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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. These Airborne Sections are different to the standard Infantry ones. And you are correct that in their full strength state they have 6 men in one Detatchment and 2 in both of the others. There is however a work around. When you split them use the "Assault Team" function, this will give you a 4 man "A Detachment" rather than the 6 man one that you would get if you just used "Split Squad".

    Exits stage right humming "Tommies don't share" by El Clash Combo ------------------------->


  2. 7 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    Well, I am shamefaced to confess that, in violation of my sacred vows to CMBN before God, I have been wantonly flirting of late with the Vassal version of AH 'The Longest Day', which is at a scale where the above kind of strategic question is more relevant.

    I bought the original version of that game when we switched from £1 notes to £1 coins With, wait for it... 64 coins. The guy behind the counter was not amused.

  3. 1 hour ago, Erwin said:

     He did not come from the aristocratic BG of all the other senior commanders who based their positions on privilege and entitlement.    

    He was a member of the Anglo-Norman-Irish aristocracy. His grandfather was a "Sir" and one of the biggest landowners in north-west Ireland. His father was a Bishop, and he himself went to the best private school in London. And whilst at Sandhurst he was a silver-spooned bully. But uvver than that 'e woz just like any uvver salt ov the erth cockney barrer boy, 'no' wot I mean Jon?

  4. It depends on whether you are talking about passengers sat in a Bren Carrier, who most definitely can be harmed. Or whether you are talking about a carrier that is only occupied by a driver and gunner. Unlike h/t's where the gunner has to stand up to use the mg. The Bren Carrier has a firing slit, and therefore the gunner has much better protection.

  5. 2 hours ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    To the Lord Protector: I don't own Hastings,  But there's no evidence I am aware of that, pre-landing, Monty expected the decisive stroke to occur to the west..

    So anyway, I'm having difficulty believing Monty or anyone had the foresight in April to say hey, a 300 mile end run sweep through the Loire Valley in late June is just the thing for our mainly unblooded American allies.

    "Bugger Hastings". As George V might say were he still with us. And just because you are unaware of something doesn't mean it didn't happen. 

    The plans shown in Hamilton's 2nd volume clearly illustrate what The Anglican Prig had in mind as soon as he took over. And we all know that Morgan, Ike, and Tedder had personal axes to grind. Monty was a horrible man, but a great general.

  6. 35 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    We left the Netherlands in the 60's when I was a teen. I am still conversational in Dutch, nevertheless, didn't realize there were three kinds of polders. So, it seems I was wrong, I don't have a problem with it. Pieter Geyl also new to me, just a funny surname. I don't go into the details of it. Kind regards

    Apology accepted. Happy gaming.

  7. Some while back I was asked if I would be starting a new caption competition, but I thought that I had taken those as far as I could. But, I am happy to announce the publication of ...

    "Mad Addy : My granddad's part in his downfall" by Spike (the real one, not that Terrance Milligan charlatan). This (non - existent) illustrated novella will be available for the very reasonable price of 3 shillings, thruppence, three-farthing for a limited time only.

    Part 1.

    "Smile Paddy"

    "What's there to smile about? Some stupid fecking Cockney at Tilbury took all the Guinness off the wagon. And then loaded her up with bully beef."   ... 


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