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Everything posted by db_zero

  1. LOS is something of a mystery to me. I use the target command to determine if a unit has LOS to target a specific area and it says no LOS, but alas when an enemy unit move to a "no LOS" area it gets targeted. I also had an situation where my Sherman 76 targeted a MarkIV that was blocked by another Sherman 75. The Sherman 76 rotated the turret and fired. The 76 mm shell went through the Sherman 75s turret killing the loader and continued on to kill the MarkIV. The Sherman 75 crew panicked and bailed, but rallied quickly and remounted and is still in action. The Sherman 76 has since been destroyed.
  2. I'm playing Green Hell as the Americans against an opponent. I had to give my medium and heavy MGs covered arc commands to stop them from shooting at distant tanks and exposing their positions from return fire. Just make sure you don't forget about it when you need them to open up. I also put most of my units in hide mode as they could be spotted at distance. When my opponent closed in I wondered why they weren't returning fire. I then realized they were hiding and turned off the hide command. They caught a bunch of advancing German paras and cut them down. Seems like using hide carefully you can spring some nasty ambushes.
  3. I played h2h as the Americans and got slaughtered. I'm now playing against the AI. I had a Bazooka team get 2 hits against the Tiger at point blank range from the side and it penetrated but didn't stop it. They got blown up by the rampaging Tiger. Its now backed up against some Forrest and my AT team used up its rifle grenades and are furiously heaving grenades against the tiger. One bounced off and exploded injuring the thrower. I think they are so close the Tiger can't depress the cannon to shoot them.
  4. Look good. Ill be getting this even if I find the 41/42/43 period to be more interesting. Going to be interesting to see how well it does. Many don't seem to be too interested in the Eastern Front. Are there plans to give infantry stuff like handheld AT mines/grenades? I assume the Russians will have 14.5 cal AT rifles?
  5. While many sports fans are certainly out of shape, many others are. It also changes over time. I consider wrestling entertainment, but they are athletes. You don't do those moves without training and physical conditioning. Some time ago there was debate whether NASCAR drivers were "jocks". Many think they are not athletes. I think they are. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but they do physically excert themselves tremendously in each race.
  6. Don't know a whole lot about rugby, but it looks like a brutal sport. One thing about American football especially at the pro level is you don't really get a sense of just how huge and how fast players are by watching it on TV. GO to a game and you'll really get a sense of just how fast and how big the players are. I'm sure many NFL players can sprint faster than most people while wearing full gear. To be hit by some of these gorillas at full speed would be like getting hit by a car. Like many/most Americans I simply cannot get into soccer. I've tried. The best thing I like about the World Cup is the Women of the World Cup photos-that I can appreciate. Someone posted the US cable companies are going to start charging by the bandwidth to make up for the lot customers. I'm sure Nexflix and Amazon will simply counter and we'll just go back to the days of getting DVD's via the mail or a combo of downloads and mail. Someone will come up with something else to counter the cable companies.
  7. They say collisions in the NFL is equivalent to a head on car crash at 20-30 miles and players endure many per game. Many end up brain dead at relatively young ages. Nothing more than a modern day gladiator spectacle. Many are thugs who would probably be in jail if not for football. There are decent and intelligent players too, but some are just thugs.
  8. A hdtv antenna work good where I'm at. For the Thursday night games you can always head out to the sports bar. I have one of the newer smart TVs so it should work well with netflix. I'll probably return the cable modem and get a good one designed for gaming as I hear they are better if you use heavy bandwidth. Speaking of football we're talking real football...not the funny one where they run around kicking a ball Do I hear incomming?
  9. and then some... I find myself playing this game so much h2h and against the AI I watch far less TV, so I downgraded to the less expensive package-only until the end of the football season and then I'm going to ditch the cable TV altogether and just use the internet and something like Netflix. I tell you the cable companies are going to price themselves out of business. In the last 10 years I've forked over $20,000. I remember when cable TV was less than $40 a month. Now it ranges from $140 to $215 a month and you don't get to pick the channels as the cable companies have fought ala carte programming tooth and nail. Thanks to Combat Mission I'll be going from paying $215 a month to $59 a month for just the internet. netflix will be around $7.99 a month. Rant over!
  10. The off map "artillery module" sounds like an interesting concept. I was actually thinking about an on map concept. I just don't know how common or practical it was at a tactical level. Perhaps someone with a military background and experience with a weapons platoon or was a machine gunner could shed some light on this. On the subject of indirect fire, one of the advantages of the Sherman tanks "low velocity" gun was it could be used as an indirect fire weapon and IIRC had the sighting system to do so. Once again I don't know how common it was or how practical it would be on the scale of CM or if it could be abused. I have read accounts of MaDuces being used in an indirect fire mode in Viet-Nam. Some of the accounts are pretty interesting.
  11. If I'm not mistaken HMG's could be used in a indirect fire mode to interdict and disrupt movement in areas where no direct line of sight exists. Would it be possible to implement?
  12. Will there be Commissars backed up by the NKVD to make sure the troops are properly motivated? Personally I find the 41-43 period to be more interesting. In any event I'll pre-order.
  13. If BF is listening... wait until they implement "peek and shoot" for hand held AT weapons as mentioned by someone a while back. That will definitely give infantry their due against tanks in urban and other restrictive terrain. It will certainly give more incentive to operate in a combined arms manner. Combine peek and shoot with dedicated infantry AT mines and other implements of anti armored mayhem and ability to deliberately go for mobility kills against tanks and we'll have a real war on our hands. Then we'll be asking for ladies of the night tossing molotov cocktails on unsuspecting Panzergrenadiers from balconies - for those of you in the dark check out a grade B movie which is actually very entertaining staring Burt Lancaster and the future Columbo-Perter Falk in the movie Castle Keep.
  14. Paul Carell: Foxes of the Desert Hitler Moves East Scorched Earth
  15. Many of my h2h opponents are in Europe. Don't think they celebrate Thanksgiving. Not sure if they do up north in Canada either. After seeing that pic they are are probably thankful they don't celebrate the day.
  16. Someone once said CM is better suited for ww2 than modern warfare. Not sure I agree 100%, perhaps instead of just making bigger maps for modern warfare BF could look into increasing the scale to accommodate the fact so many modern weapons have far greater range. I also would like to see Viet-Nam, Korea and modern day Asian forces added as well as the Middle East. While We're at it we may as well throw in Africa and contractors into the mix.
  17. FWIW...HP desktops I'd avoid for gaming. The touchscreens are good for general use-but not gaming. A few years ago the M series laptops looked interesting for gaming-you just needed to be sure to get a quad core and a model with a dedicated video card and 1-2 gigs of video memory. I don't know what's currently available. Wait till after X-Mas when they discount things or you can research to see what you'd like and see if you can get a returned unit and bargain like hell to steal it. For me when it comes to desktops, liquid cooled is the way to to. They are quiet and reliable. 300 watts is far too wimpy. My liquid cooled PC is ancient and it has a 800 watt power supply. Its a quad core, 8 gigs of ram with a 2 gig 5800 series Radeon and it runs CM nicely maxed out at 1650x1080. The integrated CPU/Video is another thing I'd avoid if you want to do gaming. Get a decent dedicated video card. The one thing you have going for you is technology gets cheaper as time goes by. For less than a grand you can get something that a few years back would have cost you 2 grand.
  18. Nice mod. Just installed it. Works well on my 5.1 speakers and I'll have to try it with my old Denon headphones.
  19. I haven't play much against the AI, but h2h things tend to get pretty bloody-perhaps too bloody. Maybe the AI has it right for the European theater in the Western Front. The Eastern Front and Pacific Theater is a different story.
  20. It was for the .exe. When I got MG I had to completely reinstall and have 2 separate installations-one with MG and one without MG to maintain compatibility with existing PBEM games. Not sure if that had something to do with 2.12 issues. As for the Macbooks running CMBN-not surprised. Macs have a lot going for them, but not sure if I want to go that route. My first computer was a Mac before I went over to the darkside. I'd like to stay with the PC\Windoze platform. For what I would pay for a Mac notebook, I could probably get a Alienware laptop-which is more than what I'd like to spend. Apple in general has always been more expensive. For less than a Macbook or Alienware, I think I could get a quad or perhaps 6 core PC laptop with a decent video card with 2 gigs at considerably less cost. Then there is the software side of things. If I'm not mistaken I can use my already licensed key to install on a Windows laptop as that would count as the second installation. If I went the Apple route I'd have to buy the Macintosh version as my PC version would not be compatible.
  21. Finally got it installed-I have to manually type in the correct path. Seems like it loads pbem games a bit faster and it does seem a bit more responsive. I run it maxed out at 1650x1080. I have an older Athlon quad core Phenon IIx4 955 processor, 8 gigs of ram and Radeon HD 5800 video card. Does anyone play on a laptop? I hear it not really feasible. I'd looking at some quad core laptops with a dedicated video card-probably like to find one with 2 gig of dedicated video memory. I don't want to spend a fortune and would prefer something that isn't a heavy as a brick. Not sure if what I'm looking for exists.
  22. I downloaded and tried installing. My game is installed on a separate hard disk and when I specified the location it gave me an error saying it couldn't find the game files. When i start up it still shows ver 2.11. I haven't tried the Italy update yet.
  23. In general the PC platform is not nearly as popular as it was back when CM first came out. Sales are decreasing or flat. You could release a game like CM in the 90's and the gaming media would write articles and generate all sorts of buzz. You had all sorts of PC gaming mags and websites devoted to games like CM. Look at what's happened to combat flight sims. The world has changed. CM is a niche product, but it will never die out completely. There will always be people who will buy and play it-at least for the next 10-30 years, perhaps longer. Once we all die off you may see CM go away, but with people living longer I could easily see CM going on for a while. I may be in a retirement home playing CM, just like the generation before me spent their old age playing bridge or cribbage.
  24. We got some urban love and bones tossed our way for MG, I'd like to see some love thrown to AT guns as I agree they are neglected. As for having them in buildings-that would be nice, but I also have to wonder just how much it was done and how practical that really was. Some have mentioned Soviet 45mms in buildings. If I'm not mistaken they did not have muzzle brakes and it took quite a bit of time a preparation to set them up in buildings. I have to wonder about the practicality of setting up any AT gun in a building if it had a muzzle brake or was over a certain caliber. Muzzle brakes vent the blast sideways-not something you want in an enclosed space. I've been in an enclosure as well as next to someone with a a modified AR shooting 7.62x39 and a custom barrel with a muzzle brake and it was very unpleasant. I had a good set of modern ear muffs on too and it still extremely unpleasant. I can't imagine how it would be with an AT gun firing much larger rounds. You'd be deaf with bleeding eardrums in no time. That all being said and done I'd like to see AT guns get some more love and I like the idea of the crews being able to unman and re-man their guns.
  25. Take a look at this training film. Rockets intended to be fired from a bazooka could also be used as IED's In a perfect world I too would love to see AT grenades and other IEDs modeled in CM, but given the fact BF is a relatively small company with limited resources I can understand why things are abstracted. Grunts may not have college degrees, but they aren't idiots and have been known to improvise and demonstrate remarkable creativity and ingenuity when it comes to blowing up and destroying things. Perhaps one day BF will open up the entire code and allow unlimited modifying and once the power of coders is unleashed we'll see all sorts of goodies like molotov cocktails, IED's and other stuff we'd like to see, but until then we'll have to live with what we have,
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