty much have to keep loading really big maps in the editor to 3d view over and over. 
  15. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 – Syrian Probe (Quick Battle)   
    MINUTE 2
    Still no contact... it might be a little while until that happens so be patient.  My philosophy is to generally not plan until I have some data on the enemy.. right now I have nothing.  This initial reconnaissance phase can really help when it comes time to throw in the works.
    On my far left, 2nd Platoon is getting to their initial positions.  1st Squad and the Platoon HQ is moving up quickly... 

    2nd Squad and 3rd Squad have dismounted and are moving to their ridges as Dismounted Recon Teams (DRT).

    In the 1st Platoon AO, they continue to move carefully forward, the infantry is staggering their movement and taking listening halts for 15-30 seconds at each waypoint.  The A Company infantry support tanks and the Platoon BMPs (except for one) are also staying close behind the infantry squads.
    Next turn the T-62M will creep forward, peek over the ridge (hopefully masked from the rest of the map) and take a few shots at the top floor of the large building on the objective... then it will back off.  With this movement, I am just trying to force some movement from Ian.  Note on the far right that I have a dismounted team climbing the ridge at the map edge in order to look down into the objective.

    Also looking down on the objective is one AT-13 Team.... many eyes from many different angles is key to successfully getting spots on enemy units or vehicles.

  16. Upvote
    HerrTom got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in An der Schönen Blauen Dnjepr scenario   

    The BTRs engage enemy positions as they cross.  They're moderately effective, but I really wish I had BMPs for this!

    Infantry are squirrely, though.  A squad hidden in the copse by the river fires an RPG at one of the crossing BTRs - a hit!  At this point I feel I haven't prepared the opposite bank enough.  BMPs, ATGMs, and a T-64(!!) have knocked out four BTRs as they cross the river.  There are at least two enemy tanks remaining, since the one I have spotted does not have a good view of the river itself.

    A T-64 spotted by one of my Konkurs teams.  They spent about 20 seconds staring at it without trying to engage, so they have a direct target order for this next turn.  Hopefully a Konkurs can defeat the ERA!

    Despite the shortfalls, the Ukrainian side of the river is a moonscape.  Here we can see a lone crewmember taking cover in a crater as smoke shells rain down in front of him.

    It's not all bad, though.  Two BTRs have landed intact.  The Company HQ and a rifle squad, all laden with extra disposable RPGs to deal with any latent armoured threat.  Once I can assemble a platoon of the survivors, we can start limited offensive operations to clear out.

    The view from my side of the river.  I don't have a picture of it, but the reconnaissance team has been crossing the western side of the river unmolested.  We previously knocked out a BMP sitting cover there, and spotted a small team watching over the river.  I have no doubts that he knows I'm crossing, but the enemy appears unable to do anything about it.  An AGS is finished setting up and will start to pepper the spotted scout team.
  17. Upvote
    HerrTom got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in An der Schönen Blauen Dnjepr scenario   
    Just a couple of screenshots.  The crossing continues, and is beginning to look a bit more organized.  I've been somewhat attrited, but in the next few minutes I should be able to dump a reinforced company across the river.

    Supporting fire from the riverbank lays into a Ukrainian trenchwork blocking the railway access.  Staccato autocannon shots burst around an SPG-9 emplaced in the fortification.

    A view from the railroad bridge at the BTRs as they cross the river.
  18. Upvote
    HerrTom got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in An der Schönen Blauen Dnjepr scenario   

    The BTRs engage enemy positions as they cross.  They're moderately effective, but I really wish I had BMPs for this!

    Infantry are squirrely, though.  A squad hidden in the copse by the river fires an RPG at one of the crossing BTRs - a hit!  At this point I feel I haven't prepared the opposite bank enough.  BMPs, ATGMs, and a T-64(!!) have knocked out four BTRs as they cross the river.  There are at least two enemy tanks remaining, since the one I have spotted does not have a good view of the river itself.

    A T-64 spotted by one of my Konkurs teams.  They spent about 20 seconds staring at it without trying to engage, so they have a direct target order for this next turn.  Hopefully a Konkurs can defeat the ERA!

    Despite the shortfalls, the Ukrainian side of the river is a moonscape.  Here we can see a lone crewmember taking cover in a crater as smoke shells rain down in front of him.

    It's not all bad, though.  Two BTRs have landed intact.  The Company HQ and a rifle squad, all laden with extra disposable RPGs to deal with any latent armoured threat.  Once I can assemble a platoon of the survivors, we can start limited offensive operations to clear out.

    The view from my side of the river.  I don't have a picture of it, but the reconnaissance team has been crossing the western side of the river unmolested.  We previously knocked out a BMP sitting cover there, and spotted a small team watching over the river.  I have no doubts that he knows I'm crossing, but the enemy appears unable to do anything about it.  An AGS is finished setting up and will start to pepper the spotted scout team.
  19. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 – Syrian Probe (Quick Battle)   
    MINUTE 1
    ..and we are finally under way.  No action this turn, so sorry @c3k, no gifs showing stuff blowing up yet.   
    In order to ascertain whether there are any of Ian's units in the far left of Snake Ridge, I send 2nd Platoon to reconnoiter this area...

    They were still on their way at turn end, and the following image illustrates their routes.. the small arrows indicate dismounted infantry taking a peek over the lip of each ridge line.  Only two BMPs are in this area now as the third was held back to overwatch the movement.  The last BMP will join them next turn.

    On Star Hill I am deploying two AT-13 teams and the AT-13 Platoon HQ.  One team will crawl over the nearest crest in order to look down on the initial objective (North East Farm), one will be kept in reserve.  The HQ team will crawl over the opposite crest in order to get eyes on the other side of the valley.  The truck will return to the SP.

    1st Platoon is moving dismounted toward the nearest crest overlooking the North East Farm Objective. 

    They are being overwatched by the rest of A Company.

    I finally did an analysis of what Ian could bring to the fight... he can potentially field a platoon of tanks, plus a few extra tanks if he sacrificed infantry.  If he went full Mechanized, then I can expect about a Company of infantry, give or take, depending on the number of tanks he bought, the type of tanks, and whether he bought any support units.  
    I think with this terrain I would have gone armor heavy , so worse case I will expect to see a Tank Heavy Company Team in front of me  with up to 6 or 7 tanks.  I expect Leopard C2s as the Leopard 2A6Ms are very expensive, about 200 points more than the C2s, however they are much more capable, so its a trade off.  
    If he decided not to go with LAVs or the Nyala APC then he could buy a lot more infantry and support assets, ATGM and artillery, maybe even some air... but then he would have no flexibility, so I expect to  see most of his infantry with either LAVs or the Nyala... but that will impact the amount of support units and numbers of infantry he can bring to the party.
    I actually expect our forces to be close in size... though his will be far superior in capability.  However it shakes out its going to be interesting.
  20. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to A Canadian Cat in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    While we wait for the actual shooting to start here are a few screen shots from the setup:
    14 Platoon in position on Objective Lifeson

    15 Platoon positioned on Peart

    Section of 15 Platoon and a section of 18 Troop move into over watch at KT3

    The view from the command post on Lee

    Sniper team at the farm at Rutsey

  21. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to c3k in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
  22. Upvote
    HerrTom got a reaction from Artkin in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    I never realized how dopey the C2 upgrade looks!  Kinda like a combat toaster or something.
    Looking forward to the battle proper!
  23. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Mord in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    Less thinking, more dying!
  24. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 – Syrian Probe (Quick Battle)   
    Even though the other BETA AAR is still going on, I expect it will end very soon.  I had already promised to take IanL on in a second game to fill the time, so here 'tis.  I hope it fills the time left until release.
    A NATO attack is in progress and they are making massive gains.  In an attempt to slow them down high command has decided that a spoiling attack is required.  We are the tip of that spear.  Our task is to Probe into the assigned sector on the flank of the NATO attack and determine the strength of the Canadian flank security force in front of us and if possible, destroy it or force it to withdraw.  Our force will not be reinforced unless successful, so if we fail, another unit will become the spearhead for the main attack.
    Hopefully that will suffice to set the stage for what we are doing in this action.  Ian and I are playing a Quick Battle (QB) Medium Probe, with me as the Syrians on the attack, force selection for both sides was Mixed (Infantry, Mech Infantry, and Armor are all okay to purchase) with no restrictions set for either side. 
    I do not expect an easy time of it, as the Canadians are tough and Ian is no slouch tactically.  He even uses some of the same movement techniques I use so I expect this to be a hard struggle
    My purchases:

    This element will be my main combat element in this action.  They will be tasked with capturing early objectives, ascertaining enemy strength and capabilities, and recovering the enemy Order of Battle.  
    A Company Mechanized Infantry on BMP-2s 
    Company HQ Element Tanks are intended for anti-infantry support ZSU-23-4 is mainly for AA support, but also is intended to be used in an anti-infantry role
    1st Platoon Will have one AT-13 team attached
    2nd Platoon Will have one AT-13 team attached
    120mm Mortar Battery with FO Also purchased four TRPs
     AT 13 Platoon One of the two sections will be assigned to the Main Body, one AT team per platoon Note:  truck was purchased specially to carry the remaining section and the HQ element
    AT 14 Platoon One of the two sections will be assigned to the Reserve, both AT teams in the Mech Infantry platoon Note:  truck was purchased specially to carry the remaining section and the HQ element
    RESERVE - This force will be husbanded until needed, or until I can identify the main enemy positions
    Airborne Mechanized Infantry Platoon on BMP-3s Will have one complete AT-14 section attached
    Tank Platoon on T-72M1 TURMS-T Technology Note:  These tanks feature the TURMS-T computerised fire control system by Galileo Avionica.  It will be interesting to see how that helps in action.
  25. Upvote
    HerrTom reacted to A Canadian Cat in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    METT-T: Enemy

    Enemy Intentions

    The enemy will attempting to control the road network in this area to undermine the NATO advance happing to the south and West of here. By controlling this area they can threaten supply routes and routes for reinforcements.

    Enemy Force Capabilities

    The enemy tanks can range from vastly inferior T55s to pretty much equal to the C2s T90 while their IFVs are not as capable as our LAVs the BMP3s are no slouch when it comes to firepower.

    Possible Order of Battle

    For the attacking force in a Medium probe I expect to see two companies plus some support. Bil should be able to purchase a tank company and a mechanized infantry company.

    Enemy Strengths

    Depending on which tanks Bil choose we could be looking at a large numerical advantage with inferior tanks – which can still deal with a LAV and still pose a real threat to the C2s or they could still bring a numerical advantage with an equivalent tank.

    Enemy Weakness

    None of the enemy AFVs can match the spotting ability of ours.

    Enemy Equipment

    There is no intelligence on what level of equipment the enemy force may possess. I would not be surprised if we face an elite guard force but second tier force is also possible.

    Enemy Course of Action

    ·         AA1 Has good low areas to move through and it clears the first objective naturally. The enemy would not likely try this without securing KT1 and KT3first.

    ·         AA2 The least likely avenue of approach since this is under easy observation from KT7 and KT8. Again there is a need to secure KT1 and KT3.

    ·         AA3 Offers ways of moving without being constantly under observation. Again need to secure KT1 and KT3 but this avenue is already going towards KT1.

    ·         AA4 Also offers ways of moving without being constantly under observation. Again need to secure KT1 and KT3 but this avenue is already going towards KT3 and past KT1.

    There is a good chance the enemy may recon all four routes. I expect he will favour AA3 and AA4 but we will have to see how the battle plays out.

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