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Everything posted by Thewood1

  1. Zoiks...I just checked this thread out. You ever start reading a book and flip the cover over to make sure its the book you thought it was...this thread.
  2. I know at least in Iron mode, there are multiple contact icons for unspotted enemy units. They also shift around moment to moment. I would think the AI would spend a lot of time throwing bullets and chasing down those icons.
  3. There are no tiny issues by forum rules. All issues shall be presented as fundamental flaws. At that point lines will be drawn between defenders and attackers. The thread will immediately veer off topic. Prior to locking, all parties will scream in high pitched shrieks until everyone is tired and fall asleep. At that point, BFC sends in the clean up crew and addresses the original issue in Engine upgrade 9.0.
  4. To me, its not the friendly FOW. Its the more "realistic" non-radio C&C. I don't even notice the friendly FOW.
  5. There was no Iron mode in CMSF until 1.10. I went though all the patch readmes after that and didn't see it list. Just for giggles, I am going to reinstall CMSF from scratch and see if that is true.
  6. I think there is a thread nearby that complained about not getting infantry to fire their rockets at infantry.
  7. Don't forget there is scenario test mode too where you see everything the AI is doing.
  8. I want to make sure we aren't talking past each other. There is no difference between Iron in CMSF and CMBN. Never has been in released versions. I just played CMSF 1.10 and CMBN 3.XX. No difference. edit...can't speak to Elite...never played it after CMSF 1.10...and then before that, it was the equivalent of Iron.
  9. Back to my point, unless someone wants tell me what my point is... The nerfing of HE was done because the action spots unnaturally constrict the squad spacing. Early in CMSF teams being able to occupy multiple action spots came about but I am not sure if HE was ever readjusted. I also remember HE inside buildings being nerfed as well because of the abstraction in room interiors. I think you might be seeing the result of that with some of these smaller and modern RPGs and RPOs.
  10. And again...you are telling me what my point is. I can 100% say you are wrong. Saying you know my point when I am saying you don't is a pretty absolute statement from someone who has never talked to me.
  11. Not sure where you are reading that...I specifically stated it was because of squad spacing issues. I don't know where you thought I said squads spacing was normally at one time. I never said that. You are trying to read into what I am saying and all I said is HE is nerfed because of squad spacing issues. You then imply I just plain want HE back. What I want is HE normal and squad spacing. You are trying to tell me what I would like from very little information. I am pointing out you are trying to tell me what I would like based on some kind error in reading into what I wrote. I'll make it simple for you. I would like HE not to be nerfed and squad spacing to be more natural. There, all together in one simple sentence. So you are wrong that I would not like HE to be normal. I am a little put off that your snarky response was basically telling me what I would or would not like without really trying to understand it or add something to the conversation.
  12. Iron only came about in 1.10 and there was no change after that.
  13. Sorry, only had 1.10 installed. But found this from the 1.10 readme... "Elite" mode changed so that friendly troops are always displayed, even when not spotted by the current unit. A new mode called "Iron" behaves like the old Elite mode." Elite became Iron and the friendly FOW was removed from Elite. I ran it and Iron operates like it does today.
  14. I have played Iron mode since it was developed out of ELite in the early days of CMSF and it was never like that. In fact, I have CMSF 1.03 (one of the earliest versions) and will check it tonight.
  15. Not so, if squads spread out a little more naturally...it pinches on the realism claim a little. So I am 99% sure you are wrong. And since I am the source, I win.
  16. One VERY important thing to keep in mind is that HE effects are artificially nerfed in CM because of squad spacing issues in the 8x8 action spot and lack of interior walls. It was that way in CMSF, CMBN, CMFI, and I assume CMBS. Don't like it, but there it is.
  17. One point about Iraq. They had similar issues with its armor in the Iran war. That was against some outdated western and Soviet hardware.
  18. You issue orders just like any other mode...from top to bottom. But C&C, for all of its sometimes hidden meanings, is slightly more difficult due to range limitations and radio limitations.
  19. What I don't understand is that the US military and defense industry produce as many AFV prototypes and demonstrators as Russia, but you typically don't see the hype like you do with Russian equivalents.
  20. BFC stated in a long ago CMBN thread that C&C distances are longer to stay in communications in iron mode. I have tested this several times and it didn't seem to effect radio comms, but seemed to significantly effect visual and spoken command distance. I know there were a few other things around arty and command structure, but I don't even know where to begin looking for the thread.
  21. It can damage the tank pretty easily. I have seen a .50 cal MG disable a tank from the rear before.
  22. But you're missing the point anyway...its about what the AI sees.
  23. No, C&C is different and its the main attraction for it. Its much tougher coordinating a WW2 force especially in iron mode.
  24. I think I know less about this topic, if that's possible, after reading that last post.
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