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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. 3 hours ago, rocketman said:

    I think all grenades and demo charges used during the turn is deducted at the start of the turn. So no invisible grenade bundles I think.

    I bet it was satisfying taking out the Tiger. Was it a planned assault or did they act on their own accord?

    You might well be right on the ammo count thing. I shall have to pay more attention to it in future.

    A nearby PIAT team had run out of ammo, so I crawled the Engineers over and gave them a Target command, more in hope than expectation.

  2. Playing one of the "In the Shadow of the hill" battles yesterday. I had an Engineer Team take out a Tiger. They began the turn with 2 Satchel charges and 6 Grenades, and ended the turn with exactly the same amount. So they must also have had some kind of Grenade bundles that do not show up in their ammo count. It was great fun watching them lob them over the hedge followed by flames coming out the bloated kitty.

  3. Part 4

    Paddy closes his copy of Union Jack and slides it across the table.

    "There'se a nice little piece in there about you this week Mr. Jorrocks Sir. Will yer'se be wanting a look?

    "Thank you Patrick, most kind.

    Paddy takes another sip of his pint of black just as his eye is caught by a poster on the far wall.

    "D'jew tink they'll ever find a cure for that there Verbal Diarrhoea, Sir?

    "Well if that Mr. Attlee of yours gets in at the next election, and creates that Health Service of his, then they might well do. But, sadly I think that it is something our grand children will have to put up with, just like you and me."  



  4. 14 minutes ago, Lucky_Strike said:

    T’be sure Daniel Cumba, I tink yow left yer feckin brain back in Breara, when de Captain said to take cuvver in de ditch, he meant get owt of de feckin wagon ferst, ya feckin eejit!

    Paddy lifts his eyes from his Sporting Life, rolls them and says...

    "Mr. Jorrocks will yer'se listen to that there fella, anyone would think that I was from Craggy Island instead of County Meath."

  5. 3 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

    I finally got a Warts reference. O frabulous jay.

    I know that the Septics have Blue Jays, and we have the Eurasian Jay, is the Frabulous Jay found only in Denmark?

    Exits stage left humming a tune by the Edwin Hawkins Singers  ------------------------------------------------------------------------->

  6. 58 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

     I hate doing that.....Nothing kills immersion and realism like sudden acts of god!

    I very rarely do it because as you say it kills the immersion. Occasionally in the thickest woodland in Red Thunder where I can't see the track I'm trying to follow is about it.

    I pretty much stick by the old mantras, "My granddad and his mates couldn't turn the trees off so why should I?" or, "If I wanted to play in Telegraphpoleland, I wouldn't have bought Battle for Normandy."

  7. 8 minutes ago, mjkerner said:

    When he was with the Moody Cerulean Men, Gingerbread and the Luftwaffe, or Walrus and the Flugelhorns?

    Oh dear. It was none of them.

    "Denny Laine has got a fire engine up his back passage. Denny Laine likes to keep it very clean. And though he's never really been obscene, he is very strange, Denny Laine.

    Denny Laine is in my band and we're called Wings. (Baa baa ba dah) Henry's over there, and then there's also Linda who sometime sings."

    All together now....

    "Denny Laine is in my band and we're called Wings.(Baa baa ba dah) Denny Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaine."

    The above is proof that a certain someone was planning on leaving Johnnie Lenin and the Bolshevik Beat Boys as early as the autumn of 1966. Of course, it was kept quiet during the later court case concerning their manager Alien Decline.

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