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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. It didn't work. I put the attached .wav file in the folder C:\Users\name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Final Blitzkrieg\User Data\Mods. No luck.Thunder still sounds. Is the file supposed to be called "5af6de8907d16_backgroundrain.wav" and only be 347 KB in size?
  2. I think this is already in the game - was added recently (in 4.0 - 'recent' in CM terms means within the last couple of years)
  3. But if the designated gunner gets killed, will the replacement gunner still have the "gunner" tag?
  4. So, how about driving along the track? In CM, that also takes place at a snail's pace, whereas my uneducated guess would be that as long as the tank kept its tracks between the rails, it should be fine?
  5. +1 That's actually an interesting and creative idea. I think it would make it difficult for the attacker to secure his flanks, though. Currently, if you manange to dominate the map edge to edge, you know the defender won't be able to slip past and attack you from the flanks or rear. If using your attack zone idea, you'd have to post a lot of troops along the edge of the attack corridor to guard against flanking moves. In some ways I guess it would be realistic (for breakthrough scenarios), in other cases it would be unrealistc (there would be assumed to be friendly troops advancing to your right and left).
  6. Maybe something good will come of it. While I have no love for Apple, I hope the dwindling support for OpenGL will finally convince Battlefront that it might be a good business case to move on to a modern graphics platform, thus finally getting a chance to solve many of the graphical issues such as flickering shadows, uneven shading of tiles in fog, etc. that are currently not fixable because of poor support for OpenGL.
  7. I'm a bit confused ... Wasn't one of the big advantages of engine 4.0 that all games now run on the same code base? If so, doesn't that mean that you only have to fix things in one place now, instead of several?
  8. @Steven482 I just updated the scenario, because I got a lot of comments that it was biased towards the Germans. The new version removes the German late-game reinforcements. So please re-download the file from the Few Good Men Scenario Depot, if you want to play the rebalanced version. Or continue with the old version to show that it's possible for the Brits to win anyway In any case, I think the more experienced player should command the British side.
  9. Once in a while though, I will order team A and B into the same action spot, and they just refuse to recombine again. Any idea what might cause this? I usually then give them various combinations of facing orders, move one team out of the square and back again, and eventually they'll combine. But I'd love to know what exactly it is that prevented them from merging in the first place...
  10. Yeah it's better to take a deep breath and move on before it escalates to that.
  11. Cleaning would be easier if down voting was an option. You can just block people who annoy you. It's very easy. I haven't blocked that many though, even though they may be annoying, rude etc. I like to hear other viewpoints. If I see something that is overly negative, I just shrug and move on. No reason to take it personally.
  12. Will there be any cap in place to limit the quality of these guys in quick battles? I think it would be a bit weird coming up against Volkssturm special forces..
  13. Not sure if I'm overlooking anything, but I don't think anything has changed, based on those screens? To me it looks like the regular ruins/buildings ?
  14. Update appreciated. Looking forward to hearing more about the patch and the stuff that's not about CMSF2.
  15. I never really understood why tanks drive so slowly when going over train tracks in this game..
  16. Agreed, but in my experience the game seems a bit too happy to let shots kill the gun by coming in alongside the barrel... Obviously a shot that hits the barrel from the side at a 90 degree angle would likely break it, but shots that come in from the front at close to 0 degrees would glance off, slide along the barrel and end hitting the mantlet instead - unless I'm fundamentally mistaken about physics.
  17. We completely agree. But I think those games are more like movies, in the sense that they are never meant to be something you keep playing. They offer a very cinematic, scripted experience, and once that's over, you move on to the next blockbuster game/summer movie. Combat Mission is one of the last 'true games' that are actually games, in the sense that it's something you have to focus on, learn, and get good at. That's why we're still here after ten years of playing fundamentally the same game, and still having fun (or cursing in frustration, be as it may..) But the moment CM gets obsolete because there's a better CM out, I'll be the first to buy the new version. Until then, I'm not much in a hurry to collect them all.
  18. CMBN is still around and getting patched because the more recent games are still basically the same game with new units. That's why they can and do keep supporting the older ones. If CMBN got obsolete and stopped getting new patches tomorrow, because the company released a new and fundamentally improved Combat Mission game, I'd personally be very happy with that.
  19. So what you're saying is: You can't wait to wait for reinforcements?
  20. Yes, it's a moot point, because while I don't think scenario test mode affects suppression, I was testing on Iron and Elite in these two cases.
  21. Would be interesting to be able to click on a decal and get that info. Also, I would like to see hit decals better graphically show the type of hit received - for example, an impact that comes in at a shallow angle and gets deflected should make a long, narrow furrow. Anyway, I guess it's just another point on the "would be cool if.." list.
  22. Nope. Elite and Iron. But I think even in scenario test mode they'd get suppression; that's the point of the mode anyway - to test the scenario
  23. Tested it with various units, green, reguar, veteran, with or without +1 or -1 leadership, morale.. basically just fired into a huge clump of randomly generated infantry. No uints showed any suppression...
  24. Haha yes, just my luck Whenever I'm right about the world, it seems to move on...
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