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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. I suspected a mod conflict, too. Prior to my previous post, I checked with US Paras. All olive green with helmets. Perhaps, you have some kind of alternate history version with US Nazi troops. ?
  2. Oops, thanks for the clarification. I'll see if I can get that working.
  3. Nope, don't what it is on your side, but my guys all have proper uniforms and helmets....
  4. On the same topic, but a little different: Can an on-board mortar target a TRP, which is has no LOS too? I thought it could, but in a current game, the guys refuse to follow my orders.
  5. Hi Ian Nope, I don't have the files anymore. The only thing I could show you, is the actual situation with the trapped vehicles. In the Buron case, I remember, I wanted to turn the 251 right at a street crossing. However, I just plotted "A to B" and the idiots raced straight through a wall and next into the building. Like in real life, I let it rock back and forth. After a while, it became free on a back track,
  6. This is probably nothing new, but I ask nevertheless: Recently (Well, if four ocassions in 2 years are "recently"), I managed to get vehicles stuck in buildings and Bocage. Two incidents in Buron, where a 251 first got stuck in a building. Then, after 10min or so, it became free, backed up and is now caught in a square of Bocage, walls and buildings and can't leave whatever I do. One in Mortville, where a 251 managed to break through a Bocage and is now caught in this square since a long time. The last one was Pz IV in CMFI, which got stuck in a wall and would not get out. Is there any way to avoid this (appart from staying clear, of course)? Or is there any way to get out off such traps?
  7. Thanks, Ian! Now I remember, we used the same procedure during a CMFI update.
  8. No release info on the BFC-site? Now, that is discreet advertizing. Any way: Found, bought, installed, activated and everything seems fine. But now the (I admit very) late question: Since the version is now V3.12, will my ongoing PBEM mails still run with the battle pack newly installed?
  9. If you go to Dresden, be a little careful. To put it mildly, Sachsen does not have the best reputation right now.
  10. Okok, my Panthers will be ready. In the mean time, I let my guys dust off and polish shells. ?
  11. In the video clip, you can clearly see the door handle at the casemat. Fits nicely to the pictures of the recovery tank with the boom.
  12. Hi Sublime, reminds me to the question: What about our current and planned games?
  13. Don't forget the Messerschmidt Museum near Munich. And the Swiss Tank Museum in Full-Reuenthal. Compared to Moscow-Berlin, both are "just down the road".
  14. Well, I had the impression, even with a direct target order my Panzerschreck did not fire on infantry. Which I would find strange. Firing on infantry may not be the first choice, but can be very handy.
  15. No no, I certainly believe you. I vaguely remember, how disappointed I was about the Hornet's tank killer performance in this one. But for some reason, this memory is for me painted in Steel Panther graphics.
  16. Hey, you even remember it was a CMBB scenario? My first guess would have been Steel Panthers.
  17. If I recall my Bundeswehr-times right: During company MG training, we had about 100 guys, shooting with 5 MG3 , 30 rounds each, trying to achieve controlled 3-round bursts. I.e., during one training, one MG fired about 600 rounds more or less continously, with say 1 minute breaks when the shooter changed. Obviously, the guns were kept under controlled conditions and were fairly well maintained. The MG3 was a "slowed down" version of the MG42 (1600 rounds per minute vs 2400 rounds per minute). To end a long prolouge: I recall a handfull of jammings in each training. Say 5, which were cleared usually within a few seconds. My conclusion: I would rate that "neglectible".
  18. Did anybody mention the HQS sound mod, latest revision of course, already? That one adds a lot.
  19. Well, I guess Phil means Sepp Blatter. He is quite good in taking. Not only Euros, but also Swiss Francs, Dollars, what ever shines...
  20. Ah, found it: Search in Google for "blast radius 16 inch shell" and you'll find many references. I did only a very quick scan and it seems the lethal radius is about 150 to 200m. Note, the shells were usually not designed for a "blast radius", but for penetration power.
  21. I strongly doubt the 1000m radius. 2000m in diameter is a pretty huge area. Sounds more like tactical nukes. Considering that the battleships could easily take multiple hits (I know, for the Hood one was enough. But that's a different story), the 1000m radius is just not plausible.
  22. Boah, that's heavy propaganda stuff. Unbearable. Did you note, that it repeats after 14min? Probably they counted eaczh destroyed tank twice. ;-)
  23. These battles look a little weird, but on British manufacturers homepage I once found a proper rules set for 1/6 scale miniature battle. Considering the price of the models (I think it was something like 5'000 Pound for a 1/6 Sherman), it sounds like those people have to be pretty serious about their hobby.
  24. Ooops. strange alternate history, I guess. Anyway, if a little consolation is needed, watch this one about "Le marche de Empereur": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0w9IUPBs9Y
  25. In case anybody is interested: The official Waterloo 2015 re-enactment DVD is out. Run time 2 hours, including a DVD with the opening show "The Inferno" and a "making of".
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