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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Tofurkey is starting to look pretty good at this point.
  2. Of course, we could do the world a favour and stuff both.
  3. First we had Italians in Mouse Ears. Now this. What is this war coming to?!
  4. Only when BFC has modelled the War of 1812 can we declare it dead. Until then, game on! http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110686
  5. Yo, Molester...I was just thinking of you. Our local SPCA is promoting a free adoption of black cats in honour of "Black Friday". I realize this is wrong on many levels, but...I just had to let you know.
  6. Wikipedia gives us this gem: "The Bersaglieri... have always been a high-mobility light infantry unit, and can still be recognized by the distinctive wide brimmed hat that they wear (only in dress uniform in modern times), decorated with black capercaillie feathers. The feathers are usually applied to their combat helmets. Another distinctive trait of the Bersaglieri is the fast jog pace they keep on parades, instead of marching." I suppose the terms "high-mobility" and "jog" are euphemisms for "Run away!"
  7. Thanks for posting, Kenzie. Looks like the Italians had their own "Mickey Mouse Club", judging by their headgear. Which one is Annette?
  8. *SPOILER ALERT* I just finished the "Hell in the Hedgerows" scenario, after a third attempt. It wasn't so much the hedgerows but that blasted barbed wire that slowed me down. Did someone say "blasted"? I wish.
  9. Of all the late-war technological advances made by the Axis, perhaps the most promising development was the practical application of levitation.
  10. How about some "fireworks"? I'd love to see a munitions depot go sky-high.
  11. The death of CM has been greatly exaggerated. If anything, this community is spoiled for choice. When it comes to gaming options from both private and "corporate" scenario creators, there's something for everyone. And, while I'll take quality over quantity any day, thanks to BFC we have both.
  12. ...and every single one of them has "Michael" scrawled on the inside. And not in ink, either.
  13. Combat Mission: >check Stopped at Stalingrad: >check We're on our way, boys! The book, written by Joel Hayward, is the best I've read on the subject. I'm not surprised it's considered "required reading". Disclosure: No, I do not receive any royalties.
  14. poesel71: That man alone can assure the future of the Aryan race! Depends*...not if she sees him first. *For discussion purposes only. "Depends" is the brand name of an adult diaper. Don't ask how I know this.
  15. Just once, I'd like to scorch the earth from under my enemy's feet.
  16. How sweet would it be to be able to take out an entire lane of bocage? Sometimes a single demo charge simply doesn't "cut it". Of course, I too would settle for a pink pony (preferably with polka dots).
  17. Will someone please get this man a Schwimmwagen?! Santa, are you listening?
  18. "Hmmm. Und Oscar Wilde sought he had it bad." [From his deathbed, Wilde is reported to have said: "It's either me or the wallpaper. One of us has to go."]
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