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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. "Full Metal Jacket", Baby. Kubrick is/was genius. RIP.
  2. True that, Ian. I also asked that we not judge, lest we be judged. Screw that. Judge away.
  3. A master of the double entendre, Willy was known by his countrymen as a German with a sense of humour.
  4. "Dick, eh? Don't worry.You're not that 'thick'. Despite what your men might say."
  5. "Where's the damn Fog of War when you need it?"
  6. "How'd you guess? You can call me...Dick. It's short for..." "I noticed."
  7. "It wouldn't happen to be 'Richard', would it?"
  8. "The kids? I don't even know your name."
  9. All Hail, Red Green! Imagine showing up at The Possum Lodge in that thing.
  10. Which means there must be half a Sherman out there somewhere. Next stop eBay!
  11. "I don't care what anyone else says. We can be heroes."
  12. @ Big Boss Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. BTW, do you happen to know the story behind the Sherman @ the 7:00 mark? (ie. where's the rest of it?)
  13. "What would you say to Springtime in Paris?"
  14. True that. I understand he even made off with FIFA's cutlery.
  15. An order for 300 Skinks was made initially. Only three were actually produced. The lone Skink to see action overseas served with the 4th Canadian Armoured Division in March 1945. Although designed for an anti-aircraft role, there was little enemy presence in the skies over Europe upon its arrival. Its quad-20mm guns were more than a match for the helpless ground troops it did face. Enough to warrant an appearance in an upcoming CM release? Hell, yeah!
  16. Who needs to play the game when we've got screenies like these?
  17. @ Marka Nice synopsis. Thanks for doing the legwork. @ Bil Thanks for doing the between-the-ears-work.
  18. "...though I'd settle for one out of uniform if I had to."
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