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  1. Like
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to DougPhresh in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    I'd say 4-6 plus more in the LAV. Especially in the areas of Kandahar Province that were relatively green, those grape huts were everywhere and the LAW was the only thing we could carry on patrol that would be able to engage them.
    This is from an article but it does a good job of describing why we needed to carry LAWs when clearing fields:
    Not my photo, but this is what the fields in the area look like, and why Grape Huts were such a big threat.

  2. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to A Canadian Cat in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    METT-T: Troops
    As described in the earlier post this is a combined arms force created by paring back the Independent Battle Group from the force selection screen. The force is company sized, two platoons of infantry and one of tank troop plus some elements from the battle group support company, a section of Anti Armour, a batter of 81mm mortars and a sniper team.
    Order of battle
    D Company: Capt. Leslie
    LAV Captain Team: Lt. Duncan (2IC)
    FO Tea: Lt Finnegan
    Also Attached to D Company from the battle group support Company:
    Mortar Platoon HQ: Lt McKibbin (with four tubes of 81mm mortars)
    Sniper Team: MCpl Morrison
    One Section Anti Armour LAV: Lt. Golfrey
    14 Platoon (Mech Infantry with no LAVs): Lt. Corhill
    1 Section: Sgt Greentree
    2 Section: Sgt Bellemere
    3 Section: Sgt Augustine
    4 Section (weapons): Sgt Calder
    15 Platoon (Mech Infantry LAVs): Lt. Jackson
    1 Section: Sgt Pension
    2 Section: Sgt Forbes
    3 Section: Sgt Wright
    4 Section (weapons): Sgt Merritt
    18 Troop (Four C2 Lepards): Lt Bermier
    1 Tank: Sgt Aurthor
    2 Tank: Sgt Laurin
    3 Tank: Sgt Gagon
    Fire support

    1 battery (4 tubes) of 81mm mortars off map from the battle group

    1 battery (2x2 guns) of 105mm guns

    HQ and support elements

    14 Platoon

    15 Platoon

    18 Troop

    Fire Support

    METT-T: Time
    That battle is 2 hours long. I am sure we will end the battle before that due to casualties.
  3. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to A Canadian Cat in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    LOL yeah looks bad. I ignore memes and unfollow people that share to many, I was never a big fan of Rush and I absolutely dislike trailer park boys. But I am a card carrying Tim Hortons coffee drinker. 
    Hopefully that will be enough for you guys
    Those memes were pretty funny BTW I will refrain from unfollowing you
  4. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to A Canadian Cat in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    METT-T: Enemy

    Enemy Intentions

    The enemy will attempting to control the road network in this area to undermine the NATO advance happing to the south and West of here. By controlling this area they can threaten supply routes and routes for reinforcements.

    Enemy Force Capabilities

    The enemy tanks can range from vastly inferior T55s to pretty much equal to the C2s T90 while their IFVs are not as capable as our LAVs the BMP3s are no slouch when it comes to firepower.

    Possible Order of Battle

    For the attacking force in a Medium probe I expect to see two companies plus some support. Bil should be able to purchase a tank company and a mechanized infantry company.

    Enemy Strengths

    Depending on which tanks Bil choose we could be looking at a large numerical advantage with inferior tanks – which can still deal with a LAV and still pose a real threat to the C2s or they could still bring a numerical advantage with an equivalent tank.

    Enemy Weakness

    None of the enemy AFVs can match the spotting ability of ours.

    Enemy Equipment

    There is no intelligence on what level of equipment the enemy force may possess. I would not be surprised if we face an elite guard force but second tier force is also possible.

    Enemy Course of Action

    ·         AA1 Has good low areas to move through and it clears the first objective naturally. The enemy would not likely try this without securing KT1 and KT3first.

    ·         AA2 The least likely avenue of approach since this is under easy observation from KT7 and KT8. Again there is a need to secure KT1 and KT3.

    ·         AA3 Offers ways of moving without being constantly under observation. Again need to secure KT1 and KT3 but this avenue is already going towards KT1.

    ·         AA4 Also offers ways of moving without being constantly under observation. Again need to secure KT1 and KT3 but this avenue is already going towards KT3 and past KT1.

    There is a good chance the enemy may recon all four routes. I expect he will favour AA3 and AA4 but we will have to see how the battle plays out.

  5. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato got a reaction from Ghost of Charlemagne in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    And the explanation from The National Post
    Are you sure you are Canadian @IanL? You didn't know Rush band members, never watched Trailer Park Boys, missed the Sajjan meme craze... do you even know what Tim Hortons is????
  6. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato got a reaction from DerKommissar in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    And the explanation from The National Post
    Are you sure you are Canadian @IanL? You didn't know Rush band members, never watched Trailer Park Boys, missed the Sajjan meme craze... do you even know what Tim Hortons is????
  7. Like
    Heirloom_Tomato got a reaction from HunterGathers in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    And the explanation from The National Post
    Are you sure you are Canadian @IanL? You didn't know Rush band members, never watched Trailer Park Boys, missed the Sajjan meme craze... do you even know what Tim Hortons is????
  8. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to A Canadian Cat in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    Initial situation
    This AAR is being played using the Quick Battle system from the v4 engine in the new version of Shock Force. We are playing a Red probe with Bil taking the Syrians vs Canadians commanded by myself. The back story we decided on is that the NATO advance is proceeding well and the Canadian battle group has been assigned to flank protection for the main advance. D Company has been directed to take up positions around a village on the main East West road in the area.
    Taking the walk through the village to meet with the local elders was something that Capt. Leslie actually enjoyed. The security situation for these types of meetings was much better here than in Afghanistan where, as a platoon commander, often had to provide security for the CO in one of these meetings. Over there it was always a nerve racking time. Here, today, his men had taken up their positions already and there was no love for the Assad regime around here. There was no love for the Assads anywhere actually – even in the enclave where his family drew the most support it was based on fear not love. So his walk today was pretty safe. Walking through the village reminded him of the last time he was in Syria. When he was just a boy visiting his father who was stationed on the Golan Heights as a UN Observer. Back then this trip to Syria was an exciting event. He got to fly on Hercules from Germany to Damascus where his Dad’s apartment was. The trip had made an impression. Not just the Roman ruins and the amazing castle Krak des Chevaliers (and having lived in the UK a few years earlier he knew castles) but it was really the people that impressed him the most. They were so friendly and open. It was this trip and listening to his father tell the stories of visiting with security guards on his way home each night that cemented in him the certain knowledge that you can go anywhere in the world and the regular people you meet are more like you then they are different.
    This meeting was just a formality but an important one. They would not be here for long and the Canadians had no mandate to provide any kind of assistance this was just to introduce the force that would be on their door steps for a while and point out that most likely nothing eventful would happen today, tomorrow or the next day. Capt. Leslie had put off this meeting for a hour because he had to spend time on the radio sorting out their artillery support. They were not expecting any action and so had only been assigned only a battery of light artillery and some Battalion mortars but he wanted to make sure they were ready with solutions plotted just to be sure. For some reason there had been a delay. Usually the artillery guys were ready before his FO was but today somehow the assignments had been confused and no battery thought they were supposed to be on call for D Co.. He had the reputation not as a rising star but a solid cross the t’s dot the i’s find a solution get it done officer. And he had done so again. Other officers liked him because he did his homework and was fair even when he was pushing for something. He didn’t make a big production but he didn’t back down either. He remembered his Dad used to say “not everyone can be a rising star, those stars need good officers to get their jobs done”. His Dad’s other advice when he joined up as a junior officer was “always listen to your Sergeants and Warrant Officers, they are the ones that have the experience know how to help you find solutions and keep you from screwing up”. He had taken the advice to heart.
    Force selection:
    The Quick Battle system is still not complete so don’t read much into what you see other than the happy path I will describe J. As you can see the usual points panel is there along with the selected force’s flag and available branches. The various units might still need tweaking in the QB list and single vehicles and teams is not officially complete and the points might change. All the usual caveats apply. No one has tested the auto pick force make up yet – although the three times I used it during testing it actually did a good job. At any rate before release this stuff will be tweaked some more.
    Similar to the CMBS game there are combined force battle groups available. That is where I will start:

    Defending in a Medium Probe lets you purchase about a mechanized company or so. I start with paring back to D Company and a platoon of tanks. Then I do something I started doing recently – renaming the top commander on QB battle field after myself. I think it is more fun to think of yourself down there in the game. Hopefully no one thinks it is too arrogant since I have never served as more than a truck driver but I’m adding a little colour this time based on an alternate reality where I joined up back in university like I very nearly did.

    Now the hard choices. I am pretty certain that Bil will be bringing armour to this and those T72s are every bit as deadly to the Leos as the Leos are to the T72s. That means I need to be able to handle enemy armour. So, to get the points room to have some support I chose not give up a tank but instead gave up a platoon of infantry. Therefore the basic force is two platoons of infantry and one troop of tanks.

     With that I’ll settled I chose to keep two of the battalion’s AT LAVs, one battery of mortars and a sniper team. Never leave home without your sniper team.

  9. Like
    Heirloom_Tomato got a reaction from Splinty in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    😂LOL!!!! That was great. Wonder who all will get that joke. Going to do this for my next battle just for S'n'G. 
    If I could up vote you twice for that one, I would.
  10. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to DerKommissar in Canadian Defense - CMSF 2 BETA AAR #2 (Quick Battle)   
    Aww, I was rooting for the loaned 2a6Ms. Still, the C2s are beauties -- shame they're getting axed. Reminds me of the bad old days when they wanted to replace all tanks with MGS (remember THAT?). Wonder if the C2s include MEXAS by default, or if the MEXAS equipped variant is simply not shown...
    Should have named someone Sajjan, would have instantly won.

  11. Like
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Hello all, I'm back, sorry about the delay in the entertainment. I, at least,  the NHS.
    I will hopefully have another instalment to post tomorrow, although by now I'm sure you've read all about it from the Bil's side.
  12. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to SeinfeldRules in CM Community Map?   
    I'm going to offer my own, un-solicited advice on map making...
    Use the light forest tile under trees, fences, hedges, roads, buildings, any sort of man-made "divider" - its represents well the undergrowth that builds up on these less traveled/less maintained areas. Look at pictures of rural fences and such and you'll see shrubbery/grass growing taller then the immediate surrounding foliage It also serves as an eye pleasing way to "break up" large chunks of terrain, especially when you're zoomed out - where most players actually play the game - and the fences start to blend in with the surrounding grass.
    Alternate between yellow grass, tall grass, green grass, extra tall grass, etc when building large fields. Breaks up the color tone that looks unnatural when zoomed out. Same goes for dirt - mix in dirt, red dirt, hard dirt etc when building lots for your buildings. These large lots - either grass or dirt, or whatever - should look like a Jackson Pollock painting in the editor. Just splashes of different tiles everywhere.
    Dirt footpaths serve as a great way to break up terrain as well - simulates the many different ways people cross fields, and the paths they create. Also works great in residential dirt lots.
    Combine different buildings to make a realistic looking residence. I like to use the half tile barn on the end of an independent one story house. The half tile barns also look good between fences, and when they form an "L" at a 90 degree angle to a house.
    Really pay attention to how homes are setup for the area you are modeling. They are often tighter and more "intimate" then you think. Remember, tiles are 8 meters by 8 meters, which is absolutely huge. I would say most Eastern European residential lots are maybe 3x3 or 4x3 in CM terms. Use street view when you can to see how they look from ground level. Satellite imagery can be deceiving.
    When it comes to forests, less is more. I almost never use the two or three tile tree lots. Single trees are enough. In fact, drop your block of trees, and then go back and remove some trees from random tiles. Creates a realistic patchwork effect. Also, use different types of trees in a forest. Trees of the same type in CM are universal in height - no forest is like that in the real word. I like to use Tree D - a fairly short tree - and mix the taller A and C trees into the mix. Creates a more natural forest.
    Avoid painting solid lines of height elevation. There is nowhere in this natural world where you have a universal flat area or a universally sloping area (bar maybe a salt bed, I guess..) Purposely leave gaps in your contour lines, and then drop random points in between contours that are one higher or one lower then what the game "calculates" it should be. It will create very pleasing, very natural, undulating terrain. Failing to do this is probably the biggest sin when it comes to map making in CM, in my mind. Elevation is much more difficult in CM2 then it was in CM1, which is why I think people have a hard time with this. But if you take the time to hand craft your elevations, it will pay off big. It makes your map look 100x more realistic.
    Don't tie yourself to an overlay! The real world is much more angular then what CM can handle. Have fun with your map - no one will care if this street had 7 houses instead of 5. What matters is the look, and how it plays, Additionally, the height data in Google Earth and other public programs does not have the fidelity to make a realistic map. It's great for a starting point - ie, this town is on a hill - but the nuances of height elevation in real life terrain can not be captured in an overlay. Go for a walk and look for the micro terrain that is out there. Most of it is well within CM's ability to model.
  13. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to benpark in CM Community Map?   
    Making historical maps is somewhat challenging, but fun. Fictional is another way to go when you are figuring out how to make certain areas look good and offer game play opportunities (a gentle rise in a hill, etc). I do those (generally ending up as QB maps) when I get tired of doing the historical stuff.
    Welcome to the new world of "I need this book for research". Which becomes piles of interesting, wildly specific books.
    My own particular order of research (project dependent)- contemporary maps and photographs, personal experience (you have walked the area personally), then to personal contemporary accounts from books, modern day Google Earth and this tool to fill in any mysteries.
    I do mainly WW2 stuff, so obviously if the battle is in CMBS, there may be more actual footage of the battle unfolding (chaotic and first person-based as that may be, it can still be informative as to the state of the terrain). This is also true for WW2 stuff, but the chance of finding footage actually from the battle is far more slim.
    If I could give myself some advice when I first started with the Editor, I'd say approach things in the following order (will differ, depending on person!):
    1. Research, accumulate as much information and imagery as possible to understand the action depicted, and the terrain itself.
    2. Figure out the map sizing based upon one of the images (from a source like a map or an aerial image). What the purpose of the map is will help determine this as far as sizing. I generally do huge maps, but if you are doing something small/medium, consider adding some "extra" for maneuver if appropriate.
    3. Create Editor Overlay(s). I might end up with 5-6 for one map, but that is serious overkill for most projects. I use Photoshop, and will have Layers for every source. Generally any period maps (in their own Layers), any aerial imagery from the period depicted, and then a GE image for any areas that may need clarification. Some of these I mark up if needed for ease of organization. One note- I may consider rotating the map to keep roadways at the correct angle for CM roads. That will save some serious agony later.
    4. Create the blank map, sized to the area depicted.
    5. Sketch the roads out. I adapt slightly to avoid "see-saw" roads and fences, etc. This is my one general concession to the Game. Engine. As long as you don't deviate too far, things should line up pretty closely with any map you have. If you rotated themap slightly, the road issue should be as minimized as possible given the tools.
    6. Next I do heights based upon the heightmap Editor Overlay. I adjust slightly around roads, and often raise them in rural areas by 1. Railways get a bump of 2 sometimes if shown as "raised" on the source map. Check 3D view often, and adjust as needed. This can be time-consuming, but the work pays off if you put it in.
    7. Sketch out any fields, forests, swamps or other large swaths of terrain. I have started using one tile of "Dirt" around fields. It seems to look realistic, and also allows me to sketch the fields out, then fill them in and plan it out a bit beforehand. This where you have to start mixing the historical with the creative stuff a bit. The fun stuff.
    8. Trees in forests. I use a large mix, depending on the region. Look at GE Street View, and just observe nature to see how a forest grows. Generally smaller scrub, then the larger stuff. But some pine forests start more abruptly. I'm lucky to know a few forestry people, so I ask them weird questions based upon regional growth from time to time. You may find yourself on some obscure Estonian forestry website before you know it.
    I only do the areas that I have sketched out with Light Woods or Heavy Woods. Don't feel you have to fill in EVERY tile with a tree. I often mix in tree-less tiles in forested areas with Dirt, Tall Yellow Grass and Red Rocky Ground (and others as needed based upon look and region)
    9. Start dropping houses. Google Earth Street View and contemporary images will be helpful here. For CMFB, I think I traveled Stavelot, Noville and the other maps that I am forgetting now in Street View a million times. Along with looking at as many images of particular street corners in towns, etc to see HOW it looked as possible.
    10. The final details. Put up fences, trees in areas where they grow in non-Woods terrain (around houses, etc)
    11. 3D view. Look for problems. You should be doing this quite often during the entire process to be sure you are on track with making it look "right".
  14. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to benpark in CM Community Map?   
    As you proceed, these may be helpful sources in no particular order (I'll add more when I'm at my Home Base).
    1. Using GE eye level on the ground also helps give a basic understanding of LoS and the "lay of the land". You have this one wrapped up.
    2. Combatintman found this topo tool, if you missed it in the other thread:
    This tool is a huge help (especially for complex terrain), but should be used with any other sources you can find
    3. I subscribe yearly to the NCAP, which houses a massive trove of aerial images made by RAF Reconnaissance flights. This is my "go to" for period overlays (sometimes overlaid with GE images, and maybe other sources like period maps- using as many sources as possible). Good for Overlays. Link:
    4. Perry-Castaneda Map Library- a decent source for a wide range of map regions. Just be sure to check the scale is useful (see here for explanation of what these look like: http://www.compassdude.com/map-scales.php). Around 1:24,000 is my general target size. Lower is great, but so rare for that one region you seek that you may as well see a unicorn later in the day.
    5. Mapster- A good source for maps of Poland, eastern Germany and NW Russia/SU (and maybe a little Baltic areas as well, can't recall)
    6. Geoportail- Maps of France. There may be a historical overlay baked in to the site, haven't used it since CMMG, though!
    7. BYU Library- 1:25,000 Maps of Germany
    8. Old Maps Online- Just like the title says. More general, but you can find some fill-in-the-gaps stuff here:
    9. My personal favorite- Old Hapsburg era to ww2 era maps with a sychronized view (for comparing two maps!):
    10. A good source for a variety of WW2 aerial imagery and maps:
    More than a few dead links as well, sadly. I see the great source a few of us used for MG for Dutch maps is now dead (http://erfgoedenlocatie.nl/resultaten/watwaswaar/#cC-Om-6-1-1v-1), but they have transferred the collection (instructions in Dutch, needs to be investigated further now..).
  15. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Right Flank :
    The uncon fight is furious, but sadly, Bil has fire superiority against my guys in the 2 houses.
    At first we hold our own, causing 2 casualties to 1 of our own.

    But then he scores a devastating hit with an RPG round...

    And that takes the wind out of their sails...

    I order the remaining men to Withdraw (crawling)

    And try to move the rest of the force to get LoS to just the ditch and the one building to reduce Bil's force's fire superiority

  16. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    The Watcher in the Woods has LoS to some of the buildings occupied by the enemy, so I order him to shoot them up a tad, hopefully this will get Bil's guys to duck for a bit.

    I get one of my MG-bakkies close enough to see and take a few pot shots at some of Bil's guys near the centre mosque

    And I move the German Fennek HQ to a position where it can see and hopefully lob some grenades on the same units which have been seen crossing open ground.
    The range is close to maximum though. ( this picture doesn't show all my units because, unfortunately for me, we're playing on Iron which I personally dislike - mostly because I have to keep remembering to deselect units to see other units or take screenshots )

    The Sacrificial Lambs and their backup Scimitar reached their destination - now I want them to grab the Touch objective - against Bil, I think it's wise to get as many "easy" points as possible   ( I originally drove up to the zone, but I obviously needed to be more "in it" than the vehicle could get without crushing the wall, so this is a dismount order )

    The Puddlers reach and cross the irrigation canal - they will now lurk in this defile against any infantry incursion down from the heights

    I also get the Orchard Scimitar to put some MG fire on the hills - note that the enemy icons shown are all spots from my Uncons who can largely see behind the hills

  17. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Turn 4:
    Infantry movement is spotted on Apprehension Height and my Fennek fires a few bursts of grenades at them ( the shot is zoomed so appears a bit foreshortened - the range is about 600m )

    We have good cause for this Apprehension...

    Unfortunately, even at 600m, the GMG on the Fennek does not appear to be very accurate. Even the closest rounds aren't enough to make him duck

    And at the end of the turn, he launches ...

  18. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    The infantry Recce team reaches Obj Gold ( Occupy ). They ignore it for now and head for a position giving eyes on the enemy Uncons' movements.

    The Sacrificial Lambs have done their job

    So they're back in the saddle

    And their backup Scimitar moves around to get some more fire on Bil's moving Centre Uncons.

    The Centre Scimitar is going to help out with that as well.

  19. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    The guys I ordered to crawl out of the "hot" houses take more casualties while crawling - in the end, only 1 makes it out of each house. Sad.  

    Remaining orders primarily boil down to a lot of Target Light on the infantry AT position.
  20. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    On the far side of the map, two more bakkies are spotted behind the one my Watcher in the Woods KO'd. They begin to move, but the rearmost one moves into a new position that can still be seen ( shown with arrow ).
    My Scimitar is not very accurate ( I read up about the UK's Rarden cannon and it's supposed to be more accurate than most to make up for its low magazine and slow reload. Hmph, not here it seems. Mumble, mutter ) but eventually lands some rounds near the vehicle - at the end of the turn, the crew have jumped out.
    I'm not sure if it's still a viable vehicle at this point.


  21. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  22. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to IICptMillerII in Disappointed   
    This is a really good summary, and has always been my understanding of what Combat Mission is trying to simulate. CM does not simulate the road march, or even the assembly area. CM starts at the line of departure. 
    Yes, its true that some battles "spill over" from their initial battlespace and develop into larger battles. For example, the Battle of Mogadishu went from an operation centered around a building with 4 secured corners (essentially a city block) to a sizable chunk of the city itself. CM can simulate this. Instead of having the entire Battle of Mogadishu in one massive map, it is simply broken up into the phases of the battle. The first battle would be centered around the target building. The second would be centered around the Rangers moving from the target building to the first crash site. The third battle would center around securing the first crash site, so on and so forth. Would it be more fun if you could just do everything on one massive map with unlimited time? Arguably. The fact remains, that whether or not this would be fun, it is beyond the scope of Combat Mission. 
    Steel Beasts is a fantastic tank sim, and one that I personally enjoy very much. However it is very important to keep in mind what the purpose of that sim is. Most casual players of the sim only fight battles, however this is far from the actual purpose of the sim. Steel Beasts is designed to teach tankers and tank formations how to conduct all possible operations, which includes road marches, how to drive in formation, etc. In fact, the combat in Steel Beasts is secondary to the 'learn to maneuver' element. Steel Beasts has large maps because it wants to simulate both moving to the assembly area, then the attack position, then the line of departure, as well as simulating the actual combat that occurs. Combat Mission is NOT designed to teach the player how to road march a battalion, or how to establish a forward command post, etc. Combat Mission is only designed to simulate the actual fighting. 
    The fact is, the vast majority of armored warfare from its first battle to most recently, all happens within an average distance of 1.5km. The average armored engagement in the Gulf War was roughly 1.5km, despite the misconception that much of the tank fighting happened at 4km+. This simply isn't the case. Combat Mission can currently simulate a map that is 4km x 4km. That is more that double the average armored engagement range. Can battles in CM get a little close for space? Of course, especially when you are dealing with modern vehicle heavy formations and you have more than a BN on either side. CM can still do it though, and I have had more than a few battles in modern CM titles at this scale where everything behaved realistically. It's also worth mentioning that CM is not designed to simulate warfare past the BN level. You can do it of course, but you are going beyond what the simulation has been designed to do. You can do the same in Steel Beasts by simulating a division level action. Can you do it? Yes. Is that what the sim was designed for? No. (For the record, I have never tried to simulate a division level action in Steel Beasts, and I'm not even sure it would run on a modern computer)
    There are numerous definitions for the term maneuver. There are numerous definitions for the term maneuver that apply exclusively to a specific level of warfare. There are numerous definitions for the specific levels of warfare, and most military forces in the world have different definitions for the same terms based on their own perspective and doctrines of warfare. None of these definitions have agreed upon hard stopping points. Where does the tactical level of combat end and the operational level begin? Someone from the US and Russian military would give you a different answer. Further, someone from the Soviet and Russian military would give you yet another different answer. All of this is irrelevant sauce that DoD analysts and S-2's alike love to get lost in, rarely yielding any results. 
    The fact is this: at the level of warfare that CM simulates, there is maneuver. On a 4km x 4km map(or any sized map for that matter), any sized combat element on the battlefield can maneuver to a completely new location on the map. That for all intents and purposes is maneuver at the scale of warfare present in CM. 
    Finally, if what CM provides is simply not enough for you, then just don't play it. I personally think CM is the finest tactical combined arms simulator out there, with no other sims/competition coming even slightly close. This does not mean I am not critical. I am no fanboy. There are more than a few posts and threads by me here on the forum to prove this. I wish that everyone who was interested in warfare at this level could appreciate CM for what it is. I wish that everyone who is in the profession of arms could appreciate CM as a valuable conceptual tool of understanding tactical warfare. This isn't the case, and never will be. If CM was perfect in every possible, there would still be people out there who would dislike it. Human nature I suppose. The point is, I hope you can learn to understand what CM offers and appreciate it for what it is. If you can't then that's too bad, but that is due to your own subjectivity, and not a fault of CM.
    With that, another Miller essay is in the books, here for everyone to ignore! 😄
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    Heirloom_Tomato got a reaction from Badger73 in My Honor Was Loyalty (movie)   
    I tried to watch it two nights ago. The version I saw was dubbed over in English and the actors were terrible. I too got about 15 minutes or so in to the movie and turned it off. They appear to have an impressive line up of AFV but I couldn't get past the wooden dialogue. 
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    Heirloom_Tomato reacted to Pete Wenman in New forum means...   
    You asked and we provided.

    Oh you said uncon - my bad !
  25. Upvote
    Heirloom_Tomato got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in A long delayed update   
    She will be turning 16 in December. Her Grade 10 History Class covered Canadian History from 1900 to present day and of course I was a big help for her WW1 and WW2 sections. When she asked if I had any books on the role of Canada in WW2 and I brought her 15 books..... lets just say her project on Juno Beach was the best in the class! 
    Some of her friends at school like to play World of Tanks and she was griping about how it sucks to start off with a crappy tank when everyone else has uber tanks. I told her should could play with the best, if she played me in CM since everyone can have the best right off the start in CM. We have played a few battles in CMFI and CMRT, platoon of infantry and a tank. She is getting better, but with sports teams and homework it has been a while since we last played. We usually play the battle twice, each of us as either side, just to show her it is possible to win as either Allies or Axis if you use the equipment properly. 
    No allowance in my house, everyone chips in to help out and we take care of spending money for them if needed. 
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