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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Multiple choice question. A. For Hell to freeze over. B. Christmas. C. For "It'll be ready when it's ready" to arrive.
  2. I think playing against the AI is probably easier than playing against a human opponent. In addition, the German counter-attacks came at just the right time for me. I won't go into too much detail regarding them for people who haven't played it. Also, because the Victory locations are so small you can grab them just by bypassing many of the Germans.
  3. I think Johnnie Lenin said that they were neither mods nor rockers, but mockers.
  4. Just to clarify. Objectives held Germans 4 out of 5 = 2000 points Noddlehead 6 out of 6 = 2900 points Casualties Germans - KIA 343 WIA 193 MIA 32 Tanks 0 AFV 0 Soft skinned vehicles 3 Noddlehead - KIA 54 WIA 38 Tanks 3 AFV 3
  5. Yes, the counter-attackers died in droves. And I enjoyed the fight. But was a bit surprised that the Germans still held five or six objectives despite the fact that I had secured all of mine. I think the final points score was Germans 2000. Me 2500. Although ale has been taken since the battle ended.
  6. OK so this is Hamburg 1962 rather than the Ardennes in '44. But what the hell?
  7. Neues Reichskanzlei completed. Noddlehead's Narodniks only managed a Minor Victory despite taking all of their objectives. It turned out that Mad Addy's blokes had loads of hidden objectives. A bit gamey, but "c'est la guerre", as Chuck Berry once said. No, hang on that's wrong ain't it?
  8. Just don't tell the Limeys that Persil originated in Germany. They will mess their whites.
  9. This was fun. Although a pedant might grumble that it can't be used in Red Thunder as the station was blown to bits in Feb '45. Of course, they'd also moan that we can't enjoy this as it came out in 1946. ...
  10. These look really good. Although the "112" is reversed at the right end of the tram in the middle picture.
  11. Paddy nudges Monty. "Field Marshall Sir. will yerse listen to them there feckers, youse an' me both know that there was nowt artificial about it. Even an Anglican like yerself will admit that it was my Catholic God that created Monty's Moonlight. Now will yerse be staying on the mineral water, or joining me in a pint of the black stuff?"
  12. You might well be right. But the key phrase in my post was "waiting in the wings".
  13. 45minutes left on the clock. Johnnie Lenin and the Bolshevik Beat Boys have taken the Limey House, and are closing in on the Propaganda Ministry, and the Barracks. Someone in the ranks was mumbling something about wanting to go back to the USSR, but he was swiftly handed over the NKVD boys who were waiting in the wings.
  14. Meanwhile back in Berlin. I've managed to secure The Poison Dwarf's Villa and am closing in on The Limey Embassy.
  15. Elizabeth scowls, "Noddlehead gets venison pasty, and quarts of Whitehall XXXXX every day."
  16. I might run that healthy lifestyle regime past my doctor sometime.
  17. In the meantime I'm about 30mins into my replay of "Neues Reichskanlei". And it is certainly more fun without the flyboys bombing my own tanks.
  18. Don't worry about not grasping it because you're German. It an obscure reference to Limey punk band the Sex Pistols. Jamie Reid was a graphic designer who did the covers of their singles and album "Never Mind the Bollocks".
  19. "Never Mind the Flags. Here's the Bolleaux." As Jamie Reid, almost said.
  20. Yes, there are dead dobbins in Red Thunder. And I think they might be suitable for the streets of Berlin. I think that the Swastika flags were discussed earlier in this thread. My own tuppence worth is that I can't imagine any nice clean ones were getting hung up once the Russians were in the city. If we have to have them at least make them like they have been torn to shreads.
  21. Maybe a bit too grim for a game. And that is coming from someone who has previous when it comes to politically motivated killing.
  22. I think that Loco Ono needs just a bit of weathering, other than that she looks great.
  23. "I don't care if you call me Loco, I'm not listening."
  24. I did take another look at the Scenario Editor having gathered up some of my wayward marbles. I managed to work out how to delete the flyboys altogether. So, I won't have them bombing me when I give it another go. I'll still probably lose the battle but that is another story.
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