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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Time to man up. How many of you have got your playoff beard on?
  2. Considering the fact that Canadian Thanksgiving is only three days away, I would be truly "thankful" should this prove to be true.
  3. BTW, violence never settles anything. But marshmallows DO taste better over an open fire.
  4. It may take the Brits setting fire to the White House to get the government moving again. In others news, BFC celebrates the Bicentennial of the War of 1812.
  5. Oh, and Sublime, there will be plenty of time to write your essay AFTER Boston wins the World Series. Go Sox!
  6. Glad to help out, Sublime. You can start by checking the various posts in this thread. Lotsa links...you can just pick and choose. I'd love to get more of an American point of view, though, as many of these sites are funded by the Canadian government. Gentlemen, we all know there was more to the War of 1812 than beavertail. Sublime is on a mission. Let us know if you've come across a good read or website that can serve to broaden the discussion.
  7. Welcome aboard, DL. Representing the Beautiful Bruce Peninsula!
  8. For more historical context, here is a timeline for the War of 1812: http://www.historicplaces.ca/en/pages/33_1812.aspx
  9. Not only was he the gunner, turns out he was also the driver. Thanks for sharing, Noob.
  10. Our man Klaus goes from firing a Faust to aiming a rifle in the time it takes for the warhead to explode. With reflexes like that is it any wonder the Germans won the war? PS - Great action capture, EZ.
  11. I've already come up with a campaign slogan: "Uncle Steve (Harper) Wants You!" PS - I wouldn't worry about a lack of CM playing time. You could always just "go pro-rogue".
  12. I would sooo vote for this man Leslie for Prime Minister...or for President, for that matter.
  13. So much for the image of the "conservative" Canuck, eh?
  14. Ian, your idea of "some hot bed playing" and mine are not the same thing. Throw in some beaver tail and I'll reconsider.
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