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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. If you use HUNT to cross the minefield, it may help to put short covered arcs on them so they won't stop if they spot a distant enemy.
  2. Well that makes sense. Just like with magic mushrooms, they make you see clearly, but there is no guarantee that you will like what you see.
  3. I my last game, I had three Panserschrek teams, one Panzerfaust team, and a Maarder Tank Destroyer all pointing with clear LOF at a critical spot. At ranges from 10m to about 150m. When the enemy tank arrived, none of the teams spotted it. It just sat there and then spotted my schreck team sitting behind a hedgerow just in front of it, proceeded to gun them down.. still nobody spotted the tank. I had to rush over a sixth team the following turn to take care of that tank. Anecdotal evidence for sure, but still I can't understand how it could remain unspotted.
  4. I can't seem to knock out panthers with 75mm at that range..
  5. Shouldn't motivation mean "motivation to stay and fight as best you can", rather than "motivation to follow orders mindlessly like a robot"?
  6. I wouldn't say I play this game to kill something. Actually I prefer the missions where I can accomplish the objectives without necessarily killing most of the enemy. And I enjoy rounding up surrendering enemies quite a lot.
  7. Apparently they did some kind of mistake, because it seems several old fixed bugs are reappearing. The other one off the top of my head being the one about small British mortars.
  8. Is there any difference from just targeting the square under the icon?
  9. I think you might be confusing it with the morale hit that happens within a formation when it takes enough casualties. If you have two platoons, and one squad of platoon A gets wiped out, all members of that platoon will get a morale hit, even though they didn't see their friends get hit. But the other platoon will not be affected. This is why, at the end of many scenarios, you can review the battlefield and find many enemy squads that at broken, without ever seeing combat.
  10. So actually the real problem is not that the other teams get rattled when the assaulting team takes fire, but rather that it doesn't happen after you split the squad by the admin commands?
  11. Roger: Asus G751-JY Windows 10 CPU: Intel i7-4720HQ GPU: Nvidia Gtx 980m 4GB Ram: 16mb 256 GB SSD One theory I was thinking about: Maybe the people who get the worst performance are those who use right mouse button to "look around", and the WASD keys to move the camera? That's what I do. If the engine is made to be used with a top-down perspective (the preset cameras 1-9), maybe the mouselook movement could cause caching problems when you keep swooping around, looking up, now down, now up again? Ideally, all the game's assets should be cacheable with 4 GB video RAM and 16 GB system RAM, but maybe there's some odd programming issue that prevents this and causes data to keep being shuffled back and forth betwen system RAM, HDD, and GPU? My performance problems really feel like a caching problem through some kind of bottleneck in the system.
  12. Thanks for trying to solve this. I experience bad performance with stutters, but I am unsure if I have this specific problem, because my stutters seem to be that the fps takes a lot of hits downwards, then recovers. Could you post a video that shows the stutter?
  13. Yes, I just can't seem to really kill any enemy in the house with the PIAT. Had a sniper situation where the only way I could get to the sniper was firing the PIAT against a windowless wall of the house. Fired five PIATs, then entered, finding the sniper team alive and well. Probably I was just unlucky.
  14. I think many scenario designers go a bit too far to provide a "challenge", taking away any advantage the player could possibly have. Sometimes, it turns into something a bit too ridiculous, where you really feel the deck is stacked against you, when any LOF that you could possibly use just happens to be magically blocked by bizarre wall constructions or turd forests, towns that look more like fortified castles, mud in the strangest of places, etc. Just the basic tactics of finding, fixing, and flanking the enemy is enough challenge and fun for me, without being artificially constrained.
  15. Yet people here are always looking for mods to improve the graphics and sounds...
  16. Fair point. Also probably more fit, being professional soldiers rather than conscripts.
  17. I don't doubt it's exhausting, but doesn't modern British infantry àlso carry more gear than their ww2 counterparts, including a fragmentation vest and bigger backpack?
  18. Ha ha I used to grumble about the Garand until I started playing as Germans and British. The Garand is a weapon of mass destruction in this game
  19. To recreate that in the game, you can send out a scout team using 'hunt', while the rest of the squad follows using 'move'. But I don't think the hunt command tires troops much really. At least not in Normandy. Maybe it was changed for CMFB.
  20. I'm often wondering if there are other penalties as well? Accuracy or morale penalties?
  21. I've tested it, and it does help some with shadows disappearing towards the edges of the screen. But shadows cast on buildings still flicker on/off depending on camera angle (without being close to the screen edge). Also, the old shaders make lots of jagged shadow lines. Thanks a lot for providing it, but I think for me it is not the solution.
  22. The PIAT is very effective against tanks and bunkers, but I don't seem to have much luck using it against infantry in houses. But I read that it was often used as a "house buster" during the war. Am I just being unlucky or should it really be weak against targets in buildings?
  23. I tried to use it but not sure if I'm doing it right. I have to put the .brz file in the Z folder right? And it will automatically "override" the regular shaders? OR do I have to delete the Normandy 212 brz file in the DATA folder?
  24. Ah right, I thought engine patches were somehow universal across the series. Thanks.
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