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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. ...or at least an unenhanced photo of Kate Upton's military assets. I have beads.
  2. "Oh, I vanna be an Oskar Meyer Veener..."
  3. Could they not at least have painted targets on their pompoms?
  4. I agree. I rarely deviate from my set lineup of favourite PixelTruppen, regardless of terrain or type of engagement.
  5. Just to be contrarian, I'll point out that I wouldn't have noticed the ambusher without the red circle. Instead, I would have assumed the rear view of the Panther was revealing the open escape hatch and potential survivors.
  6. Until the war broke out Willy had been a vegetarian.
  7. True that. The heart, KSquared. The heart...
  8. from Wiki: "Another distinctive trait of the Bersaglieri is the fast jog pace they keep on parades..." There's a joke there somewhere. "Run away!"
  9. So, basically it's all about style over substance is what you're saying.
  10. "Six months in Deutschland, six months in Amerika. I know we can make it work."
  11. OK, KSquared. How about an "enhanced" image, then?
  12. ...or mere distraction allowing other members of their unit to escape.
  13. Never understood the pompoms on their helmets. Early Infra-red?
  14. "Do you wanna come up and see my etchings?"
  15. Too funny, BP. So if I understand you correctly, what you're saying is Final Blitzkrieg won't be released tomorrow?
  16. Cool. A patio on wheels. The only thing missing is a hot tub, unless... Seriously though, what's the story behind this tracked vehicle thing?
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