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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. ...and a whole continent of resources, far away from enemy bombers. I wonder what went through Hitler's mind when he declared war on the US. Was he in a manic fit? Was he too stupid to understand what he was doing? Of all the strange decisions of WW2, this is one of the most puzzling to me.
  2. Actually some modern cars do that automatically to save fuel (and pollute less) The sound effect has no impact on gameplay, but the gameplay obviously has influence on what sound to play.
  3. Actually some modern cars do that automatically to save fuel (and pollute less)
  4. So I can just dump the .wav sound file there and the game will automatically pick it up and use it instead of the old one?
  5. Yeah, and it's difficult to "Find, fix, and flank" the enemy, when you can't fix them..
  6. In that case, it was probably just me having the wrong idea about what hiding a vehicle meant. That's good to know. I overlooked that part of the manual. Won't expect my hiding vehicles to be completely undetectable then. Not as far as I have noticed.
  7. When we order a vehicle to hide, I assume that means turning off its engine in order to not be heard from a distance (this option was added in a semi-recent patch) However, the idling engine sound still plays while the vehicle is hiding. But before you chew me out - yes, I know this is a small thing, and no, I am not demanding that this be fixed instead of [your favorite idea].
  8. Thanks, how do I add it to the game instead of the thunder one? Sorry for being daft, I'm not usually much of a modder...
  9. Looks like you could just jump in, turn the key, and rumble off...
  10. isn't that the exact nature of a spoiler? Hopefully I'm not spoiling anything here, but.. that steeple was his father, and it dies in the end.
  11. Yes, I tried it and this is exactly what happened. I then right-clicked the "new" game file in CMhelper and initiated dropbox sharing with my opponent. Hopefully we can go on normally from here, and I can delete the old defect game.
  12. You mean I open my turn (called something like Quick Battle 002), deploy, then click end turn button - and then change the file name to "Bulletpoint VS other guy 003"? Then how do I "refresh" CMhelper with this new game file?
  13. Yes that's the way to go. I used to play H2H scenarios exclusively, so didn't run into this problem before.
  14. Yep, we could do that. Would just need both players to re-purchase and then re-deploy. But since we'd get a new map, all hours spent pondering plans would be lost. No big deal, but if we could just rename the existing game, then it would be better.
  15. I started a PBEM with the default title "Quick Battle 001", but my opponent says this is a problem for him because he already plays other games that use that naming/numbering scheme. However, if he changes the name of the file, that confused CMhelper and it stops recognising the incoming files. Can I teach CMhelper that this game has changed name, or do we have to start over?
  16. Not only that, they also saved two dots of paint for the Umlaut... as far as I can see, he was called Gräbner.
  17. "Enemy vehicle approaching!" "What kind of vehicle?" "Eh, it looks like a SdfK.. SKdfsz... A Puma, sir!"
  18. Never thought about this before; always assumed that it was the actual units, not the icons, that causes a burden... did you test this out?
  19. Thanks, you're always a good source of info on this game. Forgot that was brought up before.
  20. Ok, I figured out what is going on: It's a campaign where you continue playing with the same units. I lost both Forward Observers in an earlier battle, and while their manpower has been replenished, the actual replacement guy is not an observer. So in a sense, I guess it is a kind of bug. They wouldn't replace the observer with a random guy with a rifle I suppose.
  21. In the final mission of the campaign "Knock 'em All Down", there seems to be some bug with the artillery call privileges. The two Forward Observers are not denied all assets, even 60mm mortars, while all the platoon leaders are able to call in even airstrikes...
  22. Agreed, but I'd overlook that if they manage to crack the old problem of how to make a tactical multiplayer shooter, well... tactical. Instead of a random chaos mess.
  23. That would decrease it for me. Hearing the snap of a sniper round when I don’t know where he is? Way cool. Rounds hitting with no sound? Weird. I don’t go searching for audio sources to pinpoint my targets but I do like hearing the rounds You misunderstood. I just meant they could disable the positional aspect of the sound, but still play the sound. So you'd hear the crack of the rifle like in your example, but not know where it came from.
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