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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. I don't have any mods installed. It's a fresh CMFB install, just bought it.
  2. The problem is not that the mortar can't fire before the vehicle moves. It's the other way around: I want to drive the mortar up to just behind a crest and then immediately start to fire on a target only visible from there. This is possible when the mortar team is on foot, but not while they are in the halftrack.
  3. Pour out a whole bucket of dice. All have to come up six.
  4. Propaganda pics taken in situations of little or no danger maybe? In any case, wouldn't the gunner's eye need to be level with the gun barrel while firing to aim the thing?
  5. About Germany, isn't the whole point that it was to be neutered after the war, so that it wouldn't become a danger to Europe once more? And as a result of that neutering the German people today are culturally not very militaristic. So, in a democracy, if the people are not militaristic, why would they vote for politicians who would take their tax money and spend it on the army? There's lots of other things you can do with taxes, that are better for the average person. Or at least are felt more directly than paying for having loads of tanks rumbling around on exercises in some distant field.
  6. "Allowed" is a nice way to put it Just like you kindly allowed the Romans, Vikings, and eventually the Normans into your country. Jolly big tea party, that...
  7. So I've been playing a pbem this weekend, and all's going well until suddenlt my opponent says that his game crashes when he tries to send his next turn. He can open my file 33, but after doing his orders and clicking end turn, the game crashes to windows with the generic error "Final Blitzkrieg has stopped working". We tried the following without success: He reinstalled the game. He tried sending a turn without any orders. I tried re-doing my turn, to produce a new turn 33. It still crashes. I tried opening his turn, using his password. I get the same result. Crashes on end turn. He says he only ever saw this problem with very large savegames (over 40mb). But this is a small battle, so the files are only 4 mb in size. Any way we can save this pbem? And prevent it from happening again?
  8. Hmm actually it was new to me, because what I thought I understood from that discussion back then was that the LOS showed maximum spotting distance, but that spotting anything at max distance would be very unlikely. Still thought there was a small chance, given time and with a good quality spotter. Now I understand there's actually a hard cap on spotting the starts way before max LOS, and which can lift momentarily if an enemy unit fires. That's good to know.
  9. Yep. I had no idea either. It also explains another issue I had in the same foggy scenario: My infantry got a ?-contact on an enemy tank, which I then used a runner to share with a StuG. I then moved the StuG forward so that the enemy tank contact was just within the StuG's maximum LOS. I unbuttoned and waited for the StuG to spot and kill the enemy tank. However, nothing happened for many, many turns. I was surprised by this, because I assumed maximum LOS was also maximum spotting range. I guess what happened was that the enemy tank was outside of confirmed contact range. If it had opened fire, it would likely have been spotted quickly, but as long as it just sat there, I had no chance of spotting it.
  10. 1: When I select the mortar halftrack vehicle, I can draw a target line, but the mortar won't fire. However, when I select the mortar inside the halftrack, I can fire it. But that means I cannot order first a move and then to fire at the end of the mortar halftrack's movement order. Because the mortar can only be ordered to fire from the location where the halftrack starts its turn. Any way to do this? 2: I can't seem to choose between target and target light. Mortars outside the halftrack can either use Target, to fire as fast as possible, or Target light, which means to fire at a slow rate of fire. But inside the halftrack, the mortar can only use "Target". However, the rate of fire is actually slow like "Target light"! Am I doing some kind of mistake here?
  11. Yeah I seem to have a rare talent for running into every kind of glitch and bug this engine can produce I'm using a 980M (laptop version) and got those hard edges using a fresh install of CMFB - no mods or tweaking. Later I have been trying to change settings to fix it, but so far no luck !
  12. Try using "imgur" - it's really easy and you don't need to create any account.
  13. Yep, they fired several times. But what does "max visibility range" mean in fog, exactly? Is it the range where everything turns white and nothing is visible? Or is it the range where only large features such as buildings are possible to discern? In any case, I think five times that range would block any muzzle flash. Just like when there's fireworks on a foggy night - after a certain range, you don't see the actual burst any more - the whole fog just briefly lights up.
  14. No, it's a mixed type battle. I tried "re-rolling" with the same settings a couple of times, and the following results were a bit more sane (even though the US side tended to be comprised of mostly support weapons most of the time - a mix of machineguns, mortars, and AT guns, with a bit of armour thrown in. Not a bad mix for a defensive setup of course.
  15. Yes. Unless the enemy has moved away from there since you got the contact.
  16. Sure, here's the info: It was an attack type battle with the Germans attacking. Medium size. Default date selecton, so it's December 1944. Standard rarity. I have a savegame too if it's any use...
  17. Well, topic says it all, really. Burning bunkers are already in the game, so I don't see why they should not start burning after being hit by a flamethrower. Right now, it seems the only thing that happens is that the crew gets killed, leaving the pristine empty bunker behind.
  18. Is there any graphics card setting I can adjust to make the textures blend smoothly?
  19. I just tried the automatic force selection for quick battles, and in a medium attack mission I got a German force that nearly only consists of Panzerschreck teams. 42 teams (!) all in all, organised into platoons with a HQ and six teams each. Apart from this, I also got 3 platoons that consist of only six teams of HMG42. All these units belong to something called a "Fortress MG Bn". So my question is: Is this working as intended?
  20. I think it's a very good solution - for single scenarios. It would make them run away more easily too though. But that could be fixed by bumping up their motivation maybe. To represent that they are still grizzled but a bit groggy.
  21. Of course it's possible to hear a fog horn or a cannon firing even when it's foggy But is it possible to _locate_ a position from sound alone? (without special equipment) I thought fog horns just gave a basic warning that the ship is getting close to the shore. I like this idea. The first time I played CM, I thought that's exactly how it worked. It was only some time later that I realised that a contact marker is always exactly on the location of the unit. Actually I even watched a youtuber explain to his viewers that "so this contact marker just tells us there's a tank somewhere around here, but we don't know if it's actually here or here or here..."
  22. Interesting and controversial viewpoint. But Germany was different in 1930. There are two ways to view Hitler: Either he was some unique historic individual with almost supernatural powers of manipulation, sufficient to bend an entire peace-loving and highly cultured nation to his will and convert it into one of the most evil and barbaric regimes the world has ever seen... Or Hitler was just a consequence of the inherent anger of the German population after WW1. If it hadn't been him, it could have been someone else. I think your argument is based mostly on the first interpretation. Hitler gained power, but was ultimately a bad match for the nation he took control over. I see things more in line with the second interpretation. German anger boiled over and took the form of Hitler. They lost the war so bad that modern day Germans are very different - most I meet are very soft-spoken.
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