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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Your question is a little unclear. If you have an account, with all your download records, you should download again to get the "all-in-one" package. With that you get the latest version of everything and can use your existing registration key to activate whatever games you bought. Otherwise: It was never from 1.0 to 2.0. There were maaany steps in between. ?
  2. About the same here: whenever I asked my Dad (passed away 5 years ago) how he lost his right arm, the answer was: Somewhere on the Rollbahn in Russia, during a mortar strike....
  3. By the way: If you would like to see a cat, in this instance a Kingtiger, turned inside out, have a look at: www.koenigstiger.ch They are reconstructing a King-tiger since a few years and have brilliant foto selection of all steps of the works. Interesting pic's of extreme details. I think, they bought the wreck in France a few years ago, completely broke it down to pieces and now reconstruct, repair and put it back together. Sounds like a huge project.
  4. Well, don't forget to ask yourself the question what you really want. The setting of each game has a lot of impact on the the liking. Some people like early war, others prefer late war. The technological difference between CMFI and CMFB is vast. Consider weather and landscape. BN is mostly poor Western European summer weather (aka disgusting) and confined bocage terrain. FB is disgusting European winter in wooded, hilly terrain. No tank country. RT mixed weather in flat, wooded country. Quite often perfect for tank battles. And with fairly advanced equipment. FI is sunny Italy in extremely hilly country. Pretty strange on the equipment side, but perfect for tense infantry battles with a little armour support. Of course, the add on's like CW, MG, GL change this picture a little for each title. So, the basic question again: What are you looking for?
  5. Ah, that's interesting indeed. From my side, I had the impression the tank had spotted nothing and was just firing blindly away....
  6. Ohoh, that sounds familiar. I must admit, I hated the outcome, but could live with not spotting the guys in the hedges in this kind of congested area and hectic situation. What I found annoying, is that the first tank did not spot the guys in the building. For them I have been spotting quite a while.
  7. Yep, buying your own tank is not too unusual in Switzerland. There are some people, who have a Panzer 68 at home. That seems to the favourite tank. Well, Swiss build and, of course, better than all the rest. ? Recently they tried to sell some Leopard's but that was not too successful. Regarding the Hetzer photo: That was taken during a parade of the Swiss tank forces on the "Waffenplatz Thun" a few years ago. I have some very similar pic's of the Hetzer's and the Swiss Praga.
  8. Ah, yes, that's another front to work on. You are right, of course, even the tiniest little step counts as a start to reach a very challenging target.
  9. Well, the world is quite excited about this wildfire. So, it's probably not THAT common. Otherwise: A question was asked and I offered one answer. If you have any better proposals: Share them with us.
  10. I must admit, I never really understood this "family thing" anyway. But it's true, I don't care what happens software wise behind the scenes...
  11. Don't forget the early war 1940 in France. THOSE were the days. ? Seriously, there would be sufficient content left for the next 100 years (on the BFC time scale). But nothing planned, as I understand.
  12. Well, I am project manager. It is good enough, if I can spell it and throw it into the discussion in appropriate situations. The rest is for the specialist. ?
  13. The 1/400 planes are or were available for WoW, complete with all playing equipment. Certainly not perfect scale models, but quite nice. And of course, a huge boost for this table top like game. Can't remember exactly, but I think they had something like 7 or 8 sets, which 6 planes each. One plane did cost about 7 Euros. @ John: Don't worry about the marketing opportunity. Long since endeavoured in great depth. And taken to extremes by Star Wars: X-Wing lately.
  14. Hi John I don't know, if it's true, but the German subtitles said, the crew was buckled up, if I recall right. yes, the question how to flip such a beast, with such low profile and centre of gravity occurred to me as an engineer, too. But then, it flipped, while travelling with high speed on a (more or less) circular path. Ideal for huge centrifugal forces. Or was is centripetal? Can't remember. Dynamics lesson are way to far away....
  15. Hi John Eh, you would not, just by chance, know some place to buy 1/400 WW1 pilots? Once I have seen them on EBay, but never found again. And I am still not happy with my first few sets of Wings of War planes. Planes without pilots simply don't look right. ?
  16. Eh, try to fight climate change? Though this may be a very challenging and out-of reach target.
  17. Guys, want to see a T72 toppling over? Unfortunately only in Russian, with German subtitles, but I had to share this: http://www.spiegel.de/video/video-1671456.html
  18. Nice memories, indeed. But do you really want to go back to that? A short while ago, I reinstalled Mech Commander for very much the same reason and was utterly disappointed. I should better have let it rest in peace...
  19. Well, I remember one day Well, I remember one day, when we packing stuff to move from one appartement to another. We packed my games and I had to tell a story about every box I touched. I think, she understood.
  20. Yesyesyes, that sounds familiar. As far as board games are concerned, I am even asked to get rid of an old one, before I buy a new one. Now, how can THAT ever work? ?
  21. Ahhh, THAT sounds good! My wife calls me a "Nerd". I like your understanding way better, of course. :-)
  22. Yep, exactly the same with me. The strange thing is: We seem to like it and are proud of it! What does that tell about us? ?
  23. I don't think it's pointless to send the file. The annoying thing is, that vehicles can get stuck in really stupid situations. In one of my cases, plotted a move from A to B. Unfortunately, there was a corner of a house in the way. But the driver followed a straight pass, right into the wall. In another case, a Pz IV got caught in a wall, just by turning in place. Our brilliant AI should be smart enough to avoid such collisions. Bur then, I remember in the good ol'e Commandos, you could order a truck to drive over friendly troops right in front of it. Or order troops to rest in front of a moving train and they would not move. Compared to this title from the 90's, CM is miles ahead. ?
  24. Well, at least I managed to salvage some ammo before the half track was blown apart.
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