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Everything posted by Thewood1

  1. But the laser designater and the person running it aren't cheap either. Precision rounds are pretty expensive and they still not very common. That is why you still have tanks and missles.
  2. Me building it might not be completely the same...there so many variables it is better just to post the btt.
  3. SM2s can target ships in Command. There is a switch you have to throw to make it happen by default. I believe Tomahawks were removed from Aegis and Burkes a while ago.
  4. I bet if you click on the 3rd tank, it has a ?-type sighting and that can cause a facing change. Do you have a save of that?
  5. How close to the actual strike would an EW unit have to be to have any effect on the sensor in the shells?
  6. Do they? I didn't see that in the manual. I might have missed it.
  7. I would assume there mothers don't think so. And no, it takes a heck of a lot more training to do anything in a tank. But again, a Javelin operator is most likely carrying two rounds. Two rounds and done. The majority of tanks will most likely fire off multiple less expensive rounds. And be able to move at 10-15 times the speed of the soldier.
  8. Latest figures I saw was an M1A2 through all of its upgrades cost just over $3M...without crew. A javelin missile is $85k and its launcher is about $150k...without crew. The M1 tank is a multipurpose weapon while the Javelin is not. And not only that, but the Javelin is costing you that $80k every time you fire it. We'll assume food and logistics somewhat even out eventually. But also look at how vulnerable the Javelin team is. A Javelin might get off a first shot, but with good TI on a tank...it won't get a second.
  9. What you aren't seeing is the rest of the destruction. You see AFVs because they burn nicely and are not easily removed. BTRs can be very effective if used properly. But I wonder how many soldiers not in AFVs get killed that no one pays attention to because they tend to get removed. There is still no better counter to artillery than something with armor.
  10. Infantry didn't become obsolete with the invention of the rifle, nor with the advent of artillery. Its use just changed.
  11. Just a general comment...all those things sticking off of these AFVs...are they easily replaceable? It would seem they are very exposed and likely to be stripped off or damaged.
  12. While I agree the posture thing can be annoying, these guys are pretty exposed. There are some better examples of this out there.
  13. Man, you are full\of excuses. Use FRAPS just for the test. No one says you have to use to play every game. Good God...does someone actually have to say that.
  14. Not friendly with Win8...funny I have had three win8 laptops and not a single issue. FRAPS works perfectly fine with CM in Win8. I have to assume the issue is not very important. Otherwise someone would just run a simple test in WEGO. I see people coming in to complain, yet offer nothing to go on. When tests are repeated, guess what...the issue is not there. Again, if you want help fixing issues, bring something other than guesses, estimates, and propaganda to the table. Its not about liking WEGO, its about not sounding like a child because your favorite toy broke.
  15. That's helpful...how about an example of what you are seeing?
  16. "Also, wood, I feel as though you are directing most of your angst against me here, when Antares has similar conclusions. Is that some sort of personal vendetta I see developing there? " Re-read my post...its how you present. A little more tact and someone might actually go make saves for you. Antares actually comes across a lot better than you do. You have a very passive-aggressive style and obviously like to just stir things up. If I remember correctly, someone from BFC agreed with that.
  17. Here are only a few of your posts that seem to contribute mightily in reinforcing the opinion you have some kind of bias...does the word "murican" in the context you used it at least three times mean anything? http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118050-how-to-use-the-khrizantema/?p=1593068 http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118050-how-to-use-the-khrizantema/?p=1593869 http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118891-in-game-spotting-system-are-you-kidding-me/?p=1595890 http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118891-in-game-spotting-system-are-you-kidding-me/?p=1595959 http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118713-ainet-as-trophy-killer-sensor-wrecker-paving-the-way-for-abrams-kill/?p=1593071 http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118648-russian-optics-and-spotting-in-general/?p=1591366 http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118648-russian-optics-and-spotting-in-general/?p=1591756 http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118648-russian-optics-and-spotting-in-general/?p=1591898 http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118682-bmp-3m-mech-inf-vs-m2-mech-inf-tactics/?p=1591900 I am pretty sure there is more out there...I just stopped after a few threads. So you have pointed out one possible error on a UKR plane. Compared to the above. It sure does look like bias. Especially when you have accused insinuated a few times that the developers are biased. You'd make it a lot easier for people to look at issues a lot more seriously if you stopped presenting the way you do and bring some tangible evidence to back up claims of bias.
  18. One save...really. With all the complaining and arguing you do and you graced us with a save. Well thank you very much.
  19. The reason people think you might be biased is you have never brought up any issues on UKR or US side. You also won't put any effort to helping pinpoint problems. A save or two would be nice.
  20. So, up above I see someone mention that damage is random, then someone mentions its partially random, and below, it seems someone is saying its more detailed. Does anyone know which it is?
  21. This exact same issue was pointed out in CMSF. Tracks and targeting systems getting taken out from hits in odd locations. The main difference now is we have hit text and decals to get a better idea of where hits are actually happening.
  22. One of the reasons I am pushing back a little on claims is some of the very weird stuff I used to see in CMSF. The one example that stands out is a rear hull hit by an RPG taking out weapon controls. CM2 may have a system that is only one step removed from full blown reality...but it is only with faith that any player can say its the best.
  23. So how does that compare to CM2? btw, I have never even looked at WT. I just couldn't get into battles with just tanks.
  24. I can discern the damage because they give you an AAR with shot path and you can easily correlate to damage. And Steve's layout of the model is all well and good, but with no transparency into the armor and penetration it is still on faith alone.
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