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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Sarge: "So, how long ya been in the 'Hitler Youth'?" Willy: "Don't be silly. Back home we call them 'Gerry's Kids'."
  2. Willy himself was but a child. Which didn't bother Sarge in the least.
  3. ... the Me262 will be making an appearance.
  4. The elation of choosing between "Adolf" and "Franklin" soon gave way to despair when Willy and Sarge realized their first born might, in fact, be a boy.
  5. Ok. I admit it doesn't come close to the anticipation of The Return of The Prodigal Son. But it'll just have to do.
  6. Just got a text message from The Saviour. He says that despite the delay in releasing The Bulge, even He wouldn't bet on Himself showing up any time soon. He also hastened to add that, just like BFC, He wished His Father had taken the time to do the job right before unleashing people on poor old Planet Earth.
  7. Just got a text message from The Saviour. He says that despite the delay in releasing The Bulge, even He wouldn't bet on Himself showing up any time soon. He also hastened to add that, just like BFC, He wished His Father had taken the time to do the job right before unleashing people on poor old Planet Earth.
  8. Tree foliage, eh? Looks like we might have another LOS issue.
  9. Sarge: "As for naming the kids, I'm leaning towards 'Franklin'." Willy: "I can see that."
  10. Of course, the irony of being estranged from his father for being"too German" was not lost on poor Wilhelm.
  11. Too funny, Burkey. He's obviously been smoking something. I would hasten to add that his colleague has apparently discovered a new form of birth control.
  12. "Adolf, eh?" Although Willy had mentioned his mother Eva, the Sarge hadn't quite connected the dots.
  13. Sarge had been dying to have kids ever since ...he'd met Willy.
  14. The truck driver's living the dream. Who can blame him? He's gone from playing chauffeur to GI Johann.
  15. "Kids? Oh, yes. Most definitely. I've always liked the name 'Adolf'. It runs in my family."
  16. Too funny, Sarge. BTW, you wouldn't happen to be related to the "Sarge" in this thread, would you?
  17. Unless it turns into vinegar. That said, I'm a "glass half full" kinda guy.
  18. ...but what's wrong with sharing bodily fluids, between friends?
  19. It was then that his Guardian Angel whispered in his ear: "Forget addressing the haggis and start dressing the wound."
  20. Sarge didn't get the reference but then, he was otherwise occupied.
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