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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. Tanks? This is the British Army lad. Those armoured cars are all we got Also, he seemed to have massive ammounts of rockets for that stove pipe, happily firing them off against infantry after he wrecked the cars. For some weird reason his accuracy was rubbish against infantry targets though... Now that's an interesting theory
  2. Yeah I'm not crying foul or anything at this point, just want to be clear on that. But I'm puzzled because when I play the Germans and have a Panzerfaust, my rule of thumb is that 150m is MAX range for a Regular team. Beyond that, I find they simply miss so much that they need too much time to hit (and a panzerfaust team doesn't usually have a lot of time to work before they need to run away, especially against a human opponent). Also, even if they eventually manage to hit, I find they use too much ammo at that range. If my team is Green, my rule of thumb is max range = 100m. And for Veterans, it would be around 180m, but preferably less. Additional info: the PF team was integrated into a full squad, not working as a split off team. Also, they had been under continuous Bren Gun fire for at least 5 minutes from another armoured car (apprx 400m distance). This suppression was not enough to make them cover, but it's supposed to be bad for accuracy. I guess being very close to the good HQ made them simply shrug off that incoming fire.
  3. Well I didn't think there would be any organisation specific bonuses, but one can never be sure I guess.. I wonder if being within close C2 of a veteran HQ makes subordinate units act like veterans themselves? Because the shooting skills I saw in that mission was what I would expect of veteran troops - at least. Or the luckiest bastards I ever saw.
  4. Using short movement legs also does something really interesting that I only understood recently despite having played the game for years now: It helps throw off the enemy aim. If you are running across a field in one go, the enemy will fire off bullet after bullet, and refine their aim with each shot. Eventually they will hit. If you do short movement legs with a pause (5-10 seconds I think), the enemy will "forget" their aim when your guys drop out of sight, and the moment your guys get up again, the enemy will have to restart his aiming process. This method is only really useful at longer ranges though, because it relies on throwing aim off just a bit, amplified by distance. Try it for example to advance on the beach in the first mission of Montebourg.
  5. Well CMBN is what I am playing... currently making my way down the Scottish Corridor.
  6. I'm on the newest version (3.12), from the master installer.
  7. Yep, using "Target smoke" command when I want to shoot smoke.
  8. The designer updated and tweaked a lot of things. You get air support in some missions, but generally it's much tougher going, since most of your troops are now green, and in some missions, the Germans get a few key assets in nasty places. There's also one new scenario in it. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2082
  9. I noticed that after I spend the little mortar's HE ammo, and want to use the smoke ammo, I lose the ability to do the special generous mortar targeting. So, there will be a target in a difficult location, I don't have normal LOF. The mortar sets up, gets blue target line. I fire all 12 rounds of HE. I now try to target the exact same location with smoke. I now get no blue target line and cannot target. Closer inspection reveals that the targeting line now reports "out of range" for all ranges, then at very close range it switches instantly to "target too close". I can still target places that are in regular direct line of fire though.
  10. That is true, but the campaign (Road to Montebourg) is still winnable. I suggest playing the updated version. There's one mission I can't win though - Hell in the Hedgerows. Fortunately, you don't have to win it, you can just skip it by cease fire once you get tired of banging your head against the wall.
  11. News: We're up to 4 hits now. The same GREEN squad killed another armoured car at 200m range, FIRST shot. I tried to give an order to move just within range, then immediately reverse to get out of danger, but the vehicle had no time before it was hit. I now won the mission and went to re-check: The enemy squad was: Waffen SS, Green experience, no soft modifiers apart from +1 motivation. (this squad accounted for two of the hits, the other two were in aborted attempts on the mission) It was in C2 with: II.Zug HQ, Waffen SS, +1 leadership, Veteran, +2 Motivation. I also checked to se if the enemy had any Target Reference Points (because they can work as ambush zones, increasing accuracy of units firing into them) but there were none. The mission is: Scottish Corridor - Mondrainville. I know this is still a too small statistical sample to say anything definite, but I'm getting the feeling there's something at work here that I don't understand. Either Waffen SS get a huge accuracy bonus just for being SS, even if they are green, or I'm just extremely unlucky, or I don't know... I should do some testing on this.
  12. Yes, and it's unfortunate, but I think it would be a small suspension of disbelief. In war, sometimes people get hit and are assumed surely dead, but survive. The other option would be to make it so you have to win every mission to stay in the campaign, and give a massive points penalty for losing the HQ unit so you would always lose the mission in that case.
  13. That's not so difficult.. You could just say he only gets seriously wounded no matter what happens, even if the game shows him as killed in action.
  14. Short answer: You simply don't If the area is dangerous, you either fight from cover or you find a covered route around the enemy to flank him. Preferably both at the same time. If you can't, you try to suppress the enemy positions while leapfrogging teams forward. But that's highly dangerous, as it's very likely you'll start to get hit from the sides by previously unseen positions as you advance.
  15. I don't know really.. I assume they might have been watching it for quite some time, since I had it sitting a bit out of range before moving closer. Difficult to say if they had LOS due to reverse slope and tall vegetation. But would be interesting if what you say is correct.
  16. Yeah, it sure does. The last kill was at 199m range and it only hit the armoured car's fender, but somehow killed all on board, despite the fender being a paper thin plate far removed from the body of the vehicle.... rotten luck.
  17. That's what I thought until I ceased fire and checked the team doing the shooting - they were 'green'. The briefing says they are hitler youth and poorly trained. Which puzzled me even more when I saw their schreck skills.
  18. Thanks for the reply, sorry about the confusion - I corrected the title now. You're right to point out that aim should increase from shot to shot, I just think I remember that I used to park my tanks with impunity at that kind of range, since it would take a lot of shots to get a hit. And more often than not, my tank would spot the offending schreck team and fire back.. Now, it seems quite few shots are needed to get a hit. I'm just puzzled if I'm remembering wrong, or schreck accuracy was boosted, or if the motivation factor somehow gives a big accuracy boost... Because it's the first time I play against very high motivation enemies.
  19. Just playing through the Scottish Corridor campaign, and starting to notice my armour is getting killed at very long range by Panzerschrecks. Before, I used to feel quite safe at 160m+ distance, because the schreck teams would fire their ammo, but it would be extremely rare that they hit anything. But in this mission, my armour gets hit and knocked out at long range. It happened once at 170m, once at 190m and once at 199m (maximum range!). It's the second or third shot that hits. I ceased fire to check the experience of the firing team that hit at 190m. They were green! But with very high motivation. So, does motivation = accuracy, or was the Panzerschreck accuracy boosted recently? Please note this post is not to complain about getting hit, I'm just curious what's going on here
  20. I recently started using a texture mod for modular buildings, and it's great, apart from a really annoying thing - many of the roofs are oriented the wrong way. It's the Pat Tal Modular Buildings mod by @patboy who doesn't seem to be on the forum often. I wrote him a message but received no reply. Does a fixed version exist, or another similar mod that doesn't have this problem?
  21. I'm not sure what to think about the idea of making fortifications behave differently depending on the experience setting of the fortification. On one hand, I think the suggestion makes some sense, but there's something I don't like about it too. I'm not too keen on having the same graphics for various types of trenches for example. I like to be able to see what I'm up against. I like the idea of "what you see is what you get"... The player needs input to understand the tactical situation. If you don't get that info, you're flying blind.
  22. I must have misread you then. I can only refer to your own signature line
  23. Just trying to drive it across would probably do the trick
  24. I wish they would just, you know, change the hedgerow graphics a bit to make it wider so that it would overlap properly. Would probably take all of five minutes and would help so many players.
  25. Moving lights that cast global shadows are actually very common in modern games. It's not so much a technial, graphical problem as a vision/spotting problem. Currently, local light levels don't affect spotting. You don't spot a unit standing next to a burning tank at night any easier than their buddies in the dark. To do flares right, the illuminated units would have to be more visible, as a function of the light intensity (which changes dynamically, and would be affected by shadows). Also, realistically, those illuminated troops would be mostly blind to everything in the darkness outside of the light. Not saying it can't be done, it would just need pretty substantial coding changes I believe.
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