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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. The Sarge and Willy knew that their afternoon trysts would one day come to an end.
  2. "Well, no one has ever accused me of being a whistleblower."
  3. "Losing a war. Now that would really suck."
  4. "Tell me, Sarge. Can you re-member a time before you were dis-membered?"
  5. Actually, Fuser, it was a Mobelwagen (insert Umlaut here). Not sure what you'd call it in its current state.
  6. "So, what are your thoughts about gays joining the Army?"
  7. "If you don't mind, I'd like to take things slowly."
  8. I'm afraid we Trolls take exception to the "urban legend" that this statement conveys. I mean, since when was being a "Troll" a bad thing? And...oh...could you please direct me to the nearest bridge? (P)resident Trollâ„¢
  9. Sepp who? (Must be a typo. His real name should be "Sap". That, and the fact he would be more likely to be taking - not giving - the roll of Euros.)
  10. All is fair in what-passes-for-love...and war.
  11. Sometimes one must shout in order to be heard.
  12. That's "BLSTK", my Dear Aragorn. Lay off the wine.
  13. KSquared wrote: "I just mod the wall bmp and slap the poster..." Does that not contravene The Geneva Convention?
  14. Funny how the line between love and hate becomes blurred.
  15. Wiggum, if that's your real name, here's hoping Santa brings you Spellcheck...next year.
  16. There will only ever be one Burkey. And only one Oddball.
  17. Cue The Sex Pistols. Get it? Pistol. As in gun. As in staying on thread.
  18. You are a reasonable man, Ian. As (P)resident Trollâ„¢, I can assure you that trolls are not to be reasoned with. By all means, feed the troll. But don't drink the Tang.
  19. Someone's been into the Koolaid again. Or was it Tang?
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