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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. A module set in Italy and some modern warfare stuff.
  2. Yeah and then he just picks up a gun a the first chance he gets to gleefully gun down more Americans. I always thought that was one of the most ridiculous parts of the whole movie. It's basically the old story of the turtle and the scorpion. The scorpion promises the turtle it won't sting it, yet does so anyway. "Yeah well, I'm a scorpipon, that's what I do" it reasons. If Saving Private Ryan had been a war-time propaganda movie, it would have made sense to dehumanize the enemy, because if you don't do that, how are you going to convince yourself to pull the trigger? But so many years after the war, why was such a big opportunity to tell a more nuanced story about the war wasted?
  3. A single threat CPU won't be enough if you're attacked from multiple angles Anyway, ahem, yes, the game engine doesn't make full use of new hardware, so getting a CPU with many cores won't really help much. Higher clockspeed (Ghz) will. Nvidia GPUs are reportedly better for performance, but I have one, and I get many graphical glitches. Your mileage may vary. If I were you, I'd go for a laptop with an Nvidia 960M og 1050M GPU. Those seem to be a good balance between price and performance for modern games, and I believe they will be more than enough for Combat Mission too (it's pretty old tech by now). It's not so much the GPU as the CPU that keeps these games back, I believe.
  4. You have the memory of an elephant I ended up buying an expensive gaming laptop, and it does sort of OK with Combat Mission. About 40 FPS mostly, but with those weird drops in framerate, graphical glitches etc. etc. that most people seem to have in these games.
  5. If you want to play it, just go into the editor and change the snow from heavy to light. It will change the visibility a bit of course, but I didn't notice any big diference when playing it through again. Snow lag was gone though.
  6. I was wondering if anybody would make a joke like that
  7. Thanks for correcting my post. I did not know the airborne version was different, as I don't have Market Garden I think my point about the HE ammo not showing up because the list can only show 4 items is still correct though.
  8. I played the same mission yesterday, and while I agree it's a tough nut to crack, I saw plenty of cases where the AI ran into the streets to get cut to pieces. Somehow it's never as painful when it happens to the enemy as to my own guys I don't think they will ever fix this behaviour 100 pct, but I feel there's still room for improvement. A basic check to not let troops run towards known threats (contacts) might go a long way. And if there's no escape route without enemy contacts, then to stay. Staying put when under fire in a building might not guarantee survival, but it often seems the more "believable" choice. At least as I see it.
  9. I'm going to risk controversy by saying CMBN is the best. Because it has bocage. Highly frustrating to fight in, but also makes for interesting tactical situations and puts more emphasis on flanking.
  10. The mortar has both HE and smoke rounds. When you do a "target" order, they will fire HE. You need to do the 'fire smoke' order to make them use the smoke ammo. The HE is not visible in their equipment list because it only shows the first four kinds of ammo they have. By the way, I had no idea they could fire that mortar from within a building ...
  11. That only makes them less fit; to get winded faster when running. Doesn't affect anything else, as far as I know.
  12. Lesson learnt. Will take more care to stay exactly on the road next time.
  13. I just played "A muddy affair". Lost 3 tanks to the mud, and the strange thing is: All 3 were lost on the edges of roads. I also cruised other tanks around the countryside, sometimes through hedges and walls, but none of those tanks were immobilized. Are road edges worse for bogging than regular terrain? I thought the roads were supposed to be the safe routes, and going off-road was risky?
  14. Thanks @Chainsaw for taking the time to answer my question in detail. Appreciated.
  15. I'm not sure Hunt gives increased spotting ability either. I think it works more like an SOP - it tells your guys to advance slowly and to stop if enemies are observed.
  16. Would be interesting to have a "sleep deprivation" setting. It would make it possible to make a campaign that took place over, say, 3 days, where you start out with fresh core troops of high quality, and while they retain their veteran level and motivation etc. they would get more and more sleep deprived as the campaign went on. As far as I know, this cannot be accomplished by setting a lower troop level, because the troop experience level is set at the campaign start and can't dynamically change.
  17. Jep, just tested it. I changed the snow in Die Patrouille from heavy to light. Fixed the problem. So, it appears the heavy snow effect has optimisation issues.
  18. Nope, I'm running the game off the C drive, it's a pure SSD, no hybrid. Also it's nothing to do with sound. I found out a further interesting thing: I get the problem in the tiny "Die Patrouille", but not on the much larger "Breaking the line". Both maps have falling snow! The only difference I can see is that the former has "heavy snow" and the latter "light snow". So it seems to be a problem with the heavy snow effect.
  19. I just bought CMFB and noticed I get lag when it's snowing. The snow will fall smoothly for about 10 seconds, then the framerate drops a lot for 2 seconds and then back to smooth framerates. It's not just the snow effect that lags during that time, it's the whole game. (also, when I move the camera, the snow effect will move with it, which looks a bit weird...)
  20. I just bought CMFB and want to play the Peiper campaign. But I'm a bit worried it will be too easy with the artillery bug...
  21. Maybe this seems like a stupid question, but I'm wondering: What was the actual purpose of a roadblock? Well, to block the road, of course. But a roadblock needs to be defended, or the attacker can just drive past it or remove the obstacles really quickly. And if the roadblock is defended, what purpose does the actual blocking of the road serve? Even without mines and hedgehogs, you can't just drive a tank through a village defended by a company armed with machineguns and AT rockets. Maybe roadblocks were not so much to stop an actual attack, but to prevent recon from speeding past in the night?
  22. Definitely. But if the Soviets had lost the war, we'd now be discussing why Stalin could never have hoped to defeat the German war machine. We'd talk about the purges of the army leadership, the poor morale and training of the troops, the lousy tanks they used. Their bad planning and communications. Also we'd be talking about the impossible task of moving an entire nation's factories to the other side of the country and linking it all up with so many kilometres of new roads and rail, etc. in such a short time. We'd be talking about the paranoid Stalin and the many enemies he made. In actual history, there were several plots against Hitler, and they increased as the war situation became worse and worse. Who's to say there wouldn't have been sudden changes in Soviet leadership after such big losses? None of this is to say the arguments in this thread are not valid. But I guess it depends on how you see history. I think many things in life are not inevitable, but a lot seems inevitable - after the fact.
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