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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. To say I'm late to the party would be an understatement. Your 800 hours of creating this masterpiece was time well spent, judging from the feedback in this thread. The replayability of your scenarios means I will have spent just as many hours trying to "solve" your clever missions. They are nothing short of pure genius. Thank you, Paper Tiger! PS - can I have my life back now?
  2. As one tank rider said to another: "Hang on. The Eastern Front's gonna be one helluva ride!" ...or something like that.
  3. Who wouldn't want to simulate the tag team tactics of certain T34 commanders at Kursk? To be able to box-in their German counterparts before landing the coup de grace? Unleash the dogs of war.
  4. Too funny. Gleichfals, mein Bruder!
  5. You, Sir, are an artist. I especially like the "cameo" effect.
  6. if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em. Or something like that.
  7. ...said the kettle. Or was that the pot(head)? At least I can spell "IQ".
  8. Put yer gun back in yer holster pardner. Yer lowering our collective IQ.
  9. And zen zers zee leetle matter of zee "courage".
  10. ...and blindfolded. It also helps ease the pain of having the AI whoop (my) ass...yet again.
  11. The French did a wonderful job of training their men to raise their hands above their heads. Unfortunately, their tanks were designed with combatants in mind. In the end, the French were unable to drive their own tanks.
  12. I'd definitely support The Blitzkrieg Campaign. As for simulating French units, how hard would it be to model a division of Parisian waiters? Those aprons could serve handily as white flags.
  13. Well, so much for a "Silent" Knight. You keep on being you, John. We (I) love you just the way you are. Best Wishes to my Forum Brethren. Here's hoping for a Healthy and Happy New Year to you all!
  14. Ha, Ha...Hasn't BFC done enough "stonewalling"?
  15. Vinny, you've just described my love life. Or did you mean hand-to-hand "combat"?
  16. Hilarious, Andrew. Aren't you a "saucy" one?!
  17. @ iMolestCats We trust no cats were harmed during the reading of this announcement.
  18. Oh, and Santa, just one more thing. Looks like we're all gonna need winter gear. I hope you like beer with your cookies.
  19. Santa and his elves have been hard at work. Thank you BFC. And Merry Christmas one and all!
  20. Hey Erwin, maybe you'll get a new keyboard for Christmas!
  21. But leave it to a North American to correct "a" European's grammar.
  22. You have a point there, judging by Jon's calculating prowess. Still, it is a rather small sample size.
  23. In related news, Ken's garbage can has flipped its lid.
  24. Just spotted the following on eBay*. "For sale: one rainbow-coloured house. Location: Charleston, NC"
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