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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. The skill level of engineers contributes to how well they spot mines and also how fast they can Blast. I have seen them spot and mark mines in the same action spot they occupy. My SOP is to have engineers Slow into the suspected minefield action spot. After marking the minefield I have follow on infantry Slow across the marked action spot. Can minefields be placed on the actual bridge? I know they can be placed on the approaches to the bridge. I guess I should give this a quick test. Nice AAR. I am enjoying it.
  2. I am currently fighting my way through Road to Montebourg Redux. AFAIK this is a good one. Enjoying it so far. A link to a thread discussing it is below. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/103417-new-file-at-the-repository-the-road-to-montebourg-revised-2012-05-27/?hl=%2Broad+%2Bmontebourg
  3. This makes sense and is how I imagined it worked. However I think the below from Steve is saying C2 does not help to rally a unit that is brittle? So once a unit becomes brittle (the light goes on in the UI) is there any benefit attempting to keep this brittle unit in C2?
  4. Yes. I should have mentioned the screenshots were taken from the excellent scenario Into the Green. The scenario is inspired by the book Company Commander written by Major Russell Lewis MC and is based in FOB Inkerman in the Upper Sangin Valley Afghanistan. I highly recommend the book and the scenario. It is very immersive to read the book and then fire up the scenario and become THE Company Commander. Into the Green is available at the Repository. Below is a link to a discussion thread about the scenario to include more screenshots. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/115533-new-mission-into-the-green/ This scenario was designed by Combatintman who is currently creating a planning tutorial at the below link. Just in case you were wondering how detailed, accurate and well researched his work is. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120527-no-plan-survives-first-contact-with-the-enemy-planning-tutorial/
  5. Well, I think it depends…………….. If the building is part of an occupy objective you are going to need to occupy it to earn the victory points. Sometimes I will make a decision not to take all the objectives in a scenario because I don’t think I have the combat power left to do so and in RL the attack by my unit would probably have been stopped. But this has consequences for victory points. I use several different SOPs for MOUT fighting. One of the first is moving through a built up area towards objectives that are also in the built up area. During this phase some buildings will be empty, some can be by-passed, some can be destroyed and the ones on the objective itself will probably need to be occupied. I like mech.gatos SOP for this phase. It is similar to mine but more refined. During the above, moving through MOUT phase, if/when you decide you must remove OpFor from a building you typically (depending on your TOE, ROE and situation) have a few choices on how to remove them: 1) Destroy the building (direct fire from tanks, arty, air strikes etc.) 2) Drive them out with direct fire (but not enough to destroy the building as in #1) 3) Dynamic entry through a wall using demo charges. 4) Dynamic entry through a door. Below is my current SOP for #4 Dynamic entry through a door. I change and update these TACSOPs as I learn lessons, so if anyone has suggestions or their own recommendations please comment. 1. Split Squads: first Assault split (A-Team), AT split second (C-Team) & base (B-Team) remains. (In CMBS you will only have A and B team) In this order the Assault team will get most of the grenades which they will need below in #6. 2. Order suppressing teams (B-Teams) to Area fire at the building to suppress/kill defenders. 3. When OpFor is suppressed (Stops shooting back) give suppressing teams Target Light orders. 4. Fast the assault team (A-Team) to 2 action spots from the building to throw grenades. 5. At the grenade throwing waypoint give the assault squad a 10 sec. pause order. 6. At the same grenade throwing waypoint give the assault squad a Target (area fire) order into the building. 7. Quick assault team into building while suppressing teams continue to Target light. 8. Give the assault team, at the waypoint inside the building, a 360 degree Target Arc to cancel the Target (area fire) order. This will get you in at the ground floor. Below are some screenshots from CMSF where this was used. Hope this gives you some ideas. An A-Team enters after throwing grenades while the B-Teams fire in support. A-Team through the door making Tangos into good Tangos.
  6. Thanks mech.gato. Some interesting things to think about.
  7. I have not paid a lot of attention to the first suppression bar since it is only the first bar. I am just happy the suppression is not higher. Have you found that there is generally OpFor activity/contact with a fire team soon after that fire team's suppression indicator goes up to the first bar? Of course many times a fire teams suppression indicator is already up to the second or third bar or higher just because of all the chaos of battle around them. This could be interesting if for example you had a zero suppression scout team conducting recon. Then while on recon the suppression indicator went up to the first bar and within 15 or 20 seconds the scout team obtained a sound contact, or a spotting round landed near by, a sniper's shot hit a team member, a team member set off a mine etc... If something like this consistently / reliably happens I would say you might be on to something. I don't know if this is the case but I will start to pay more attention to the first suppression bar. I would be interested in more details of what you are seeing.
  8. Heinrich505 Nice screenshots. I especially like the last one with the explosion. It could be printed out and hung on a wall.
  9. I downloaded and opened this to try to follow along. But it was a different scenario from SeinfeldRules: AD Interlock OP I think the post to the scenario you are playing, Assault Position, is below. A link to the download is in the post. (I could not link the scenario download directly) BTW SeinfeldRules has several interesting scenarios in that thread. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119212-seinfeldrules-scenario-thread/?p=1602054 Looking forward to the threat assessment.
  10. This is a great AAR. I am a bit nervous for your armored car advancing up the road. If I have my map locations correct a HMG was firing down this same road a few minutes back. If so the HMG can easily knockout the armored car even an LMG can...... By the way your opponent keyholed crew served weapons back behind the buildings it seems he knows his business. You may need to ask Heinrich505 to bring in some of his flamethrower units and clean the place out. More screenshots and updates! Chop chop!!
  11. Very interesting that you were involved in the trials. That has to look impressive in a military personnel file. I really like that 100m grid overlay. I wish there was an in game way to toggle those on and off along with contour lines. One of the things about CM that occasionally confuses me is the compass and the way the maps are oriented (or not). My brain always wants to think of the top of the map as north but in CM the top can be any direction. So my question, is the wooded grove NW of the town or is it also SE? Or maybe I am having trouble sorting out directions since the top of the map is not north? Thanks for doing this.
  12. Thanks Vanir. This is a very nice summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the different mortar systems. (To include on map vs off map) I didn't know the 81mm mortar teams were limited to Move until some ammo was expended. It always impresses me how much detail and thought goes into this game.
  13. Very cool. Looking forward to this one. I just downloaded the scenario. If RL and my PBEM games allow me the time I may try to follow along with my own game.
  14. Thanks Bud. This is the thread I think you are referring to: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119474-c2-information-sharing/ This is the thread that contained the screenshot of the scouts using a tanks radio for C2: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118325-xo-takes-over-from-kia-co/ Also C2 for calling in arty with backpack radios vs. vehicle radios might be applicable: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118608-command-vehicle-radios-vs-backpack-radios/
  15. I hope you still have time to get the infantry Co HQ on a tank. I like to match up my infantry HQs with their supporting tank HQs in CMRT. It is one of the benefits of tank riders. When possible, I will put the infantry Platoon HQ on the HQ tank of the supporting tank platoon. (Same with Company level units.) This facilitates the flow of intel between the infantry unit and tank unit. Just have to be careful not to get the inf HQ shot off the back of the tank. Good luck with that. Infantry without radios can also use the tanks radio to stay in C2. With the lack of Russian radios this is often useful. The screenshot below demonstrates infantry/tank cooperation & C2.
  16. You might be able to insert a short video into the AAR every so often when you think some action in the game makes it worth while. Just a thought. Looking forward to this.
  17. I think the need for Move is most noticeable when you are operating in certain types of terrain, such as large patches of woods, swamps, when moving up hills (CMFI comes to mind), etc... This is especially true for the heavy weapon teams.
  18. LOL. I also did the town with naval gunfire and it was fun.
  19. FOLLOW ME!!! US infantry advance with armor firing in support.
  20. I hit the cease fire button two days ago I think? You accepted and I viewed the AAR screen and did the post battlefield walk. Did ya get your PBEMs mixed up?
  21. This is a good point. In my experience the rockets will not come down in a linear or point target pattern even though the UI gives you those choices. All rocket missions are basically area fire missions. I am a little nervous for your F/O in the one screenshot. He seems to be getting close to where a stray rocket may land. When it is time for the rockets to impact you may want to put your closest units on Hide. IIRC the rockets also come in salvos. I don't know what your duration for the mission is but if it is long enough one salvo will hit then reload (may take a few minutes) and then salvo again. This will basically have a similar effect of a smoke screen from all the impacts.
  22. You and me both. Tank riders and snow at the same time, now that would be cool........
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