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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Forum Brethren, allow me to reiterate that good neighbours don't need fences...this is as true today as it was two hundred years ago.
  2. Michael, I would love to discuss this further with you, since you clearly care about those around you. How about you open your own thread?
  3. Michael, they are not "missing". I know the name and location of every single one of them.
  4. I too have been savouring The Road to Montebourg. Thank goodness for the extra five minutes at the end of The Labyrinth. There's a reason they call it "injury time".
  5. Were protective cups issued to Flak gunners? If only for the sake of increasing the likelihood of a Fourth Reich.
  6. You, my friend, have an eye for capturing the beauty in war.
  7. I stumbled across an interesting document entitled: "The Undefended Border: the Myth and the Reality", detailing the on-again-off-again relationship between the United States and Canada. Check out the following link: http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/008004/f2/H-1_en.pdf
  8. Go easy on the Wagner, Aragorn. Next thing you know, you'll be goose-stepping.
  9. Nice try, Kenzie. I'm not leaving anytime soon. Regardless of my age.
  10. Alti, you never cease to amaze. Even when I threw in a red herring (trick question), you nailed it. And thanks for the clarification, Michael. I'm thinking Mardi Gras that year must have been quite the party.
  11. @ mjkerner: "If I ever won the lottery, Steve, I'd put you and the rest of BFC on my personal payroll at a very handsome salary (and bennies!), hire whoever the hell else you needed to cover the rest of the war on all fronts and including the Spanish Civil War and Korean War, and we'd all be happy as pigs in mud. Alas, I don't play the lottery. Sorry." Unlike my good man Mr. Kerner, I DO play the lottery. And should I ever be so fortunate as to win the Big One, I would gladly bankroll Steve and Company's newest venture in order bring us the War of 1812. ...the first round is on (not at) me!
  12. ...although Seventy-fifth does have a nice ring to it.
  13. Ageed. Michael, you might want to check out post # 96. It's the one that's NOT about beaver tail.
  14. Interesting. I think both sides could (and do) argue justifiably that they were the victors. Certainly, as a Canadian I see the outcome as having shaped the nation's identity as much as the War of Independence did south of the border.
  15. So much for a Seventieth Anniversary Edition, eh?
  16. Speaking of respect, there remains to this day a unique relationship between neighbors/neighbours that is difficult to characterize. I call it a mutual respect. Perhaps it is proof of that same respect that even after 130 posts, no one has asked the question: Who won the War of 1812?
  17. I like your choice of words, Michael. "Unfortified" it is. And because we are so civilized, I shall use the American spelling to extend an offer to "love my neighbor."
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