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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. 2 hours ago, Lethaface said:

    I'll tell you about the times we sailed up the Thames and made you lot some proper cuppa. 😀

    Haha. I was already dead by then. It was the Stinkpots who you gave a hiding to.

    Leaving Crommers aside for a moment. I actually live about ten miles away from the site of the Battle of the Medway. And once on a visit to Het Scheepvaartmuseum in Amsterdam as I came to a painting of the battle I heard an English woman loudly exclaim "I thought they were our friends." Her hubby had already wandered off and didn't hear her, so I gave her a quick history lesson.

  2. 36 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    I thought chucking meant not properly bowling a ball in the game of cricket. Now the battles for the Scheldt Estuary will be a game I would be interested in. You had RM which stands for Real Marines and not US Marines and Commando troops among were Norwegians. Elite troops in Buffalo LVT's, it will be a wonderful scenario. Translate polderland just as marshy ground. Schiphol Airport is located in a polder the 'Haarlemmermeer'. They actually found shipwrecks from the Spanish wars there. 😉

    Chuck you don't need to tell me about the "Haarlemmermeer". Nor about shipwrecks in the Netherlands, whether they be Spanish, or even Roman for that matter.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Lethaface said:

    I guess you trapped me and my preference for the preferred size of certain 'things'.

    At the same time you imagined an entire republic where there is a Monarchy. 

    Wrong! It was a republic when Noddle Head and Elizabeth were living in the City of Westminster. 

  4. @chuckdyke I would never rely on proximity when it comes to Dutch History. I'll stick to Pieter Geyl's writings if it is all the same to you.

    Of course in Limeyland some people use the word "chuck" when talking about ending a relationship. So I suppose dyke chucking could refer to Rita Mae Brown and Martina Navrattyratbag. Personally I was always more of a Chris Evert fan, probably because John Lloyd borrowed my mum's car to ferry Chris down to Eastbourne one summer.

    In the meantime I hope to see some Zeeland polders if we ever get a late war West Front module.


  5. 2 minutes ago, Vacilllator said:

    Probably not an easy question to answer...

    At 11pm with ale having been taken, or bottle conditioned Bavarian Wheatbeer in this particular instance, it is a bit difficult to answer. When we had the various problems with Engine4 I did make a back up of the Games File that I had with Engine3. I'm slowly in the process of transferring stuff over to Engine4 but it is only on a "need to play" basis.  

  6. 5 hours ago, umlaut said:

    I just ran a quick test in the editor. It seems to be only the M4A3(75)W that is toothless. All other US tanks are fine.

    I cant find "Busting the Bocage" in my game, nor in the scenario depot. Remember where you´ve gotten it from, Warts?

    I think that I got it from the old repository. But if you scroll back up the page you should be able able to click on the folder I shared yesterday.

  7. 3 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    "Glosters"?  :o

    I thought they made aircraft?

    They did indeed. Although I expect most of their workforce from Cheltenham were exempt from going into the services. But, the West is foreign country and they do things differently there. He says, paraphrasing just a tad. 

  8. 30 minutes ago, mjkerner said:

    “...time sucking variable” was once my answer to my lovely wife when asked why I hadn’t gotten to my chores for the day. “Sorry dear,” says I, “but playing Combat Mission is a time sucking variable.” I was then informed that the Doghouse is also a time sucking variable.


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